Do you still enjoy your job?

Forty odd years ago I was fired from my job as a bar/cellar-man and, on my way to another interview, I saw a sign in a factory window “Driver wanted for 3 ton truck”. I started work the following Monday.

Since then I have been a TM, Warehouse Manager and Fleet Manager and then Driver again. Now, although officially retired, I am still driving. I enjoyed all my jobs but driving a truck still has an appeal that goes far beyond the money, although I went back to driving because it was the only reasonably rewarding job I could find where older men are preferred.

There have been threads on this before and it is clear that there is no blueprint for the character that makes a driver. There are some common features though:

  • Drivers enjoy problem solving. They moan all the time about the difficulties they face but, when push comes to shove, they get the job done.
  • They don’t like close supervision. They would hate to work in a factory or office with a boss breathing down their necks but prefer to be given an objective and left to get on with it.
  • They have a relaxed attitude to adversity. A driver who gets too wound up by traffic jams, warehouse clerks, wheeltappers etc. etc. will not last long.
  • They are essentially loners. They have to be, to be able to spend so much time with only themselves for company.

I sometimes think that the actual “driving” skills we all use every day are not the most important part of our job. What we really like is the scenery, the challenge, the freedom and the pride we take in getting the job done.

Its all i have ever wanted to do since i was a kid and used to go with my dad in his 8 wheeler tipper in the school holidays. Been doing it myself for 17 years and loved every minute.


Yes, I still enjoy my job, even though I’m pretty well confined to East Anglia and wouldn’t mind getting up 'road now and again. As a matter of fact I had to have a night off and go to South Wales to pick up an item I’d bought on e-bay, and the memories came flooding back! Hours in the middle of the night waiting to tip at Chepstow or Magor, never bothered me I just worked my poa off flat on my back on the bed (provided some ■■■■■■ hadn’t ■■■■■■ in it). All that and some nice scenery too, wages were just a bonus!

Nope… Hate it.

I really enjoy driving…Do I enjoy my job■■? Parts of it, I just wish I went somewhere further than round the M25 5 days a week… :frowning:

Looking for a continental job with HIAB work…Now that would be an ideal job :smiley:

10 years,working for the same people.i think so.

i used to enjoy it in fact loved it. used to go out take pictures and do diaries for here . now its a case of get in the cab do the ■■■■ they give me for the day / two days come home park it up and go home. i lost the passion for it when a few things in my life changed and i realise its just a job like painting walls to picking litter off the street . its just a way to earn cash.

i hardly ever log on here anymore. didint know truckfest was this weekend even though in the past i would never hae forgot it. im just a steering wheel attendant
