Do anyother Agency Workers have these kind of Problems

rob [zb] off :smiley: :smiley:

if the money was not forth coming i would take the next rush job the agency come up with and not turn up for it… :smiling_imp: and never work for them again. :sunglasses:


which begs a question - what sanction do I, or should I have against a driver who accepts an assignment and then simply doesn’t bother to turn up
I’ve got a long list of the excuses I’ve heard
from “I thought it was tomorrow” right the way through to “my ex-girlfriend’s dad came round last night to pick up some of her stuff it all kicked off and we ended up in the cells” (that particular driver failed to show up for three jobs after having car accidents on the way to them…apparently)
Then there’s the ones who just vanish - three months or more of being wonderfully professional and then one day we get a call from the client to ask “where’s xxxx at?”. And never hear from him again.
How much do agencies lose when that happens? It’s not just the one job.

Wish I could choose to take a day off… You can if switch to employee status. Its the worlds best kept secret… :smiley:

Wish I could choose to take a day off… You can if switch to employee status. Its the worlds best kept secret… :smiley:

H you should copyright your one liners mate they are classic.

I would love to work for MR FRED he seems too good to be true … :wink: :wink: :wink: …

thecoder0 How did you get on with Citizens Advice. Around our way they have cut the staff down to four. People start queuing at eight ,they open the doors at nine and close them again at nine-thirty due to the crush. The people that work there are all qualified legals. I think its voluntary work…?

thecoder0 How did you get on with Citizens Advice. Around our way they have cut the staff down to four. People start queuing at eight ,they open the doors at nine and close them again at nine-thirty due to the crush. The people that work there are all qualified legals. I think its voluntary work…?

Taking it through small claims court H, CAB office were fairly helpful. Agy will get letter back end next week.

Although I have had an offer from the Agy to cover my travel exes but turned it down.

Will let you know.

Lovely. I don`t think they will bother to turn up at the court. So its more or less settled. :smiley:


Neil have you finished with the owner driver thing mate :question:

Yeah, a while ago now.

so what you upto now then ? did you sell your motor ? Sorry to hear that your new motor was short lived.Hope its working out for you.

there’s a flip side to everything - surely this is the flipside to the higher wages that various agency bods harp on about on these forums - rocket science it is not :unamused:



Neil have you finished with the owner driver thing mate :question:

Yeah, a while ago now.

so what you upto now then ?

Agency, in either Asda at Bedford or DHL in Hatfield.

did you sell your motor ?

Wasn’t mine to sell, it was leased so it went back.

Hope its working out for you.

It is indeed, should have done it moths ago to be honest but I hung on too long. Very happy doing what I am doing at the moment, so much so that when the cab phone went this afternoon, while I was meandering toward Corby, and I was offered a full time job doing European work I turned it down, after thinking about it for 2.7 seconds.

The Agency that I use, with the client that I normally work for (as different contracts can vary) has a ‘cut off’ time of 4 hours. Any cancellation by the client with anything less than four hours notice prior to the specified start time results in 8 hours pay.

And in something like 6 years of being associated with that Company. i.e. Going there. Getting bored. Going elswhere. Going back, etc. A cancellation has only ever happened once.

In fact. I’ve probably been with them longer than 50% of their permanent staff, :slight_smile: and I’m not talking about a small Company.




Neil have you finished with the owner driver thing mate :question:

Yeah, a while ago now.

so what you upto now then ?

Agency, in either Asda at Bedford or DHL in Hatfield.

did you sell your motor ?

Wasn’t mine to sell, it was leased so it went back.

Hope its working out for you.

It is indeed, should have done it moths ago to be honest but I hung on too long. Very happy doing what I am doing at the moment, so much so that when the cab phone went this afternoon, while I was meandering toward Corby, and I was offered a full time job doing European work I turned it down, after thinking about it for 2.7 seconds.

2.7 Secs ? That Long eh ?! So you dont fancy doing the Euro bit anymore ? pity, your diaries were excellent!

Glad to hear things are good for you and have worked out.

Did you not have a problem sending the unit back and breaking the lease agreement ? I thought that once they had your signature they have you for whatever the term was!

Will you keep your o’licence , just in case ?





Neil have you finished with the owner driver thing mate :question:

Yeah, a while ago now.

so what you upto now then ?

Agency, in either Asda at Bedford or DHL in Hatfield.

did you sell your motor ?

Wasn’t mine to sell, it was leased so it went back.

Hope its working out for you.

It is indeed, should have done it moths ago to be honest but I hung on too long. Very happy doing what I am doing at the moment, so much so that when the cab phone went this afternoon, while I was meandering toward Corby, and I was offered a full time job doing European work I turned it down, after thinking about it for 2.7 seconds.

2.7 Secs ? That Long eh ?! So you dont fancy doing the Euro bit anymore ? pity, your diaries were excellent!

I didn’t say I don’t fancy doing it, just not as a full time employed driver at the moment. There is a chance I will be doing the odd trip to Germany through the agency in the coming weeks. I did a trip to Dublin this week, which was enjoyable.

Glad to hear things are good for you and have worked out.

Cheers, so far so good.

Did you not have a problem sending the unit back and breaking the lease agreement ? I thought that once they had your signature they have you for whatever the term was!

Not too much of a problem. I just stopped a couple of payments and they demanded it back, with all sorts of threats of doom and gloom if I didn’t return it forthwith. So much easier that way. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Will you keep your o’licence , just in case ?

Undecided at the moment. I have removed the vehicle from it of course and I have the forms here filled in to surrender it but haven’t posted them yet. I can’t see myself going back to it though, it’s nice to finish a shift, hand the keys back, and walk away until the next shift.