Driver jailed for cyclist death

Wheel Nut:


some of the replies on this thread have really annoyed me why must of he been a agency driver ?what are you trying to say that we dont care about other peoples lives and cannot drive safely and efficently you need need to give your head a shake and stop making stupid comments
:imp: :imp:

I’m all for taking the ■■■■ on this site, but even my sick sense of humour fails to find anything funny here, a man has died, in what seems to be an unfortunate accident, nothing humourous there, next the ‘driver’ has attempted to cover it up, again nothing funny. In fact he should’ve been given a lot longer inside because what he did after the fact is inhumane.

Yes, and I think Shrek would agree that the [zb] driving the plod car was an arse too. The post of mine was from the drivers local newspaper, it was they who said he was an agency driver, and where he delivered to before trying to cover it up.

I couldn’t give a toss whether he was an agency driver or not, my issue was that people found the incident funny.

I know nothing about PC Searles incident so cannot comment on that.

When we are discussing an accident that resulted in death are smileys and silly remarks appropriate?That mans family have to live with the consequences every day.

you know him then? best of mates maybe? :unamused:

As this is a forum that does not require membership then it is possible that people that knew him may be reading…

It doesn’t matter whether anybody knew the bloke or his family FFS. The fact is that somebody got killed, maybe accidently, maybe through bad driving, nothing at all funny there, then there was an attempt to cover up the accident, that’s a criminal offence & criminal offences that spring from someone’s death are not in the least bit funny.

I joined this site to enjoy some friendly banter and of course handy information but sadly nearly evey post i read involves bickeing of some sort. Its not a very welcoming site at all.
As for the man who died rip buddy, and for the members who mocked the cyclist, shame on you.

His sister works for warburtonss in wakefield, the driver should have gone down for longer

No, I did not know the cyclist in question.I was a club cyclist about 40 years ago and was buddies with a few people who were involved in serious accidents. In March I was knocked down by a careless car driver could have been worse.I dont think that its right to tell folk on a Professional drivers forum that death on the roads is not a laughing matter.

must have been an agency driver, or polish. :laughing:

Yeah, Stubbs is very common Polish name and every second chap is called Andrew…

some of the replies on this thread have really annoyed me why must of he been a agency driver ?

Suprisingly no one protesting about jokes that he was Polish, even if that was even more stupid one :unamused:

Cruise Control:
‘… trolley dollying … agency drivers tend to stand out like a sore thumb when your cab rattles as the trolley whistles past you at warp 9 …’

OK, I’ll bite …but only to suggest that evidence on the highway illustrates that the majority of trolley fleets have been restricted to 50-52 these last six months.

That’s either a long rest period you’re on - or your pedals need some tarmac instead of living room carpet under them…

I work agency for Tesco - we get a weekly report as to how we are driving (summat called ‘fleetboard’ i think)

last week i scored 97.5 and 98.5 out of 100. If your marks drope to low, you dont get the work, simples. so driving above 52 will stop you getting work, so i play the game.

I work agency for Tesco - we get a weekly report as to how we are driving (summat called ‘fleetboard’ i think)

last week i scored 97.5 and 98.5 out of 100. If your marks drope to low, you dont get the work, simples. so driving above 52 will stop you getting work, so i play the game.

well it kinda makes more sense now then - if thats the case :grimacing: . so when i see a tesco trolley overtaking another tesco trolley on a dual does that mean then that the driver being overtaken is trying to build is percentage up :question: and the other one can afford for 3 odd seconds to floor it then sette back down to 50 as they have a high percentage :question: what factors does this percentage factor in :question: is it just mpg :question:

Happy Keith:

Cruise Control:
‘… trolley dollying … agency drivers tend to stand out like a sore thumb when your cab rattles as the trolley whistles past you at warp 9 …’

OK, I’ll bite …but only to suggest that evidence on the highway illustrates that the majority of trolley fleets have been restricted to 50-52 these last six months.

That’s either a long rest period you’re on - or your pedals need some tarmac instead of living room carpet under them…

i’m well aware of the fact the majority have been governed at 50-52, it always seems when i am passed by a trolley (which isnt that often) it always seems to be a certain supermarket, but may be the truck i am in is not doing the speed it says on the speedo or that truck has yet to have its wings clipped :exclamation: :grimacing: in 6 months time there probably wont be another instance of one overtaking unless they driving past me down a hill :exclamation: :wink:

Happy Keith:
That’s either a long rest period you’re on - or your pedals need some tarmac instead of living room carpet under them…

nope, only on 2 days rest period back to work tomorrow, but i do have carpet in my truck though :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

Cruise Control:

I work agency for Tesco - we get a weekly report as to how we are driving (summat called ‘fleetboard’ i think)

last week i scored 97.5 and 98.5 out of 100. If your marks drope to low, you dont get the work, simples. so driving above 52 will stop you getting work, so i play the game.

well it kinda makes more sense now then - if thats the case :grimacing: . so when i see a tesco trolley overtaking another tesco trolley on a dual does that mean then that the driver being overtaken is trying to build is percentage up :question: and the other one can afford for 3 odd seconds to floor it then sette back down to 50 as they have a high percentage :question: what factors does this percentage factor in :question: is it just mpg :question:

Not sure mate - i think it does mpg, harsh braking/accelerating, and other bits - i assume it takes into consideration type of run, load etc. during the 6 hour assesment, smooth driving and fuel consumption were a definate consideration. I was told the higher scoring drivers would be the ones offered the work come jan/feb - so i will be one of the 50mph trolleys :slight_smile: - they do go at 56 though :slight_smile:

Yes, this victim’s family members may be reading. I am the victims brother, Andrew. Tony, the victim, was a person, a human being, he had an identity, he had a life, friends, family, hobbies, work. He lived and breathed, ate and slept, every day like you and I. He brought pleasure to his family and friends, they enjoyed his company, had him round for dinner, went for a pint to the pub with him, watched football on telly with him, went cycling and camping with him, played with their kids with him. Took photographs, made videos, went on holidays. Tony’s life was good, and life with Tony was good.

His chosen mode of transport was the bicycle. He used it to get to the shops, to see his friends, to go on holiday with. He was fit and healthy and strong because of it. Just like cars, buses and lorries it is a perfectly valid form of transport, and has equal place on the road with us all. In fact, it is illegal for them to be anywhere else but on the road. But people on bicycles are seen as a nuisance, they get in the way, slow you down, they are awkward to manouevre around. You have to think about them. Where did that cyclist go? Where is he? I might crash into that car if I overtake the cyclist, but I have to overtake the cyclist. Its awkward isn’t it?

Imagine the road from a cyclist’s point of view. It is a pretty terrifying place to be. 2 ton cars and 40 ton lorries, huge bulky killing machines come roaring past you at 50 mph so close you could touch them with your elbow. One little nudge from one of those and you’re dead, simple as. A car driver gets a nudge in his car and he gets furious at that scraped bumper — it doesn’t compare. The tarmac is pretty hard too, imagine falling on that? A helmet is no good really, hitting the tarmac at anything above 10mph won’t protect your brain from being slammed against your skull and splitting. And potholes, you think they’re bad when you’re in a lorry, try being forced into one on a bike.

My brother stood face to face with a 40 ton lorry. More to the point, he stood face to face with a MAN driving a 40 ton lorry. When that MAN turned his lorry into him, my brother shouted for him to stop. That didn’t work so he banged on the panel below the windscreen with his fist. When that didn’t work he thought “this is it I’m dead”. One last attempt to jump on the wipers, maybe that will save me. It didn’t. He was dragged under with his bike and dragged for 150 metres more, his body mutilated, his life over and his family destroyed. What a way to end your life hay? The MAN drove on, he claimed he didn’t see any of that, felt nothing and heard nothing. My brother was simply invisible. And bangs, thuds, scrapoes, shudders, horns and such were simply inaudible. He continued for 6 miles and then dumped the bicycle, which had become wedged under the lorry, over a barrier. And then he stood in a court of law and said my brother was “stupid and suicidal”, as if it was all his fault. No apology, no remorse, no regret. Just contempt really. And that MAN was ENGLISH. Since when did the English become famous for not killing people?

I am sorry to come into your forum like this. I am not a truck driver, I drive a car. I am interested to know what you truck drivers think of cyclists? Some aren’t very good cyclists, like truck drivers, some are exemplary at cyling, and experienced, like some truck drivers. Could you run a 90kg man over on his bike and not have any clue you did it? What goes through someone’s head when they have run a cyclist over? Do you get angry when you’re driving? Do cyclists annoy you? Could we all take greater care and protect cyclists on the road? What could we do to stop people being killed like this? Is it acceptable to run over a cyclist and not accept any responsibility? So many questions…

I cannot add anything more to Terranovas post. I didnt know his Brother but it doesnt make it wrong to offer condolences to those left behind.

I ride a bicycle, drive a car, ride a motorcycle, drive a truck, both on the continent and in the UK, and have also driven with the steering wheel on both sides. After 30 odd years if someone does something unsafe, it is easier to back off for 2 seconds then throw the teddy out of the window and try to chase him “to have a word”

I am amazed by my European colleagues who say they prefer driving in the UK as everyone is more accommodating. I am afraid I cannot agree with them as I think the driving standards are very poor in this country

This prat and the one driving the plod car deserve much longer sentences, the bloke who was tailgating the car and filmed by VOSA shouldn’t be driving again until they pass an extended test and taken anger management classes. Every one can get angry and probably does get wound up, but I can honestly say I have never suffered from the red mist while driving.

Wheel Nut:
I am amazed by my European colleagues who say they prefer driving in the UK as everyone is more accommodating. I am afraid I cannot agree with them as I think the driving standards are very poor in this country

Driving standards might be poor, but I also feel safer driving here than in Europe, becouse altough I also think that there is more bad drivers than in other country, I find it that there is much less stupid drivers. I think that number of bad drivers we see is related to that driving in elderly age is very common here while in where I am from elderly driver is very rare sight.

I prefere a lot to meet 80 yo lady driving her micra back from Bingo session who have problems to drive clearly for the others when she’s doing 40mph (common sight on Scottish roads) than an 18 yo drunken villager who is driving back from the disco together with his 7 friends in their tuned golf II and they are blindly overtaking on the bend while doing 120 mph… (common sight on Polish roads).

I feel sorry for your brother terranova and, answering some of your question, I am a devoted cyclist as well. I do not cycle here as much as I used to in Poland, but still did some decent miles on British roads. From my experience I am less affraid of proffesional drivers than to some ordinary car drivers… And I try to help cyclists when I am driving. For example I will not overtake cyclist, even if I can, when someone is following me, becouse it’s very likely that they will overtake a cyclist as well causing a danger for him. I prefere to wait some seconds and overtake after the bend or other obstruction, as I know that this will be really helpful for a cyclist…

And no, I don’t think that it’s possible to ride over someone on bike and do not notice it…

Wheel Nut:
I cannot add anything more to Terranovas post. I didnt know his Brother but it doesnt make it wrong to offer condolences to those left behind.

I ride a bicycle, drive a car, ride a motorcycle, drive a truck, both on the continent and in the UK, and have also driven with the steering wheel on both sides. After 30 odd years if someone does something unsafe, it is easier to back off for 2 seconds then throw the teddy out of the window and try to chase him “to have a word”

I am amazed by my European colleagues who say they prefer driving in the UK as everyone is more accommodating. I am afraid I cannot agree with them as I think the driving standards are very poor in this country

This prat and the one driving the plod car deserve much longer sentences, the bloke who was tailgating the car and filmed by VOSA shouldn’t be driving again until they pass an extended test and taken anger management classes. Every one can get angry and probably does get wound up, but I can honestly say I have never suffered from the red mist while driving.

Wheelnut the problem is here that it seems to be that everyone’s forgetting to do what the corts should be doing in looking at every case on it’s own different merits.The danger is that every truck driver will be judged on the circumstances related to that shocking case in the event of a similar but not the same type of accident.On the information provided it’s difficult to see how that idiot could have not known about the cyclist being there and the resulting collision and the resulting accident which he’d caused with the cyclist BUT.How do we judge the driver who go’s home after a shift and suddenly the law turn up on his doorstep at home telling him and his family that he’s under arrest for a similar type of accident.But this time he honestly does’nt know anything about the cyclist who’s got into a similar position but this time unknown to the driver it happened on the blind side of an artic trailer turned at nearly 90 degrees when unknown to him,having checked his mirrors before starting the turn,a cyclist has got himself too close to the nearside rear wheels of the trailer AFTER the unit and trailer are at that angle where all the driver can see is the side underrun guards and something like the first letters or numbers of the company name or phone number written on the side of the trailer in his nearside mirrors.That’s just one of the many blind spots which truck drivers have to live with on a daily basis and occasionally,but thankfully very rarely,it all go’s wrong and wether it’s a car,pedestrian,or a cyclist the results can be just as devastating.It’s in the nature of the thing which we drive that it can,and sometimes will,cause a very bad situation when things,as they inevitably sometimes do,go wrong.Having said all that there’s no way that anyone could defend the actions of someone who’s been involved in driving a truck which was involved such an accident who seems to have known enough about the existence of the person who he’s taken the life of before,during,and after the accident to have walked back to the carnage he caused and then attempt to remove the evidence of it all.If the police, courts, and juries and the family members of those who are unfortunately involved in accidents involving road transport vehicles are’nt able to differentiate between those types of events then I,for one, am glad that my freedom and conscience no longer depend on me having to make my living as a driver in the industry.It also makes me think hard about my plans to return to it.

I do most of my driving on country roads ,as a consequence I sometimes hit pheasants on the road and in flight .I try to miss them but,ZBhappens.When they wallop the windscreen it makes a very loud noise and when they are run over I feel it through the steering.There is no way that a truck can collide with a bike and the driver not notice.

I do most of my driving on country roads ,as a consequence I sometimes hit pheasants on the road and in flight .I try to miss them but,ZBhappens.When they wallop the windscreen it makes a very loud noise and when they are run over I feel it through the steering.There is no way that a truck can collide with a bike and the driver not notice.

Really so you’re not a class 1 driver then.