Do you use your own phone for work?

I have a works phone somewhere, no hands free so I have never used it. Use my own as I am on a decent contract with mega minutes so not really mithered, plus as they trefuse to give us any kind of hands free device when I want to be an arse I just dont ring in.

All of our trucks have mobile phones in them, which if you miss the call it annoyingly calls you back telling you that you have a voice mail every 3 minutes, but when it calls you back it tells you to call 121 to collect your messages, I am like FO why not just tell me the message when it calls me back ffs.

Got once a Workphone i had the possibility to enter the second Officenumber,and it did not ring anymore during my Break :slight_smile:
office could talk with themselfe

All of our trucks have mobile phones in them, which if you miss the call it annoyingly calls you back telling you that you have a voice mail every 3 minutes, but when it calls you back it tells you to call 121 to collect your messages, I am like FO why not just tell me the message when it calls me back ffs.

How annoying is this? It drives me insane.

I had to fight to get my first company phone when I worked on a reefer. One morning at 4am during the summer the fridge motor had packed up and only the ambient was salvageable, the yard was unmanned and I had no work phone. I just went out and delivered the ambient only, no chill / frozen gear. I got a call mid morning on my phone from the TM demanding to know why I hadn’t told anyone.

My answer was “No one there to tell, no phone to call anyone”

2 days later I had a company phone, always had one since except for when I worked the skips temp. I used to call the TM, it’d ring once and I’d hang up, he would then call me back.

i only used my own phone when i was not given a company one, my usual bill was about £60 per month, when i was out on my own without a company phone, it shot up to over £250 for a month, they have agreed to pay it as i should not of been sent out without a company phone

some companies supply a phone but no hands free kit. my choices depend on the company. i wont answer when im driving whether they call a supplied or my own phone. if i dont like them (christian salvesens for example) i wont call them back unless I need to. if i dont need to speak to them, i wont call them. if they supploy a phone, i will call them back when i can

im not on PAYG though. that would make a difference to me. with free calls, it doesnt bother me since i never use them up

Use my own to ring TM, let it ring once only and hang up …he calls me back.
But most of our trucks now have hands free but only to Transport office, no ringing wifey etc :open_mouth:

I use my own phone if one of the cab phones is defunct .
They get charged £1 per phonecall .Considering I spend about 20 seconds on the phone and the calls are free anyway it’s not a bad screw :laughing:

Put the charge down on my time sheet and it never gets questioned and always paid .

Where I used to work we didn’t have a phone so I used to go to a phone box and reverse the charges. When they got the bill they gave me a float of change for the calls instead.

They had my personal number to get hold of me but after one day where it rang about 10 times in as many minutes while I was unable to pull over and answer it, I stopped answering it altogether…that pee’d them off.

My current firm have proper hands free built in, but I can only call the yard. Which is understandable, if a little unfortunate if you aren’t the type to abuse it.

Like others, I have so many free minutes on my phone that I never use them all. However in my new job we have company provided phones and built in hands free kits. Mine is on order so in the meantime, I will just have to use mine.

My last firm, I didn’t even think about it, I would regularly phone customers for directions, ring the office etc.
to my surprise there was a note in one of my wage slips saying thay had paid me an extra 5 hours “to cover the cost of your phone calls”
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Like others, I have so many free minutes on my phone that I never use them all.

Ah Ha, so it’s not just me who is Billy No Mates, it’s you as well. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll use my personal phone, but only under extreme need, if they supply me with a phone and for some reason it won’t work.

I’m not going to use my free minutes to supplement their business, whether I normally use them up or not. It’s my phone, my free minutes, I pay the bills for it. I made the effort to ensure I could communicate with anyone I want to whenever I want to.
If they expect to communicate with me whenever they want to, they can make similar efforts to ensure that it’s possible.