Well every single one of my girlfriends dads have liked me. Maybe you lot should give me your daughters numbers and I’ll see what I can do?
My daughter is only 5, so I’ve got a few years to wait before I could be in your situation. I’ll always try my hardest to make her see sense and lead her in the right direction. But as a female, she is likely to be rebelious against whatever advice i give her. Hopefully she will be wise enough to learn from any mistakes she makes. But whatever happens, I’ll make sure I’m always there for her no matter what stupid decisions she makes.
Thanks for your thoughts & replies. I’ll resurrect this thread with the occasional update, i’m keeping my mouth shut for the time being but i think it’s only a matter of time before i feel the need to say something.
Have a 14 year old daughter and nobody will ever be good enough for her in my eyes. Couple of months ago a scrawny wee ■■■■ turned up at the door and asked for her. I shut the door after telling him to ■■■■ off, daughter straight out after him giving me the dirtiest looks possible. Turns out they have been seeing each other for 3 months and I never knew (usual never at home). Now he wont call to the house even when im away and is scared of me lol. Result
I do hope that winseers daughter one day turns up with a northern boyfriend. Got to admit I do pity his daughter for having such a know it all dad.
ive got a 20 yr old daughter and a 5 yr old, the 20 yr old lives with her boyfriend, i cant say i like or dislike him, i do have a problem that he has,nt got a job at the mo but he is trying, but he makes my daughter happy and above all its that what counts!!
in my opinion if you tell them their bf is a moron ect, ur daughter, if things start going wrong will hide this from you, scared of the told you so!
Violence is not the answer, the answer is the perceived threat of violence should anything go wrong, the constant fear of failure for the poor wretch and the painful and life long psychological damage which will result in any wrong doing.
No will will ever match up to what you want for your daughters, another one of life’s challenges.
a lot of worrying posts on this subect
how can our kids rely on us if we ban them
from seeing B/Fs or G/Fs at home
I don’t have daughters, only sons, but I do have a niece who is like a daughter to me. She’s only 11 at the moment, but I’m already thinking that no-one will ever be good enough for her!
In all seriousness, there’s bugger all any parent can do apart from bite their tongue and be there to pick up the pieces if it all goes wrong. As many have said, if you voice your opinion you’ll probably drive them closer together and further apart from you, it’s just human nature. Obviously if there is abuse / violence involved, then you have to intervene, but if it’s just that you don’t like the person then you’re pretty much knackered
I don’t know what my father-in-law made of me when I first turned up, but these days we’re close friends, and he often comes out with me when I’m driving, so whatever he might have thought at the time, he seems happy enough with me now!
What a santimonious load of old men you lot are .
Remember when you were a lad and trying to impress
the ladies , remember when you tried to have a ■■■■■
and maybe get lucky .
Why try to keep it from your kids .
I got a 28 yr old son in the Royal Marines and he is like
an animal with women . I cant stop him , dont want to stop
him .
Get on with it , its growing up and life .
I can imagine my folks have felt like this with me, hell even i look back now and think WTF was i thinking! Im 26 now and i know a few years ago i put my folks through hell with some of my choices of boyfriend to the point that it affected the relationship i had with my folks but i was young, in-mature and you kinda dont think or are just too smitten with the person you are in a “relationship” with at the time to actually see them for what they truely are. Thankfully i have grown up alot now, am closer to my parents than ever and can look back on my mistakes and learn from them in the future
What a santimonious load of old men you lot are .
Remember when you were a lad and trying to impress
the ladies , remember when you tried to have a ■■■■■
and maybe get lucky .
Why try to keep it from your kids .
I got a 28 yr old son in the Royal Marines and he is like
an animal with women . I cant stop him , dont want to stop
him .
Get on with it , its growing up and life .quirky
Ironically it’s all part of the double standards of fathers who have a daughter/s and son/s who want one thing for their sons in the form of ‘being an animal with women’ and the total opposite for their daughter/s who they want to live like a nun.
But I was taught by my dad that if I handled someone’s daughter then I’d have to keep her.Unfortunately he never said anything about getting left on the shelf by the girls some of who preferred the animals instead of the humans.
If i ever have a daughter she will wear a chastity belt her whole life!
Which would be a problem for her if her mother’s dad wants/ed the same for her mother.
the fub:
Have a 14 year old daughter and nobody will ever be good enough for her in my eyes. Couple of months ago a scrawny wee [zb] turned up at the door and asked for her. I shut the door after telling him to ■■■■ off, daughter straight out after him giving me the dirtiest looks possible. Turns out they have been seeing each other for 3 months and I never knew (usual never at home). Now he wont call to the house even when im away and is scared of me lol. Result![]()
So how would you feel if you had/have a son and he gets the same treatment by every single father out there when he wants to find a wife.It’s blokes with those views who don’t deserve to see any grandchildren themselves.
I have recently taken a course in welding so i can fabricate some steel knickers for my daughter for when things start taking a turn for the worst. I was also thinking of taking a course in electronics too so i can electrify them for any swine that wants to take on my welding skills…
sorry but some of the posts are not considering what their daughter wants, yes its a scary time but come on do you really want to control what your daughters do? have guts and speak with your daughter!
My best friends daughter 22 was in a proper relationship for 5 years, he was a great lad, spent all his spare money on her and bought her mum presents, flowers, perfume etc and not just at birthday christmas.
He blew her out because he wanted to get a place on his own for her to share, she wouldn’t leave her mum. The next thing is she is living at her mums with a total toe rag who has been inside twice, does and deals drugs, gets ■■■■■■ and has been caught driving stolen bikes and cars a few times. She has now had a lovely baby with the toe rag, but he is shagging about, they fall out every weekend when he goes walkabout.
She has just got her own home as her mum moved to a retirement bungalow, the toe rag moved in and spends most of the day time sleeping or playing bangla music with his scum mates.
Unfortunately this all comes across with my mates moods but he is unable to intervene’
The daughter and the baby are brilliant, but she seems to have a serious lack of taste in her men
I felt dissapointed when our daughter started seein a well known local lad (well known for all the wrong reasons) hed spent time in a young offenders facility for car crime,vandalism and been involved in a police chase.The lad had no where to live after losing his father(a very well known e yorks haulier that run cyclists over in a range rover) so came to stay with us,he spent a while in and out of hull nick for breachin his original release conditions and went on the run once resulting in our house been raided by the police at midnight one day,buggers even went in loft! Anyway my daughter started college and just returned from her first driving lesson and told me she was pregnant and i were goin to be a grandparent at 36.
A year an half on i wouldnt change it for anything love our grandaughter to bits,yes was dissapointed at first and felt like id failed at parenting but bless shes suprised us all and turned into a great parent we couldnt b more proud how shes coped,the boyfriends stook by her and with a lot of support from myself hes turned his life around.My daughters returned to college and is now nagging to be a lorry driver like she always wanted to be lol
I felt dissapointed when our daughter started seein a well known local lad (well known for all the wrong reasons) hed spent time in a young offenders facility for car crime,vandalism and been involved in a police chase.The lad had no where to live after losing his father(a very well known e yorks haulier that run cyclists over in a range rover) so came to stay with us,he spent a while in and out of hull nick for breachin his original release conditions and went on the run once resulting in our house been raided by the police at midnight one day,buggers even went in loft! Anyway my daughter started college and just returned from her first driving lesson and told me she was pregnant and i were goin to be a grandparent at 36.
A year an half on i wouldnt change it for anything love our grandaughter to bits,yes was dissapointed at first and felt like id failed at parenting but bless shes suprised us all and turned into a great parent we couldnt b more proud how shes coped,the boyfriends stook by her and with a lot of support from myself hes turned his life around.My daughters returned to college and is now nagging to be a lorry driver like she always wanted to be lol
Now that’s got to be more disappointing than dating the town crook!!!
Nah i thought all dads wanted their daughter to drive lorrys lmao