Duty hours question

hi just a hypothetical question, if I had already worked 2 15 hour shifts in a week and my boss then asked me to double man for a 15 plus shift could I only be on duty for 15 hours or is it legal to do more? thanks in advance.

hi just a hypothetical question, if I had already worked 2 15 hour shifts in a week and my boss then asked me to double man for a 15 plus shift could I only be on duty for 15 hours or is it legal to do more? thanks in advance.

Welcome to Trucknet-UK eunosben :wink:

The regulations say that when double manning, within 30 hours from the end of your last daily/weekly rest period you should have completed a daily rest period of at least nine hours.
So yes as long as you have the required breaks you could do a double manning shift which involved you being on duty for over 15 hours.

Hope this helps :wink:

cheers for the welcome and the info chap

Even not double manned you could do it if you have only done two 15’s since your last weekly rest, the regulations allow you to do three under normal circumstances

my boss then asked me to double man for a 15 plus shift could I only be on duty for 15 hours or is it legal to do more?

Even not double manned you could do it if you have only done two 15’s since your last weekly rest, the regulations allow you to do three under normal circumstances

The ops talking about a shift of over 15 hours :wink: