Dover Dunkirk ferry

If you suffer from sea sickness like me, get the pills before.Some say have a proper meal before boarding then rest.
The middle of the ship at the lowest point is best.
Looking at the horizon helps too.
Avoid tea/coffee/fizzy drinks and booze.
The pills make driving after very drowsy.And dangerous to drive.
There was a Brittany Ferries vessel called The Duke of Normandy.That thing always made ill.Even on calm seas.

Get the pills…but they make you drowsey.
Low in ship…but look at horizon.
Huh? Talk about conflict!!!

We came back on it last year from an ill feted Le Mans trip,
Easy enough to board if you havnt got a Malaysian with stamps and a wonky visa with you :laughing: (thats another story)
About 2 hours so by the time youve had a mooch, taken a crap and had a sit down your docking.

We found it cheaper to book online at the port than go indoors, 28euro online, 80euro at the counter.

We grabbed food there to save us stopping on the way back to Manchester, was edible.