Drivers DCPC cutting it close

I’m aware of a firm on Southampton docks (rhymes with rolf didgeridoo “H……) who would deduct a fiver or so from their drivers wages each week to pay for the cost of the dcpc, but they deducted far more than they needed to.

No one can legally deduct money from your wages without your permission, so that would be the moment to tell them “I’ll sort my own DCPC requirements out, do not touch my wages”.

its a difficult one. with out the cpc i cant legally work so one could argue its for my benefit that i get the qualification however, if work are paying for it and im doing it on my rest day is it a rest day as i am doing work related activities even more difficult if they are paying me as well.

On the other hand when i did my adr packages there were two of us going to a different depot even though we were being paid 8 hours a day and never did 8 hours the other guy complained that he wasnt going to drive back and forth everyday so they put us up in a hotel with a meal allowance for dinner. then he moaned that he wasnt going to pay for petrol to get to and from the hotel and to the course each day so they said they would pay for the petrol he used if he got receipts so he moaned about the ware and tare on his car so they agreed to hire a car for us. When we got our wages he moaned that he didnt get night out allowance. he then claimed his adr card hadnt turned up for 6 monrhs afterwards making the other drivers go out thier way to cover the drops he couldnt do.

Yeah well that bloke is a complete pi55 taker and does not deserve or appreciate working for a decent firm… send him to my lot for a couple of weeks.:joy:

When you do CPC in what is essentially your ‘own time’ but spent at work, .(…work as in at your depot or yard,) it is deemed non work cos it’s convenient to them and it suits ‘them’…simple.
As well as you say you needing a CPC, they need you to have a CPC…otherwise there are no qualified drivers.
‘They’ being powers that be and boss.
Otherwise you would need to take an extended rest period, and their trucks would be sat in yard.

But if you decided to go in weekend and say…clean your cab out in your ‘own time’ at work, or washed the truck unpaid (if you are daft enough to that is :roll_eyes:) no doubt that unpaid time spent in depot would as if by magic be deemed ‘other work’.
That is the way I see it, when rules are conveniently bent and essentially broken, when it suits them.

Very similar to the facility to extend your hours (as if :roll_eyes:) in bad weather periods, when suddenlly it is now safe to drive more than 10 hours,.where as week before it was highly dangerous. :roll_eyes:

Despite the guy taking the Michael he has a Point, because he’s being paid to attend the course his personal vehicle insurance policy most likely states that he’s only insured for travel to/from 1 place of work, so the company should make provision to provide him with the means of transportation so he can attend the event during work hours, and if the location of the course is far enough away from his home then there is an expectation that the company should arrange suitable accommodation for him and anyone else who is attending the course

Yeah ok,…or they could just refuse to pay them like the other firms, thus saving any hassle for them, and much easier from their pov.

That is a classic example of my ‘reap what they sow’ point.
He works for a firm who apparentlly looks after and considers their drivers.
If it was me I would gladly work in with them and co.operate,… as that bloke should, who obvs does not know when he is well off.:roll_eyes:

If they are a bunch of wonkers be a complete arrogant arse with them, (in the way he is)
If they respect you respect them back and reciprocate…it’s a 2 way thing in both scenarios imo.

Then the driver would be in their rights to choose not to attend the course at their expense and in their own time. Then no one would win

Yep, reckon you are right.
Classic case of bite off nose to spite face.
I would still accept the terms offered to him though personally, much better option all round I would reckon.

@cooper1203 Sounds like the guy didn’t want to do adr and preferred just to take the loads that require no thought or responsibility.

Yep that’s a point, and he was maybe getting paid the same for either type of load, so maybe in that case I can begin to see his point after all.:grin: