Do you dread passing VOSA?


a deffered GV9 for a loose U bolt on a six wheeler


I hope that wasn’t on D704 PWL :laughing: She was never stopped when wearing two tone green, and I’ve never been stopped in nearly 11 years of driving her successors, despite the “weathered” appearance…

Afraid so Nathan, stopped a few times with her! Pulled at Bingham, found to be 5 cwt overweight but they let me go, and at Buxton where they found a loose bolt on the front spring (GV9 for that :blush:my fault as I hadnt looked underneath her for a week or so ) and pulled three times for speeding, Police obviously, but never charged. :wink: That’s what I meant about the large fleets not getting pulled, ‘one man bands’ are (or used to be) a sitting target as they are generally unwritten and not known to VOSA men.


No problems really, apart from an overloaded third axle on an eight legger and a deffered GV9 for a loose U bolt on a six wheeler,


If VOSA stop you and find a loose bolt, all you have to do is tighten it up with a spanner and they will issue you with a PG10 and you will be on your way.

Pat Hasler:
I hate the US equivilent … DOT cops, Not that we run ilegally and our vehicles are well maintained and safe, but the DOT in most cases seem out to find even the most minor fault as in me getting a ticket and 3 CSA points for picking up a bolt in my tyre as I aproached a check one day and the tyre was still going down.
They keep us therefor 45 minute to a full hour making us late delivering or running out of time and not making the actuall delivery untill the next day. In my normal work that can mean shutting Ben & Jerry’s down for an entire shift.
I was once stopped when I was an hour from home with just over an hour left, even though I explained the situation to the very nice DOT cop he took 45 minutes and gave me no choice but to go off duty for 10 hours there and then … the B******d.
Some drivers would take a detour but now they have put truck limits on the routes that bypass the scales and check points, so you get a ticket for that.

My most serious violation to date was caught in NY in that rest area on the 390 between I90 and I86. Got pulled in to the rest area, where they had a set of mobile scales…oops, they were not impressed when their device showed my gross weight to be 86,000lbs and my rear axle to be something like 39,000lbs. Needless to say the fine was huge, I had to attend court in person to plead guilty and the fine was chopped in half…still a lot of money mind.
I got parked up and put out of service for a poxy two hours at the border in Calais, Maine this summer because I’d done a 16hr spread in Canada followed by an 8hr break and while all that was okay, I’d forgotten about the rolling 24hr period that you guys in the US have and by the time I crossed the border I’d only had 8 hours rest in 24 hours, not 10. Didnt get fined though, just told to park up for two hours and he’d let me off with a warning. Annoying thing was I was only tipping 20 miles across the border and didnt even need to have crossed that night, I only did so to park in a better truck stop on the US side.

Harry Monk:

No problems really, apart from an overloaded third axle on an eight legger and a deffered GV9 for a loose U bolt on a six wheeler,


If VOSA stop you and find a loose bolt, all you have to do is tighten it up with a spanner and they will issue you with a PG10 and you will be on your way.

Actually Harry the bolt only SOUNDED loose but wouldnt move, but the tester had an incling that it was broken where it went through the axle bed and he was correct, it had broken in two and then rusted in so it couldnt drop out! He was good to me, he asked how far from base I was (about an hour) and gave me a defferal for two hours, if I was found on the road after that the I would (quite rightly) get done. Only GV9 the firm had as well, still it could have been worse.


I’ve been stopped twice by VOSA both were on the same day. The second guy wondered why I was smiling at him I think as they just wanted to know what the stage I was towing was.

they r brilliant… workin for an frim pullinf 60ton on hangin beef and 100ton of sheet metal iits the only time i manage to get a break in… y dread them if u have nothing to worrry about… you run legal they treat you well… you run bent, they park you up… there alot more in life to worry about then vosa… try dealing wth the dsa over dcq cards

Yes, VOSA pulled us when we had 100 tonnes of sheet metal on the floor of the fridge and 60 tonnes of hanging beef on the hooks, but luckily my 11-year-old son was driving at the time and he managed to bull ■■■ us out of the situation :wink:

Harry Monk:
Yes, VOSA pulled us when we had 100 tonnes of sheet metal on the floor of the fridge and 60 tonnes of hanging beef on the hooks, but luckily my 11-year-old son was driving at the time and he managed to bull ■■■ us out of the situation :wink:[i didnt know i was double manning with you son at the time… tell him hes a good driver but we would of done better w the magnet still on…

only if ere nolans must be moving on


Harry Monk:
“attitude test”. :wink:

Very true

If you go in guns blazing, you will soon be leaving with a fine.

Not necessarily true.

I have posted this before about the Sleaford one, and many people on here have experienced the same, so know who I’m on about…

As you approach the check point from the Newark end, you’ll find the little man standing looking for ‘customers’ through his binoculars. He did that to me one day when I was all up at 44t with milk, and at the last minute he literally jumped out in front of me to wave me in. I then had to slam on to obey his request and nearly stood the unit and trailer on his head.

As he followed me in, I gave him a very large piece of my mind about endangering his life as well as mine for being so stupid, and the next time he ever did that to me, I would ignore his request on safety grounds, carry on my way and make an official complaint to his superior.

After a quick once over by the guy inside, I was on my way, but not before I scowled at little short arse.


Don’t even think about it, and I usually see them on two or three shifts per week around Stafford or Perry Bar.

GREAT BARR…Fixed that for you! :wink:


Don’t even think about it, and I usually see them on two or three shifts per week around Stafford or Perry Bar.

GREAT BARR…Fixed that for you! :wink:

I knew it was some kind of Barr, but it ain’t that Great so I’ll stick to calling it Perry.

no not really as we re 100% legal.anytime i ve been pulled always found them to be fine.

Two of our drivers always go into a blind panic on the Fridays when VOSA set up a “rest camp” for Nolans’ drivers just past our place, on Carmarthen cattle market. :grimacing:

Despite the fact that none of us have ever been pulled on such occasions, and that the two in question never do enough driving hours to even be close to an infringement, they both act like Private Fraser on the credits of “Dad’s Army”. :laughing:

Must be me then!
It’s the hold up that bothers me the most.
As an incentive to keep good records we get 4 quid for each decent tacho which certainly mounts up over the year. Go over 10 hours driving on one card and we lose the lot. Other, more minor infringements lead to a percentage loss of bonus. Fair do’s really.



Don’t even think about it, and I usually see them on two or three shifts per week around Stafford or Perry Bar.

GREAT BARR…Fixed that for you! :wink:

I knew it was some kind of Barr, but it ain’t that Great so I’ll stick to calling it Perry.

You been using your buddies cheap crappy sat nav? It’s about 8 miles from Perry! :laughing:




Don’t even think about it, and I usually see them on two or three shifts per week around Stafford or Perry Bar.

GREAT BARR…Fixed that for you! :wink:

I knew it was some kind of Barr, but it ain’t that Great so I’ll stick to calling it Perry.

You been using your buddies cheap crappy sat nav? It’s about 8 miles from Perry! :laughing:

I haven’t used a Sat Nav for years, which probably explains it. :blush: :stuck_out_tongue: Luton Airport is more than 8 miles from London but it’s still called London Luton. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

So, is Overspeed Hill, coming down from Junction 7, Perry Barr Bank or Great Barr Bank?

Staffords deffo the one to watch at j14, it never seems to be closed, Dartford as well. Thankfully vosa seem to concentrate on forigners nowadays.

Its better to be pulled by VOSA than some snot nosed Copper like Angus - lol
What to VOSA would have been a slap on the wrist is a £180 fine from the boys in blue - they have no tolerance and no knowledge