Do Any Of Your Carry This

This whole site seems to be populated by individuals who actually know each other over and above this medium of communication and unless you are part of the ‘clique’ you only get a response to your post if you have upset someone

:open_mouth: I don’t know any of them !!

Back to fixing stuff…drivers gotta be so careful now as a lot of trucks are on warranty or some sort of maintanance package and getting it wrong can cost a driver. I tried to unstick a stuck starter on a tug with a knock on the side with a hammer, its was auto so rocking it was not an option. When the fitter came out he said i knackered the starter by hitting it, i then got a lesson on how to turn an ignition key. I got a right rollocking. Several months later it had another problem, gaffer said tell me me exactly whats up and have you looked at this and that, i said it doesn’t go and thats that, you go look yourself !!

I had to call DAF aid out yesterday.
I could’nt get high range. So i concluded that i needed a new valve which i didn’t have with me. When i phoned daf aid i told them what would be needed.
The fitter turned up an hour later. After another hour he decided that it would need a new valve. Off he went to get one. An hour later he came back. Thirty minutes later i was away.
This is the sort of thing that happens with the most simple of repairs. That’s why i prefer to do my own work whenever possible.
30 minute problem becomes 3.5 hour problem when you call someone out. :unamused:

Reminds me of when the electric range change relay went iffy on my Scania 112, sometimes it wouldn’t change back down into low. Many times had to get out & get under at a busy junction if loaded. Give it a tap with the hammer , “Clunk” it would drop back into low range & i was away again :slight_smile:

At the end of the week, swopped it with the diff lock one.

Last year I saved myself a wait of at least 5 hours (it was siesta time) when one of the plastic airlines which operate the gearchange on the opticruise melted. A quick snip each side with wire cutters, short length of plastic tube and a couple of those amazing push-fit connector thingys and Im back on the road. Oh and by the way, many thanks to the Portuguese driver who gave me the bits as i didnt have them - all he wanted was a coffee in return. Now I carry even more spare odds n sods!!!

Couldn’t agree more with the last 3 posts. Proper truckers !

yesterday following a drop to farm I got a puncture, no probs I thought ,having been down graded to a 7½ tonner , its just a litte 'un get the jack & tools out
lift the front corner and bugger me I cant find the spare … because there aint one FFS !. In the old days it would have been a couple of bits of angle and the sledge hammer , some grief with the levers and a patch on the tube ! progress my arrse, found a phone and rang the office tyre fitter arrives 3 hours later and wakes me up. makes me feel like retiring again all this dont do this .dont touch that ,Grrrr on the up side little chance of loosing my tools now.

Well thats very true, Lucy, but I would just have a look at the rest of the site and see who gets the rules applied to their posts and who doesn’t?? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Also I’m puzzled as to why you felt the need to make disparaging remarks about yourself and your occupation. Although I don’t know you personally I have read a lot about the company you own or are employed by and have seen it expand and develop over the years.
You should be congratulated for making your mark in what has always been viewed as a macho white male dominated industry but as someone who has seen the mighty fall over the years I’d watch out the next time your company is asked to do a trade magazine article especially if they want you on the front cover. With the confirmed expansion of Teesport I’m sure all the trade mags will be looking for front cover articles and we have all heard of the ‘Truck Mag’ curse :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh and by the way I have never been the queen mothers personal backscratcher but, just like yourself and all taxpayers in this country, I am the personal servant and income generator for the Government of the day :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

So Lucy wherever you are travelling to today I hope you achieve that safely and return in safety but I think your response confirmed the point I was making and if you find time to look through all the other forums and threads you just might find that the rules you enforce so vigorously are not applied consistently :confused: :confused: :confused:
Cliques Rule OK :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I was being sarcastic, with reference to your comments about Simon… :wink: …As for things being missed, it’s a volunteer-run site and we can’t monitor it 24/7 on account of having jobs to do and lives to lead, so things will inevitably get missed. For that we can only apologise.

As for me, I’m an employed driver these days, and would be a very rich woman if I owned the Shipping Line I drive for. Yes, Shipping Line, not haulier. The bank won’t as yet provide me with a loan for a 900-plus TEU Short Sea vessel, and even then I couldn’t compete as our lot have 11 of the buggers and offices in 13 countries. The company has been on the front cover of many publications in the past, and seems to have survived thus far… :stuck_out_tongue:

Ps. Apologies for the delay in relying, I’m a tramper.
Pps. No need to congratulate me on anything either. It’s just a job, and I’m just a driver.

Well thats very true, Lucy, but I would just have a look at the rest of the site and see who gets the rules applied to their posts and who doesn’t?? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Also I’m puzzled as to why you felt the need to make disparaging remarks about yourself and your occupation. Although I don’t know you personally I have read a lot about the company you own or are employed by and have seen it expand and develop over the years.
You should be congratulated for making your mark in what has always been viewed as a macho white male dominated industry but as someone who has seen the mighty fall over the years I’d watch out the next time your company is asked to do a trade magazine article especially if they want you on the front cover. With the confirmed expansion of Teesport I’m sure all the trade mags will be looking for front cover articles and we have all heard of the ‘Truck Mag’ curse :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I can vouch for the TRUCK Mag curse, I used to work on there & interviewed the Logistics Director or whatever he was called, of Rugby Cement soon after they did the dirty on their Liveried O/Ds & the week following publication he got his P45, ooops! Although that curse has more to do with the chromed up top of the range lorries sometimes featured, they spend a 100k on a lorry, 20k on fancy paint jobs & chrome everything that they can then run around pulling tilts out the dock for a pound a mile, it don’t take long for the repo man to turn up with business practices like that!

Oh and by the way I have never been the queen mothers personal backscratcher but, just like yourself and all taxpayers in this country, I am the personal servant and income generator for the Government of the day :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

So Lucy wherever you are travelling to today I hope you achieve that safely and return in safety but I think your response confirmed the point I was making and if you find time to look through all the other forums and threads you just might find that the rules you enforce so vigorously are not applied consistently :confused: :confused: :confused:
Cliques Rule OK :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’d always carry my own tools in tthe cab,
biggest problem i’ve had is the main feed from the fuel tank burst on an SK i was driving back about 8 years ago. Was doing drops of lambs around france and had just come from rungis, stopped with me on road, took me about 20 mins to repair.
i think that things are a part of some jobs, if i hadn’t done that i would have been hours late for my next drop and cost the boss a small fortune.

Oh well maybe i’m too agreable with me bosses for my own good.