Ahh, I get you. Anti syphons are only really useful if you’re actually Kipling in the truck as you’ll hear them going at it.They’re primarily to stop the drivers siphoning the fuel anyway I’m sorry to say.
They don’t work for that either, the driver will just have ten ltrs away every time he fuels on the road. Seen it all over the years. Said drivers will often be seen in a lay by roughly a mile from the yard en route home
More chance of them being caught on camera or snitched at the pump though.
Now you’re assuming an idiot who risks losing a £500 pw job, for £40’s worth of diesel, has the brains to realise that
I worked for a firm where that did happen. The Driver took a bung from another driver at the diesel pump, he simply passed the nozzle over once he’d tapped in his details, and let the purchaser top up his tank. A week or two later he was invited into the office, shown the cctv evidence, and the fuel record from the pump. Caught red handed he left there and then. This I know happened. No secret was made for his sudden departure.
By all accounts he was given an ultimatum, either leave no questions asked, no rounding up off pay. Or have the Police brought in, he took the first option. This is what the rumour mill around the yard said happened aswell.
That was an average £550 plus nights out, plus weekend work on top job. All for a bung for some Diesel