Do Any Of Your Carry This

I simply call whatever company I am driving for that day and tell them that their old heap has expired, and can they please send out the rescue cavalry :smiley:

where would one go to learn about basic hgv repair stuff then? id like to learn a bit just for my own sake. Is there any part time courses about? where did you lot learn? its not as if I can sit around watchin our yards mechanic as thats not what my boss if paying me for.

i think theres a lot of trial and error.
plus it helps that my grandad had his own trucks. then my brother got his own. his farther in law had six trucks. there was always an engine being stripped down in the garage at home. but as for courses. there’s bound to be one at your local college.

where would one go to learn about basic hgv repair stuff then? id like to learn a bit just for my own sake. Is there any part time courses about? where did you lot learn? its not as if I can sit around watchin our yards mechanic as thats not what my boss if paying me for.

you could try your local college on an evening coarse, most do different levels of maintenance, i don’t know if they would do anything designed for hgv possibly have to do a car coarse, but the principle the same, an engine is an engine just on a truck it happens to be bigger!!! but it would get you the basics and that really is all you need. even i wouldn’t go too far and that’s being qualified as well, you can only do so much on the side of the road.

We have a spare red airline in all the units and…
…here comes the clever bit :sunglasses:

they are adapted so they have the suzi coupler thingy-majig on…
… BOTH ends :laughing:

So changing the red airline takes about 10 seconds.

We carry spare bulbs but anything else it’s the CVW
central vehicle workshop

The problem today is that you are not allowed in dealerships workshops,they don’t want you to see what they don’t do but because of my attitude,whichever vehicle I have owned I have tried to be on hand when repairs or service are carried out and ask many questions.
Smaller operators with their own workshops do give drivers the chance to learn a bit if they want…
But today most trucks are electronic pieces of junk so without an on hand computor you couldn’t do owt anyway.
Vehicle repairs which you could manage are just common sense,do it by deduction,depends how desperate you are to get to a proper ■■■■■■■■■■■■ just down the road.

When I’m on bulk blowers, I usually carry enough kit to change a pipe-end although since our work’s to farms your’re usually safe, if you don’t mind using farmers’ tools; believe me they can be well dodgy!

The problem today is that you are not allowed in dealerships workshops,they don’t want you to see what they don’t do but because of my attitude,whichever vehicle I have owned I have tried to be on hand when repairs or service are carried out and ask many questions.
Smaller operators with their own workshops do give drivers the chance to learn a bit if they want…
But today most trucks are electronic pieces of junk so without an on hand computor you couldn’t do owt anyway.
Vehicle repairs which you could manage are just common sense,do it by deduction,depends how desperate you are to get to a proper ■■■■■■■■■■■■ just down the road.

I’ve had some good arguments over this, I’m not popular with a few service receptionists :smiley:

ADR Kit,Socket set,Screwdrivers,Hammer,WD40,Bulbs ,Gaffer and Electrical Tape and Cable ties.
Also got the wheel brace and sockets that came with the truck,just to do the wheelnuts if the tyre fitters have been in the yard over the weekend and changed a tyre etc…cause Im not about to call em out again after 50km to torque the wheelnuts on a Monday morning :wink:

don’t forget the most important tool.

Alfa man wrote:
All i can say to that is ,if you came to my place (and probably a few others) looking for a job with that attitude you would’nt get very far.

its not an atitude its all to do with H&S :laughing:

I usually carry a complete toolkit in addition to everything required to change a tyre. fortunately seldom need it but I would prefer getting my hands dirty for a couple of hours to waiting for a fitter to arrive. two hours to change a turbo is not a big deal compared to two days waiting for a fitter during a bank holiday, happened to me last winter.

i have a basic knowledge of mechanics but work on the agency so the only tools i need are a mobile phone, notepad and pen, oh and a good book to read until the fitter arrives,

paid by the hour so it doesnt matter if a fitter takes 4 hours to arrive.

:laughing: slinks away and takes cover from enemy fire :laughing:

I keep quite a comprehensive tool kit in my cab, and I’m no stranger to tipping the cab or climbling under the trailer to get back on the road again. Having used to be a fitter I know how much it costs to call one out. Why wait 2 hrs to change an airline when it takes 10 mins and a spanner.

1 3/4 “drive socket set
1 1/2” drive socket set
1 3/8" drive socket set
1 set of screw drivers
2 sets of combination spanners 6mm-28mm
long nose pliers
standard pliers
water pump pliers
side cutters
crimping pliers
various electrical connectors
cable ties
jr hacksaw
2 core wire
assorted screws/ bolts
various polishes
long handled wash down brush
1 air line
1 electrical lead
bungee straps
ratchet straps

How sad is that! I’ve surprised my self. Talk about going equipped :unamused: :laughing:

We’re supposed to just get the workshop to call someone out, but some things just ain’t worth losing 2 hours unpaid time over. :unamused:

I was considering of carying some basic tools with me, but I am paid for everything so I no bother to wait even 2 days for service van (If I have some books with me) :wink:

1 3/4 “drive socket set
1 1/2” drive socket set
1 3/8" drive socket set
1 set of screw drivers
2 sets of combination spanners 6mm-28mm
long nose pliers
standard pliers
water pump pliers
side cutters
crimping pliers
various electrical connectors
cable ties
jr hacksaw
2 core wire
assorted screws/ bolts
various polishes
long handled wash down brush
1 air line
1 electrical lead
bungee straps
ratchet straps

How sad is that! I’ve surprised my self. Talk about going equipped :unamused: :laughing:

A man after my own heart :smiley:

I don’t carry quite as much, but the thing I use most is probably…

Cable ties, :smiley:

thats a point…

some of the companys i’ve worked for have even took the tool kit out the locker so you cant even crank the cab over :confused:


Other thing is that some company have strange attitude towards this. Once I was driving a MAN for an agency job and I had a porter with me. The driver side mirror was closing all the time when I was driving faster then 35. So I stopped in some garage and asked themn to lend me a tool to fix it. When my porter seen that, he starts to shout on me, that I am not allowed to touch the vehicle as it’s rented and he called his boss, who told me to leave it alone. I told him, that I will not keep my hand outside to hold the mirror arm on position, as it was about 0 degree and therefore I refuse to drive faster then 35, as I was expecting that he will tell me "In that case - all right, please do screw in that bolt. He instead told me “all right”. :open_mouth:

That was silly but I was paid overtime and at the end of my shift I took the van to the rental company, waited 45 minutes for all paperwork, then guy came with the french key, ouiiii, ouiiii, ouiiii and then I was able to take van back to the yard, and that was also paid extra :wink:

I was just newbie in UK in this time, so I was very happy to earn some extra money. But no-one in my country wanted to believe me.

Another thing.
All this I get paid by the hour, it’s service maintained etc, what if something minor goes wrong, you’ve got 2 hours spreadover left, and you’re on a promise? I bet you wish you had your pliers, cable ties then? :wink:

how easy is it to repair/change susies(sp)?

is there an idiots guide on here or is it really that simple it doesnt warrant one?