Driver Distraction Survey: 10 mins - £50 Prize Draw

a woman you say? hmmm.

a woman you say? hmmm.

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

i know :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:



Ok, I am a UK academic with no affiliations or sponsorships by either Government bodies or in-car device manufacturers. If you would like further information about my credentials please look at my web site or contact me via the details in my original post.

That does not mention that you where a Senior researcher with TRL, whose customers actually are actually Government bodies and in car device manufacturers !!

It doesn’t mention that I was born in Chippenham either! I worked for TRL between 1998 - 2000, that was nine years ago. I have been very clear about the scope and aims of the survey, and it is not supported by TRL or the DfT.

And so it come to pass that amongst the ‘exhibitors’ at the ‘conference’ where …
who supply the ‘most innivatave and cost effective solutions to automotive eyetracking’ and include Toyota,Ford,Audi and GM amongst their customers.
Whose technology and expertise helps ‘enable the development of new cutting edge products and applications, ranging from devices that improve road safety & save lives, to those that help manage eye disease and prevent loss of eyesight.’

To back up the need for this technology the report says

the magnitude of distracting
behaviours being undertaken on UK roads is concerning, and provides some insight
into areas that may be targeted to reduce the potential risks from such behaviour.

Hey !! Terry, any ideas who might have the technology to save us from ourselves? !!

I saved the best 'till last :smiley: (or maybe it should be a scary smiley, i can’t find one)
One more ‘exhibitor’ …
Noldus Information Technology
I love this quote from their site…

Handheld observation system

Imagine children on a playground or customers in a busy supermarket. They are constantly on the move and you have to follow them to keep them in sight. In these situations you can rely on Pocket Observer to code behavior.

Yep, i’m imagining it. I’ve got a clear image in my head, i’m following kids round a playground and women shopping in a supermarket with my pocket observer. What next?