Driver At The Door


Earthline provide CBs Pete, so we don’t need to stop for a chat.
In MSAs I don’t associate with general haulage as being a tipper driver I’m not worthy.

I’m glad you understand that and as a mere rigid driver your not fit to touch a super truckers frilly curtains.

Does this apply if you drive a rigid but have a class 1

I think the socialising finished years ago Pete. In 14 years on Smiths I went out about twice-once at Christmas do when I was a quarry op pre hgv licence, and a retirement do for a premix batcher about 3 years ago. Never did the Xmas dos. Having said that I might turn up at the pub next to their HQ on the last day before Xmas as my lorry’s parked just up the road. :wink:
Still get on well with most of their blokes, even managers wave at me still. :open_mouth:

Tipper Tom:


Earthline provide CBs Pete, so we don’t need to stop for a chat.
In MSAs I don’t associate with general haulage as being a tipper driver I’m not worthy.

I’m glad you understand that and as a mere rigid driver your not fit to touch a super truckers frilly curtains.

Does this apply if you drive a rigid but have a class 1

Don’t mention this as the artic driver will think you are just saying this to gain respect but he will look at you with contempt.


Tipper Tom:


Earthline provide CBs Pete, so we don’t need to stop for a chat.
In MSAs I don’t associate with general haulage as being a tipper driver I’m not worthy.

I’m glad you understand that and as a mere rigid driver your not fit to touch a super truckers frilly curtains.

Does this apply if you drive a rigid but have a class 1

Don’t mention this as the artic driver will think you are just saying this to gain respect but he will look at you with contempt.

So in order to be able to speak to artic drivers I must be one. Does artic tippers count or does it need to be tauts or fridges?

I know my place - I look down on him, as he is a rigid driver. But I look UP to him as he is a Stobart driver. I know my place :wink:


Start bragging about how wealthy you are house is worth a few mill got a vast collection of super cars, and then remember to mention all the beautiful women you have bedded. You made your money as pilot or heart surgeon but you drive this old wagon just to get out of the house,that should do the trick.

There’s a bloke on here who has convinced himself that he’s got a Physics PhD, socialises with the higher echelons of society and used to be “a captain of industry”.

He delivers bricks on a lorry now though.

If it wasn’t so tragic it’d be funny. :laughing:

I got a first a Durham you know. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be, I still drive a truck. My mate is a Pilot and the other a PHD mathematician who helped keep the Buggatti Veron on the floor…but I dont live in the real world…barrrr!!!

Driver at door “I fought in the Falklands,Beirut,Kosovo and Iraq.”
Ok then,give me your forces number id,i can verify that or not.
He back tracks changing the conversation to missing the Herald by ten minutes.
He lost mates on the ship.
In his spare time he flies gliders and if BA need a pilot to cover a ling haul they call him up as an agency pilot on a 747.
Being ex Sas he knows the colour of the boat house doors.As he painted them.
He has two Ferrari’s and two Porsche’s.
He needs those to shop at Costco and the Poundshop to buy tins of soup.

In MSAs I don’t associate with general haulage as being a tipper driver I’m not worthy.

At least you know your place in the pecking order. :laughing:


The Sarge:
I know my place - I look down on him, as he is a rigid driver. But I look UP to him as he is a Stobart driver. I know my place :wink:

Class sketch.



The Sarge:
I know my place - I look down on him, as he is a rigid driver. But I look UP to him as he is a Stobart driver. I know my place :wink:

Class sketch.


There’s just nothing like them any more