Duty Time and extending the 10hr day

The way I read it, the new TM has found some new wrinkles that allow the rules to be bent or interpreted in different ways.
As the OP says, “are an abuse of interpretation”.

But a “non-confrontational chat” is normally good advice. :+1:

Only if OP is armed with knowledge of the updated legislation: No point having “a chat” if this TM is going to make things up, or hasn’t understood the changes properly. These rules are not “obscure”, they’ve been part of our legislation for almost four years and have been widely discussed online.

No job or company loyalty is worth losing your license for . Exceptions are just that , exceptional with proof required. The ministry boys and the cops aren’t stupid they’ve seen every trick and excuse in the book and then some . “ My boss told it would be ok “ or my TM made me do it won’t wash and most of them will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat.

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‘‘Most of them will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat’’
Absolutely and categoricaly accurate…and then some.
My motto at work since falling foul is…
‘NEVER trust the ■■■■ s to back you up when things go wrong’…and it has worked fine since.
Oh yeah…and ALWAYS get your own back, but without them realising…so both parties are happy

thats what I’m scared of

I dont get it why you are ‘scared’.
It’s a fortnight since your question.
Surely you must have sorted it now somewhere between telling them ‘Sorry but I aint prepared to do that’’ and ‘Go and ■■■■ yourself’’ ?

Agreed. You’ve been given the info to challenge this guy and to resolve this (false) claim; if he can’t show you in an official documents where he’s getting his ideas from, then he’s just making it up, or as I said before, he has not understood the “exceptional circumstances” caveat, detailed in the link I gave you for the August 2020 legislation.

Telling DVSA or Police “my TM told me it was ok”, won’t cover your derriere if you’re getting fined for it, he’ll undoubtedly deny it, because I’ll wager he hasn’t put this in writing?