Driver shortage


Which jobs do Prison qualifications prepare one for?
Lemme see… A good Phd (‘Porridge - have done’) could well be the only thing getting you into the following jobs nowdays…

Estate Agents
Used Car Dealers
CEO of any large business

Feel free to add to this list - It’s hardly a complete one. :unamused:

  • MPs.

MP should have been at the top - no doubt about that.

What’s not generally understood is that when someone enters prison at the start of their sentence they become the victim, not the person that suffered at their hands.

As such they have to be looked after and made to feel like royalty and everyone has to run around to satisfy their every need.

Until this situation is made known there will continue to be misunderstandings about who the real victim’s are.

I hope this clarifies the point.

bald bloke:

…people are less likely to cut up trucks if they are aware the driver could be an ex-con.

Why ? :confused:

Some might argue that at the current rate of cyclist attrition, by 2015 ALL truck drivers might be ex-cons. :frowning:



Which jobs do Prison qualifications prepare one for?
Lemme see… A good Phd (‘Porridge - have done’) could well be the only thing getting you into the following jobs nowdays…

Estate Agents
Used Car Dealers
CEO of any large business

Feel free to add to this list - It’s hardly a complete one. :unamused:

  • MPs.

MP should have been at the top - no doubt about that.

MP’s are ALL of the above already! - That’s why they don’t get mentioned for their “Shell job”.

You don’t get any MP’s who’s “other job” is “works in McD’s” or “drives a truck” now doya? :stuck_out_tongue:

Not all prisoners are murderers, rapists, bank robbers and drug dealers.
Many have been hard working people that found themselves on the wrong side of the law. Being laid off or made redundant and becoming hard up for cash can make people take a wrong turn in life.
Many of them will become very dedicated and hard working people once again. But quite a few will simply do the courses to keep the Govenor happy.


Which jobs do Prison qualifications prepare one for?
Lemme see… A good Phd (‘Porridge - have done’) could well be the only thing getting you into the following jobs nowdays…

Estate Agents
Used Car Dealers
CEO of any large business

Feel free to add to this list - It’s hardly a complete one. :unamused:

  • MPs.


I’ve heard comments numerous times like " o so you’re a lorry driver, how many prostitues you killed then?"…Can imagine the comments if this actually happens.

I’ll start worrying when prison factories start to have their soon-to-be-released inmates weaving carpets. :open_mouth:

I’ll start worrying when prison factories start to have their soon-to-be-released inmates weaving carpets. :open_mouth:

Like this guy

Bit of a quandary this one innit? If you assume that all prisoners (who don’t actually die whilst in prison) eventually become ex prisoners one day we end up with a ticking time bomb given the high rate of reoffending of ex cons caused ( I suspect) in many cases by an inability to achieve gainful employment.

So maybe it is time to try something new for a change? Sure, some may reoffend and end up back in clink, but some may go on to be tax paying nett contributors to society and never again pick up as much as a speeding ticket.

It’s probably not a perfect solution, but it sure as ■■■■ is better than just wringing our hands together whilst moaning about reoffending rates!


I’ll start worrying when prison factories start to have their soon-to-be-released inmates weaving carpets. :open_mouth:

Like this guy

…this one too! :smiley: