DSA consultation - me on local radio tomorrow Tue 10th

The radio session was a bit short and I did not manage to get in much in relation to LGV training :cry: :cry:

The meeting went very well. It does seem this time that the DSA are serious about change. I think the Government have run out of places to go - they have done what they can with the engineering of roads, with vehicle design and enforcement and the penny has finally dropped - it is the DRIVER that needs attention :exclamation:
The meeting at the Walkers stadium was the first of many and the set up was well thought out. We were put in groups of about 5 on seperate tables and each table had it’s own DSA representative as well as a very quick keyboad typist who logged every suggestion and comment that was said.
I could rant on for ages as to how useful is was but I’ll cut to a short version - THE DSA WERE LISTENING - EDUCATION starting in schools is DEFINITELY on the cards and might be a NVQ course which WILL include some form of ‘ATTITUDE’ testing and debate.

As regards the upgrading of a licence - I did manage to point out that the HPT was of no use whatsoever to those that were upgrading. There is a major rethink on the HPT and it may be scrapped for upgrades and for first time testers, car/bikes, it is either going to go 3D or they are going to install simulators countrywide.
There is a proposal not to make the answers to the car theory questions available so candidates will have to research for the answers and not ‘learn them by rote’ - they may also do this for the LGV theory questions.

Nothing in the proposals for the statutory training and testing for LGV instructors, however, there is going to be a second countrywide set of meetings to discuss options for ADIs and other trainers - I look forward to attending that one :exclamation: :slight_smile: