Diesel theft



total madness:

44 Tonne Ton:
Sorry to hear that mate, any idea who might have robbed you? :slight_smile:

No idea my friend… No idea :unamused:

Patrick, Ian,Kevin,Edward,Ywyn and Stan. they had mine away just before crimbo :exclamation: :angry:

Why do people always assume that this family is responsible ■■?

I seen 3 [zb] selling stolen lead/copper at a scrapyard in Sanbach, took video and reported it to the police.

Their was a time when all /95% of diesel/load theft may have been down to them,but these days
their is a lot more desperate thieving scum out there.

People are to quick to jump to conclusions without knowing the facts,and thanks to this one family a lot more thieving scum get away without even being suspected.
I hate the caravan dwellers as much as the next man but really think should look closer to home…

About 30 years ago my best mate got arrested for receiving stolen goods, he had bought a tool box in good faith from someone he knew. In his garage was another toolbox “owned” by the scumbag who sold it to him, the police came and arrested my mate, the other bloke got away with theft when he told them who had bought stuff from him. Until plod starts arresting the scrap dealers, the scum will keep nicking stuff :smiling_imp:

thisisderbyshire.co.uk/news/ … ticle.html

In the case of diesel theft, I reckon it is the thief who uses the fuel

Wheel Nut:



total madness:

44 Tonne Ton:
Sorry to hear that mate, any idea who might have robbed you? :slight_smile:

No idea my friend… No idea :unamused:

Patrick, Ian,Kevin,Edward,Ywyn and Stan. they had mine away just before crimbo :exclamation: :angry:

Why do people always assume that this family is responsible ■■?

I seen 3 [zb] selling stolen lead/copper at a scrapyard in Sanbach, took video and reported it to the police.

Their was a time when all /95% of diesel/load theft may have been down to them,but these days
their is a lot more desperate thieving scum out there.

People are to quick to jump to conclusions without knowing the facts,and thanks to this one family a lot more thieving scum get away without even being suspected.
I hate the caravan dwellers as much as the next man but really think should look closer to home…

About 30 years ago my best mate got arrested for receiving stolen goods, he had bought a tool box in good faith from someone he knew. In his garage was another toolbox “owned” by the scumbag who sold it to him, the police came and arrested my mate, the other bloke got away with theft when he told them who had bought stuff from him. Until plod starts arresting the scrap dealers, the scum will keep nicking stuff :smiling_imp:

thisisderbyshire.co.uk/news/ … ticle.html

In the case of diesel theft, I reckon it is the thief who uses the fuel

As it was put to me a few years ago ‘If there were no receivers there’d be no thievers’ always tried to remember that. Although some people look at me a bit funny when I won’t buy something that may have a dodgey history. I’ve lost to much over the years to thieves, of whatever persuasion, to want to encourage more :imp:

Plod won’t do anything about the people with the name that begins with P, sorry I can’t use the name on here I’m not allowed to, but if you go through the posts any other poster is. but back to the post plod will do nothing, for the simple reason he’s scared of them.

Plod won’t do anything about the people with the name that begins with P, sorry I can’t use the name on here I’m not allowed to, but if you go through the posts any other poster is. but back to the post plod will do nothing, for the simple reason he’s scared of them.

Don’t think plods scared of them, plods scared of sitting behind a desk doing 3hrs of paperwork for it to end up in the bin when someone decides its too costly to prosecute.


Plod won’t do anything about the people with the name that begins with P, sorry I can’t use the name on here I’m not allowed to, but if you go through the posts any other poster is. but back to the post plod will do nothing, for the simple reason he’s scared of them.

Don’t think plods scared of them, plods scared of sitting behind a desk doing 3hrs of paperwork for it to end up in the bin when someone decides its too costly to prosecute.

Yeah know what your saying Trev, but I worked for a firm a few years ago, and there were lot’s of these people in the area, and they took things without paying for them, if you know what I mean :unamused: plod motor patrols used are yard for a cuppa and to keep out of the way, they always said they new these people were doing it, but they wern’t going down there to get there heads kicked in.

just been reading a thread about having your diesel nicked in laybys by thieving ■■■■■■,and how its your bosses fault for not paying parking,well pot and kettle whats the difference in the word THEFT when you see honest drivers filling a can for the car when they top the truck up?nick a gallon a day thats about £1600 a year and you do do it in broad daylight with the cameras watching how stupid are you!!! add that to the white pallets your selling and ripping your company profits off again i reckon the your on the same level as a thieving ■■■■■ but atleast they know there scum

Someone has an axe to grind.

Rob K:
Someone has an axe to grind.

to right i have ,companys going bust every week and we are all so short sighted that because the company cant afford to give us a rise we will nick his diesel or his pallets then when he goes pop lets blame eastern european drivers for our downfall,not the fact we drove him into the ground,when do you complain?when there nicking it out of your truck?its still theft now stand up and be counted or hide in the shadows of whimp,and when your company goes pop wear your one size fits all green shirt with pride.



Plod won’t do anything about the people with the name that begins with P, sorry I can’t use the name on here I’m not allowed to, but if you go through the posts any other poster is. but back to the post plod will do nothing, for the simple reason he’s scared of them.

Don’t think plods scared of them, plods scared of sitting behind a desk doing 3hrs of paperwork for it to end up in the bin when someone decides its too costly to prosecute.

Yeah know what your saying Trev, but I worked for a firm a few years ago, and there were lot’s of these people in the area, and they took things without paying for them, if you know what I mean :unamused: plod motor patrols used are yard for a cuppa and to keep out of the way, they always said they new these people were doing it, but they wern’t going down there to get there heads kicked in.

They’d soon get down there if you rang them and said you’d got 5 gallons of petrol, some rags and a zippo and you were having some ■■■■■■ for a bbq…

just been reading a thread about having your diesel nicked in laybys by thieving ■■■■■■,and how its your bosses fault for not paying parking,well pot and kettle whats the difference in the word THEFT when you see honest drivers filling a can for the car when they top the truck up?nick a gallon a day thats about £1600 a year and you do do it in broad daylight with the cameras watching how stupid are you!!! add that to the white pallets your selling and ripping your company profits off again i reckon the your on the same level as a thieving ■■■■■ but atleast they know there scum

I never stole any diesel!.. I gave up drinking that crap years ago :open_mouth:
I hope you are not refering to me as scum as that would be just plain rude :cry:
Although you are right in saying some drivers are scum and always will be :unamused:


Rob K:
Someone has an axe to grind.

to right i have ,companys going bust every week and we are all so short sighted that because the company cant afford to give us a rise we will nick his diesel or his pallets then when he goes pop lets blame eastern european drivers for our downfall,not the fact we drove him into the ground,when do you complain?when there nicking it out of your truck?its still theft now stand up and be counted or hide in the shadows of whimp,and when your company goes pop wear your one size fits all green shirt with pride.

The only ■■■■■■■ who lost any diesel when I worked for 'em was Exhell and there were two reasons for that. The non-existent control of fuel and when they nicked 12 days a year off us!

just been reading a thread about having your diesel nicked in laybys by thieving ■■■■■■,and how its your bosses fault for not paying parking,well pot and kettle whats the difference in the word THEFT when you see honest drivers filling a can for the car when they top the truck up?nick a gallon a day thats about £1600 a year and you do do it in broad daylight with the cameras watching how stupid are you!!! add that to the white pallets your selling and ripping your company profits off again i reckon the your on the same level as a thieving ■■■■■ but atleast they know there scum

Are you a driver? :unamused:

should have tryed to get to ringwood there is a nice lcar/ truckpark there and i think it has cctv

oh next time your parking up down here ket me know i could do with some diesel :laughing:


jrl driver:
wasn’t there any services/msa/truck stops near by you could have parked in,or is your gaffer 1 of these who won’t pay for parking? :wink:
£330’s worth of diesel is a lot to lose

Really are some dizzy people about :unamused:
Just cos you pay for parking it doesn’t make it secure :bulb:
Lets compare a £25 a night msa to a free layby/ind est
msa - scrap of tarmac
layby - scrap of tarmace
msa - no fence
layby - no fence
msa - crap lighting
layby - crap lighting
msa - no cameras
layby - no cameras
msa - no security guard
layby - no security guard
msa - open to every tom, ■■■■ and ■■■■■
layby - open to every tom, ■■■■ and ■■■■■

pretty much identical, you just leave a layby/ind est in the morning with a heavier wallet :grimacing:

msa-Full of other drivers
layby- on yer tod
Gives a slightly better chance of not getting robbed .


Had one of these on my old truck a nightmare to fill as you need to hold the handle all the time while it clicks off.

Better off with one of these ultrasecuredirect.com/acatal … asp_y.html cheaper as well.

msa-Full of other drivers
layby- on yer tod
Gives a slightly better chance of not getting robbed .

■■■■■■■■! Most of the thieving done in MSA’s is done BY other drivers!

I think basically if you’ve made the effort to put some sort of security on the tank, they might move on to the next truck without any security. Yeah, if they really want it, they will lay in to the tank with a screwdriver or some such but this might make enough noise that you awake and can wave your truncheon at them/call plod or just drive off. You don’t really want to get out as they may give you a beating.

msa-Full of other drivers
layby- on yer tod
Gives a slightly better chance of not getting robbed .

Erm might be full of drivers but they are all in there cabs, mostly sleeping with curtains closed, the drivers don’t spend the night out of there cabs patrolling the area. The thieves will also have cover from the truck and trailer next to the truck they are going to rob,.

This to me is a new low!
I feed the birds, peanuts and those fat/suet balls, they love them. Just recently I’ve been getting through quite a few. Christ they must love em I thunk to meself! Over this weekend they got through 6/7 of the things and it hasn’t been that cold and their normal grub is fairly plentiful.
Until this morning.
Caught some old bleeder who lives around the corner pinching them!
Bloody cheek!
After a few well chosen expletives and a well aimed kick to his dog’s arse I chased him off the premises! Never liked the geezer, got a feeling it’s his dog that dumps on my front lawn, never seen him clear up after his mutt either. One of my pet hates that, I pick up my mutts dumpings, it isn’t difficult, you can get 100 nappy sacks for a quid in Superdrug, failing that carrier bags, but watch where the holes are!
Know it’s not diesel but it’s still thieving ain’t it?
Mr. Angry of Tunbridge Wells

msa-Full of other drivers
layby- on yer tod
Gives a slightly better chance of not getting robbed .

just park in a dodgy layby where men go for some late night entertainment… when was the last time a truck had either its load or derv stolen from wansford? just park up, shut the curtains and ignore what they are up to. or if your JD you can eave the curtains open just a little bit :laughing: :laughing: