


I think drink driving within limits is totally acceptable, otherwise how else is one supposed to enjoy life in this miserable bureaucratic country. I blame the police, if they weren’t such squares or were actually dealing with more important crimes occurring @ the time then you wouldn’t be in this position, you’d be happily living your life like you should do…

I agree completely except that the limit is set too low, but as far as I’m aware the police don’t set the limit.

However it is the fault of the police that they regard going after motorists as more important than dealing with any other sort of law breaking that is not high profile.

I am staggered that people who lay claim to the title of “professional driver” can suggest that any level of drink driving is acceptable.

That’s OK, you’re entitled to your opinions just as everyone else is :wink:

I think the whole drink drive sentencing should be overhauled.
The Germans don’t ban people to the extent that they lose there house, job and marriage. They don’t make people become a burden on society, they fine you a months wage and you lose your licence for six weeks. if you are nicked again you go to prison for six weeks.
They won’t nick you for sleeping it off in your car in a car park like our blinkered half whit police do.

I think drink driving within limits is totally acceptable,.

Until a drink driver hits your wife or children and kills them, I am against many things the police to but if I got pulled over every night off the week and breathalised I’d be happy they were at least doing something productive. I love a drink but will not drive the day after I’ve been drinking and won’t even have one and get in my car on the way home, I know one pint won’t put me over the limit but if I knock some kiddy over on the way home at least ill know that drink never impaired my ability to stop it happening. I only drink to get hammered so having a couple one night for me is pointless so I have nothing each to there own but the ops situation could have been avoided. I know a driver who lost his licence and subsequently had a dr10 on his licence he had to go in front off the traffic commissioner and beg for his hgv entitlement back I would imagine you’ll have to do the same unfortunately it doesn’t say on the licence if you blew 36 or 106 on the breath test either way you were caught drink driving so just hope there’s a company which will give you the benefit off the doubt and give you a chance good luck though hope it all turns out ok.


Just remember 24hrs between bottle & throttle!

Top advice, no doubt there

A firm i used to work for had a rule that you were not allowed to drink 24hrs before undertaking a driving duty.
This was enforced with random breath tests offered by the firm with help from the local police traffic unit.

How? 2 average beers are gone without trace in 6 hours or so

You know the policy when you start working for them if you dont like it you dont have to work for them!
Simple as that, good salary, training and benefits as long as you adhere to the rules.

I stupidly got pulled over while slightly over the drink drive limit. :blush: Im due to get my licence back after taking part in the course to get a reduction in my ban. Does any1 know any companys in the Manchester area who would be willing to employ somebody with a DR10?

Don’t mean to put a downer on things, but this course to get a reduction on your ban will probably only apply to your car entitlement, usually your area TC decides when you get your LGV entitlements back, and they don’t normally do reductions, they normally add some on. Is Beverley Bell still the North Western TC?


I stupidly got pulled over while slightly over the drink drive limit. :blush: Im due to get my licence back after taking part in the course to get a reduction in my ban. Does any1 know any companys in the Manchester area who would be willing to employ somebody with a DR10?

Don’t mean to put a downer on things, but this course to get a reduction on your ban will probably only apply to your car entitlement, usually your area TC decides when you get your LGV entitlements back, and they don’t normally do reductions, they normally add some on. Is Beverley Bell still the North Western TC?

Are you 100% sure of this??

@ repton-No it’s not based on any medical or scientific research, I just want to be able to drink more (I wouldn’t class myself as being ‘drunk’ @ around that limit)…

@ tachograph-I agree, the police enforce the limit & the law.

@ idriver-Not all ‘professional drivers’ are squares like you :smiley: :smiley:

@ juddian-When you take your hgv there’s no oath you sign to say you won’t drink & drive or any such crap. There is a difference between an alcoholic & a social drinker who knows their limits & can handle themselves…!

@ Karl86-I see your point but there are many factors that contribute to accidents, you can’t just put it down to drink. I could get shunted by the Lewis Hamilton drivers of this world who are skilled, dead sober, driving a motor in mint condition on a beautiful day etc-accidents happen…

@ tachograph-I agree, the police enforce the limit & the law.

Just realised that there’s a mistake in my previous post, instead of says “I agree completely except that the limit is set too low” I meant to say “I agree completely that the limit is set too low”.

No idea how that “except” crept in there.

What benefits would be gained from having a higher limit?

What benefits would be gained from having a higher limit?

people won’t lose there livelyhoods for being a tad over the next day.
We all know we shouldn’t drink and drive, but i bet we’ve all gone a bit overboard at a sunday BBQ without any intention of being over the limit the next day.

I am staggered that people who lay claim to the title of “professional driver” can suggest that any level of drink driving is acceptable.

I agree. The surprise is that any amount of alcohol is allowed if you’re driving. It’s simple; if you want to drink, don’t drive! If you want to drive, don’t drink!

What benefits would be gained from having a higher limit?

The current limit means that people who are as safe on the roads as most other people are losing their licences, a more cynical person might think it’s just to appear that something worthwhile is being done.

Personally Id be more impressed if the police were as active in dealing with other forms of law breaking as they are in going after motorists.


What benefits would be gained from having a higher limit?

The current limit means that people who are as safe on the roads as most other people are losing their licences

The argument “I’m safer after 5 pints than the 90 year old who lives next door to me is when he’s sober” isn’t justification for letting you drink 5 pints and drive though, it’s a justification for taking the 90 year old off the road.

The emphasis in all law should be on improving driving ability and road safety, not bringing us all down the lowest common denominator.


a friend of mine just got on the Stobart transporters with a DR10, albiet from 2006 ish

George@ASDA driver:
a friend of mine just got on the Stobart transporters with a DR10, albiet from 2006 ish

That’s because it’s a spent conviction. it’s a bit silly that it stays on the licence for twice as long as it needs to.


Just remember 24hrs between bottle & throttle!

Top advice, no doubt there

A firm i used to work for had a rule that you were not allowed to drink 24hrs before undertaking a driving duty.
This was enforced with random breath tests offered by the firm with help from the local police traffic unit.

How? 2 average beers are gone without trace in 6 hours or so

I agree,nothing wrong with having a couple of beers after a hard days graft.Theres a difference between a couple of beers and going over the top and getting rat legged.
regards dave.