Dispatches Monday 9th Channel 4

Hi, franglais wrote about using coal again as its cheaper. I recall in the 1940/50s we used to get fogs mixed with smoke in London where your vision was limited to a couple of feet, until the use of coal was outlawed. Incidentally a cyclist passed me the other day ■■■■■■■ like a goodun. When are they going to come under the governments legislations?,

Then they built all the smokeless fuels coking plants that made most people who lived near and worked there ill with cancer breathing problems and skin problems and farmers couldn’t sell the milk for the dioxin levels and now the plants are gone to far away country’s causing pollution and we are building houses on ours which are costing billions to clean up !

Punchy Dan:

Hi, franglais wrote about using coal again as its cheaper. I recall in the 1940/50s we used to get fogs mixed with smoke in London where your vision was limited to a couple of feet, until the use of coal was outlawed. Incidentally a cyclist passed me the other day ■■■■■■■ like a goodun. When are they going to come under the governments legislations?,

Then they built all the smokeless fuels coking plants that made most people who lived near and worked there ill with cancer breathing problems and skin problems and farmers couldn’t sell the milk for the dioxin levels and now the plants are gone to far away country’s causing pollution and we are building houses on ours which are costing billions to clean up !

The use of ‘coal’ in London wasn’t outlawed.The clean air act just banned the use of low quality smoky coal.We were using coal fired central heating within the clean air act area into the 1980’s and only changed to gas for the convenience.The best and most common smokeless fuel was/is anthracite.Not coke which is used mainly for steel furnaces and which wasn’t generally used for domestic fuel.While I would happily go back to coal fired central heating now that the bs North Sea gas ‘revolution’ has predictably turned into an expensive nightmare,if only this house had a chimney like the previous one did then.In which the gas suppliers have a monopoly and our cheap domestic gas reserves were depleted far sooner by too much exporting than the bs script which was sold to the public in the day.Now as then I’m guessing that decent quality smokeless coal is still a good alternative to ever increasingly over priced gas.

coalmerchantsfederation.co.u … anthracite

I’ve just watched this programme on catch-up and they mentioned a few times that it’s illegal to drive one of these tampered with vehicles. Does that mean the drivers get fined if they find out? Are we now supposed to take the dashboard apart and search for an emulator as part of the walk around checks?
There’s no way you could know it’s not using ad blue if you don’t keep the same truck every day. Who gets fined?

I’ve just watched this programme on catch-up and they mentioned a few times that it’s illegal to drive one of these tampered with vehicles. Does that mean the drivers get fined if they find out? Are we now supposed to take the dashboard apart and search for an emulator as part of the walk around checks?
There’s no way you could know it’s not using ad blue if you don’t keep the same truck every day. Who gets fined?

It seems that owners are now getting investigated and prosecuted. Previously it seems to have been a bit of finger waving only.
I don’t think any drivers have been prosecuted yet?
If as you say, a driver could not reasonably be expected to know his vehicle was illegal, then he’d be unlikely to be in trouble I’d say.

In the thread about Nicholson it seems that none if his employees either drivers ir workshop were prosecuted.
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