Do You Have A Contingency Plan?

Best life plan is to live within your means, don’t borrow for anything except the roof over your head and pay that off as quickly as you can.


Is that bloke still operating in Toddington? I think his name was Brian if i remember right? Not seen him for ages

I heard that he’s already left to ‘winter’ in his villa in St.Tropez. Apparently, he makes £millions from selling worthless bits of paper to gullible truck drivers.

Saw him a cpl of weeks ago paddling in the pee at toddington

On the lines of having an accident, limb breakage, would it be legal to drive an auto truck with a broken left leg, or a broken arm in pot?

jrl driver:
just wondering if any drivers out there that aren’t salaried have anything in place to pay/cover your earnings should you be off sick for a long period of time.
I am not looking at time off due to an accident at work or similar where you can claim compo,but something as simple as falling over at home & breaking a leg or an arm where you will be incapacitated for weeks & it’s your own doing.
reason I ask is,there is a driver at our company who has now been off for 9 weeks after he fell down the stairs at home & dislocated his shoulder & also caused a lot damage to his ligaments,so the injury is taking a long time to heal.
he is unable to drive as he cannot pull the curtains back on a trailer or climb in & out of the cab safely or without being in pain.
he is struggling financially now as he is only on govt statutory sick pay.
do you know how you would cope if you were off work so long?
I know when I was self employed I had a policy that paid me out £1000 per month if I was off sick due to injury/illness,but I paid £45 a month for it & it started after 2 weeks.
do you have anything in place?

The older drivers should be fine as a large proportion of there wages would go into saving which they could draw on if needs arise.
Younger driver could get a loan off the bank that is dad/mum to support them until there better ,my girls 23 now,but I’d never see her go without,I check her car over for her every week and always fill it up with diesel as I won’t have her running round on red,I guess when she qualifies as a nurse all these £30/40 of diesel per week will get paid back :wink: ,no parent would just stand back and watch there kids sink,that’s part of being a parent,supporting and helping out your kids whatever