Ditching my stand alone Tom Tom

Just so long as you’re not driving a … Truck (net.com) :joy:

Can I come with ya ? :joy:

Seems ok , got me to Nottingham , Cherwell and Redditch ok
I’m running the Tom Tom app

I’ve recently been using Google maps more often. I usually have a look on Google earth at roads I’m unsure of the day before checking for weight limits etc. I’m always wary of anything called ‘lane’ after driving down a few single track roads in a 33ft rear steer.

I have Tom Tom for HGVs app/subscription on my phone and a decent phone mount, which is enough for me. I bought it when I was agency and wanted to “hit the ground running” so I just paid the £80 and it seemed a good insurance to avoid the career-ending prospect of striking a bridge or reversing half a mile down a street etc. When the subscription renews I’ll try get the company to pay but I’m not hopeful.

I can understand why the standalone unit exists if a fleet operator wanted something in all their trucks, instead of the drivers using their phones, but otherwise it looks poor value for money.

This is the phone I’m using