Driving at night


Surely driving with the light on would impair your vision at night?

Plenty of coffee, the Dark Lord at 2am, and if it gets to you STOP for a rest. Sod what the gaffers say.


It’s not a troll post it’s a legit question . I am an HGV driver looking for advice on a truck forum . Your the one spamming the thread saying i’m trolling .

Think you might have got the wrong post there pal.

If you don’t want my advice, you only have to say so.


Haven’t some trucks got night lights in them? My MAN has, think its either blue or red…

Mine has red interior lights, :blush: I’ve been told there so you can put a light on a night, to find something in the cab when driving without ruining your night vision. I do find having them on when driving at night seems to help stay awake.

I always used to have a red light on behind me over the top bunk at night…and drank lots of coffee and ate regularly . And the Dark Lord on radio 2 at 2AM…with a twisted sense of humour!

Blue light keeps you awake, which i use when i night trunk to Livingston.I swear by it.Google it, and it tells you all about the scientific side of it.

If you have a smartphone, download the free app called Flashlight.This gives you a torch for your phone, but also you can turn your full screen into any colour, including blue.Plug phone into charger and place your blue light wherever you prefer.I put mine so it is facing my face from the centre of the dash.

Plus i take coffee, and i never get tired at all, and that is with
not always getting much sleep through the day due to personal circumstances.

Isn’t that what they call a “placebo” ■■



Surely driving with the light on would impair your vision at night?

Plenty of coffee, the Dark Lord at 2am, and if it gets to you STOP for a rest. Sod what the gaffers say.


It’s not a troll post it’s a legit question . I am an HGV driver looking for advice on a truck forum . Your the one spamming the thread saying i’m trolling .

Maybe the fact about you asking about driving with the cab light on makes one wonder!
Surely any driver would know that would be a very silly thing to do and would certainly not keep you awake.
If you cannot sleep during the day give it up before you cause a bad accident.

^ This

Using the interior lights at night isn’t just an issue of night vision it’s also one of reflections in the windscreen.While it won’t make the slightest difference in keeping you awake if you’re too tired to drive.




Surely driving with the light on would impair your vision at night?

Plenty of coffee, the Dark Lord at 2am, and if it gets to you STOP for a rest. Sod what the gaffers say.


It’s not a troll post it’s a legit question . I am an HGV driver looking for advice on a truck forum . Your the one spamming the thread saying i’m trolling .

Maybe the fact about you asking about driving with the cab light on makes one wonder!
Surely any driver would know that would be a very silly thing to do and would certainly not keep you awake.
If you cannot sleep during the day give it up before you cause a bad accident.

^ This

Using the interior lights at night isn’t just an issue of night vision it’s also one of reflections in the windscreen.While it won’t make the slightest difference in keeping you awake if you’re too tired to drive.

If anything it will make it worse as you will be straining your eyes similar to when dawn breaks during twilight hours.

I find putting the red light on helps…and you can make a few extra quid if you leave it on in a layby :laughing:

Really though,I find it helps and have no probs with reflections with the white ones either.









Two Pro plus pills with my “Breakfast” before I start my shift and I can do a 12 hour without a yawn.
I used to do the Red Bull,but I find it tastes ■■■■■■■ awful,and being a diabetic it has too much sugar in.

one of our lads had a double driver turn up on a job , only to announce he doesn’t " do" night driving as he hates it . My mate pointed to the truck and told him there was a clue in the name of our firm , the one said double driver had asked to work for !! LOLALOT :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Strong coffee and a 15minute nap, make sure you set the alarm as its easy to sleep a bit longer than you should.
Stop and walk around for five mins, turn aircon to cold, take a detour off the motorway (accident boss!) a road you don’t know keeps you awake.
If the blinks are getting longer then stop, rather 20 late than dead!