Ok gents put me straight on this one.I was told yrs ago that you could be fined if you drove in footwear that didnt have a heel on it in holland,is this true or drivers bullcrap?
regards dave’
P.S. I never took any notice.
When ibgot stopped in Holland for a check they said nothing about my lack of foot wear. And in fact the kind Dutch police man when getting in said I’ll not put my boots on your carpet! Ots very common to leave boots on step in parts of Europe. Lots of Dutchmen do it and its extremely common in Scandinavia
Used to drive in flip flops got stopped by the condoms at the paeige just north of Bordeaux they never made a comment about it but wouldnt like to push it with the Germans the way they are with their fine happy attitude
So traffic cops pulled you over for say speeding and they saw you where not wearing shoes etc could they give you a fixed penalty. I had a friend who had an accident simply because they had flip flops on. Got caught between brake and accelerator pedal.
I wouldn’t personally recommend driving in flip flops after experiencing a ■■■■ clenching incident while my misses was at the wheel.
I have however been driving in socks for the last couple of years and had no problems apart from, as Luke mentioned, my socks don’t last very long.
Working the night shift I’ve had a couple of pulls from plod both here and in holland and nothing has ever been mentioned about it.
In fact the only grief I get is when the truck goes for service and the fitter upon acknowledging the clean footwell goes straight to the stores to book out the grease filled boot soles.
By the way Derf, the latest DAFs have a nice flat plate over then exhauster which makes using it in socks much more comfortable.
almost always drive in socks, was asked by the BAG if I don’t get cold driving like that once otherwise was stopped once in a blizzard in poland and all he wanted to see was that I had my shoes on. the german police videos on youtube show a finnish driver getting a €150 fine for driving in socks though.
Ok gents put me straight on this one.I was told yrs ago that you could be fined if you drove in footwear that didnt have a heel on it in holland,is this true or drivers bullcrap?
regards dave’
P.S. I never took any notice.
When ibgot stopped in Holland for a check they said nothing about my lack of foot wear. And in fact the kind Dutch police man when getting in said I’ll not put my boots on your carpet! Ots very common to leave boots on step in parts of Europe. Lots of Dutchmen do it and its extremely common in Scandinavia
I can conccur, Almost all my old colleagues in Holland and Denmark drove in their socks and kept their shoes on the top step.
Thing is, I just couldn’t get my head round it. I might take my (clean) boots off on a very long drive to rub my feet but I just preferred to be ‘ready for action’ with my boots on.
The one or two people on TNUK who actually know me will tell you that I look after the trucks I drive as though I paid for them myself. So you can keep 'em clean it’s just a bit more hassle.
Some of the drivers at our place wear trainers to drive in and do admin jobs and just keep their work boots for when they are needed. Seems fair enough to me…
this thread came in just the right time for me as my feet sweat a fair bit in boots and with me being on containers i dont see the need to have them on all the time gonna try socks / bear feet see how i find it
I find it best to drive in socks, because it scratches the dash if you have boots on when you put your feet up on those long mway runs with the cruise control on.
My boots and consequently my footwell get way to dirty to even think about taking them off! Im usually in and out of the cab all day so taking them off is to much work! Sadly I will never know what it’s like to drive with only my socks, I yearn to press those pedals and feel the truck against my foot…
Trainers for driving and doing admin. If I turn up at a mucky/muddy site, I slip my trainers off in the driver footwell and climb across into the passenger side and put my boots on which I keep there. Out the passenger door and get the job done. Return of the above before moving off.
My cab is cleaned at least twice a week and the footwells are done when I get back to the yard on a friday night.
One bloke I know got a $350.00 fine for not wearing proper shoes when driving his truck. One other nloke I know always drove barefoot and didn’t give a toss. I wouldn’t drive barefoot because the pedals are usually a bit dirty.
I read somewhere, in Germany it was illegal to drive in backless shoes.
Yes correct I remember somewhere in this forum, someone had fine for no backless shoes by German Polizei also there has new product for clogs with back strap and steel toe cap!