Defending a charge of speeding


Is it morally right to find a loophole in order to get out of a speeding charge when the driver has been speeding ?

‘…Passed our local boys in blue or to be more accurate all in black standing in the bushes with speed gun at 5.50 am in the dark…’
It was a 30, poor morals that they used there uniform to hide…’

Is it morally right that a cyclist out at this time of day has to dress like a gay daisy in order to have a chance that boy-tossers wazzing home from being lads will miss him rather than prioritise ‘copper-spotting’ as their primary driving activity?

Is it morally right that white van-men & other assorted scrotes routinely use society’s roads as their personal race-tracks at that time of day?

Is it morally right for coppers to be chasing tossers that Blair/Brown let into my country rather than maintaining road discipline & lives in my back yard?


Is it morally right to find a loophole in order to get out of a speeding charge when the driver has been speeding ?

Passed our local boys in blue or to be more accurate all in black standing in the bushes with speed gun at 5.50 am in the dark !!!
It was a 30, poor morals that they used there uniform to hide. :frowning:

It was probably dark because it was an unlit road that was subject to the national speed limit a week ago until they decided to make it a 30 so that the commie stealth squad could go out there through the night to get an easy nick and get some money in for the government’s debts.

Here’s a thought…

Any one heard the ‘increase the motorway speed lobby’ recently ? - no ! - why ? - easy …
The Govt has a proposal which is ready to go into action when the conditions to that proposal are met - it is this - the speed limits on motorways will be increased when drivers keep to the minimum safe gaps.

So what about speed cameras ? - well, I reckon the same thing would be easy … get rid of the speed cameras when motorists stop speeding - no reason to have them or income to be gained from them.

An easy solution to please the anti speed camera lobby :slight_smile:

The keeping of speed cameras in entirely in the hand, or rather foot, of the drivers…

Here’s a thought…

Any one heard the ‘increase the motorway speed lobby’ recently ? - no ! - why ? - easy …
The Govt has a proposal which is ready to go into action when the conditions to that proposal are met - it is this - the speed limits on motorways will be increased when drivers keep to the minimum safe gaps.

So what about speed cameras ? - well, I reckon the same thing would be easy … get rid of the speed cameras when motorists stop speeding - no reason to have them or income to be gained from them.

An easy solution to please the anti speed camera lobby :slight_smile:

The keeping of speed cameras in entirely in the hand, or rather foot, of the drivers…

The ironic thing is I actually prefer speed cameras to the idea of a copper’s word being good enough to send you to jail in some cases concerning speed.It’s not really a case of cameras or detection it’s one of limits.The issue is one of the limits themselves and the severity of the penalties imposed for breaching them and the cameras versus coppers detection is a red herring.The fact is that speed has been made a political issue for political motives and the severity and perception of it has been changed in the eyes of the courts by government directives.The limits themselves are actually being reduced in many cases not increased.You’ll still be using that keep your foot off the gas argument when the government have reduced motorway limits to 20 mph ‘to protect us all from ourselves’.In the meantime I could still legally drive a car in Germany on an unlimited motorway and a truck in the states at over 60 mph on an interstate.It’s my bet that the British government would like to see that stopped for ‘environmental’ (read political) reasons not safety ones.Which is why they are quite happy to burn as much fuel as you like and run at 200 mph without a seat belt on just so long as you’re on rails not on the road.

The issue is one of the limits themselves

That comes down to another issue to which there is a solution…
The limits are set to what me might call ‘the worst drivers’ and not the capabilities of the average’ or ‘better’ drivers.
Solution - make drivers go through regular driver assessments and then make those that do not meet the minimum rewuirements take further training & testing.
That way the limits could be raised.


The issue is one of the limits themselves

That comes down to another issue to which there is a solution…
The limits are set to what me might call ‘the worst drivers’ and not the capabilities of the average’ or ‘better’ drivers.
Solution - make drivers go through regular driver assessments and then make those that do not meet the minimum rewuirements take further training & testing.
That way the limits could be raised.

Marvellous idea ROG.

Replace one cash cow with another.

Replace one cash cow with another.

Hmmm… Making better safer drivers so that speed limits can be raised - not really a cash cow in the same sense…

‘… speed has been made a political issue for political motives …’

Politics are supposedly there to serve us - and since we vote in the leaders - who is being ‘blamed’ here? Whatever.
The evidence that 30, 40, 50, etc are the appropriate speeds for us to be corralled within is provided by statistical data. That data directly relates to our health (ie, our deaths & road injuries, etc, etc). So, if lead-footed fools didn’t provide the dastardly data collators with that evidence then we wouldn’t need nagging or ‘suffer’ financial penalty by our leaders who, it seems, are as pee’d off as I am at how selfish gits dictate how my money is being spent repairing (so called) ‘accident’ victims in hospitals, etc.

In the meantime I could still legally drive a car in Germany on an unlimited motorway …’

And potentially face a charge of ‘inconsiderate/inappropriate/dangerous driving’ on the strength of a copper’s judgement. How many ways do we want to tell us that man cannot live safely - solely by his own whimsy?


The issue is one of the limits themselves

That comes down to another issue to which there is a solution…
The limits are set to what me might call ‘the worst drivers’ and not the capabilities of the average’ or ‘better’ drivers.
Solution - make drivers go through regular driver assessments and then make those that do not meet the minimum rewuirements take further training & testing.
That way the limits could be raised.

ROG if the limits have to be set to a safe speed to cater for the worst drivers,(and suicidal cyclists and pedestrians etc etc) then we really do need to bring back the man with a flag walking in front of every motor vehicle. :unamused:

ROG if the limits have to be set to a safe speed to cater for the worst drivers,(and suicidal cyclists and pedestrians etc etc) then we really do need to bring back the man with a flag walking in front of every motor vehicle. :unamused:

does seem to be the current trend…

Happy Keith:

‘… speed has been made a political issue for political motives …’

Politics are supposedly there to serve us - and since we vote in the leaders - who is being ‘blamed’ here? Whatever.
The evidence that 30, 40, 50, etc are the appropriate speeds for us to be corralled within is provided by statistical data. That data directly relates to our health (ie, our deaths & road injuries, etc, etc). So, if lead-footed fools didn’t provide the dastardly data collators with that evidence then we wouldn’t need nagging or ‘suffer’ financial penalty by our leaders who, it seems, are as pee’d off as I am at how selfish gits dictate how my money is being spent repairing (so called) ‘accident’ victims in hospitals, etc.

In the meantime I could still legally drive a car in Germany on an unlimited motorway …’

And potentially face a charge of ‘inconsiderate/inappropriate/dangerous driving’ on the strength of a copper’s judgement. How many ways do we want to tell us that man cannot live safely - solely by his own whimsy?

The fact is the statistics for road transport actually show that it’s one of the safest forms of transport considering how many people use it regularly compared to rail etc.There’s been some severe rail crashes over the years where my money was spent treating the injured in hospital but I don’t remember any complaints by anyone concerning that.But if speed is as bad as you seem to think on the German motorways then I’d have either been killed or locked up long ago.As far as I can see the issue of having to have someone to tell me how to ‘live safely’ and protect me from myself is a British thing.Maybe the Brits might let us have those German car and US truck motorway limits by settling for 155 mph for cars and 65 mph for trucks enforced only by cameras as long as you’re wearing a high viz jacket. :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

‘… if the limits have to be set to a safe speed to cater for the worst drivers, (and suicidal cyclists and pedestrians etc etc) then we really do need to bring back the man with a flag walking in front of every motor vehicle…?’

Apparently Yes.

Thus emerges a very negative effect of being ‘diversified’ - which Bliar/Brown advocate as being a brilliant ideal for us to embrace. It is apparently what makes living in the UK such a pleasure and its industry (of consuming & glorifying expensive foreign tat?) a resounding success. But:

We didn’t ask for it.

Nor was it openly bragged about on any party manifesto at the last election …least of all by the current bunch of plinths ruling in Governement

However, Carryfast’s observation seems to suggest that we are somehow manipulated to feel ok - whilst really feeling dismayed should one ever question what a nause it is having to accept the ‘…worst…’ standards & values as practised by retards/users/abusers/the selfish, ignorant & useless, etc.

Is it morally right to find a loophole in order to get out of a speeding charge when the driver has been speeding ?

Yes, definitely. … s-off-free

I know it’s a few years ago now but if this knobber can use a loophole then why can’t we. It’s one rule for them and one for us and is why, as has been said before, the police have no respect anymore, certainly not from me.

I, if I had to, would use any loophole I could think of to get out of a motoring charge (or anything else for that matter) and I don’t care whether that’s immoral or not. The police are making criminals out of people who may have lost concentration for a split second and have turned that motorists’ misery into a massive revenue earner. :imp: :imp:

Robbing bleeders…at least ■■■■ Turpin wore a mask!!

‘… if speed is as bad as you seem to think on the German motorways then I’d have either been killed or locked up long ago…’

I’m not suggesting that ‘…speed is … bad … on the German motorways…’ but that aspects associated with road speed within Germany is managed differently - and arguably more efficiently - to way our clowns (mis)manage ours.

Have the Germans sacked their road dibble & replaced it with cheaper HATO’s?

On the whole, do the motoring Deutsche argue with - or ■■■■■ about their politzei, or accept the ticket?

Apart from their awful aquaplaning characteristics, are autobahns efficient?

Why do Boxheads fully adhere to speed-efficient zip-merging & the UK motoring public treats them as a laughable ‘must-win’ challenge?

Speed doesn’t kill - but its management arguably does.

Happy Keith:

‘… if speed is as bad as you seem to think on the German motorways then I’d have either been killed or locked up long ago…’

I’m not suggesting that ‘…speed is … bad … on the German motorways…’ but that aspects associated with road speed within Germany is managed differently - and arguably more efficiently - to way our clowns (mis)manage ours.

Have the Germans sacked their road dibble & replaced it with cheaper HATO’s?

On the whole, do the motoring Deutsche argue with - or ■■■■■ about their politzei, or accept the ticket?

Apart from their awful aquaplaning characteristics, are autobahns efficient?

Why do Boxheads fully adhere to speed-efficient zip-merging & the UK motoring public treats them as a laughable ‘must-win’ challenge?

Speed doesn’t kill - but its management arguably does.

HATO’S or coppers are all the same thing to me but why bother using a British motorway anyway?.Does it really matter with those limits they’re just a waste of time and money.Is it worth spending millions on a road with up to three overtaking lanes but with a 70 mph (90 kmh for trucks) limit when it’s legal to drive at 70 mph (80 kmh for trucks) mph on an ordinary dual carriageway with just one overtaking lane?.Would a German or Italian argue with their police or ■■■■■ about getting a ban or a prison sentence for running at 100 mph + with a car on an Autostrada or unlimited autobahn you bet they would and the same would apply to any American or Canadian truck driver forced to run at 90 kmh on an Interstate now or even at less than 35 mph in town.Which is one of the reasons why yank trucks were running with AM CB’s and burners to warn each other miles away of coppers hiding on the central reservations and more radar and laser detectors than their air force had in the 1970’s under the double nickel limits.Zip merging to me means being warned of lane closures ahead a lot further out than distance which our regs make the Highways Agency put the wicket signs at so instead of a lane closure warning first giving which lane is closed we get a man with a shovel sign so we know there’s roadworks ahead but we don’t know which lane/s we need to be in until it’s too late and then we’re in the middle of a three lane jam.

‘… why bother using a British motorway anyway?..’

Er, I do a bit of trunking and am routed that way

‘…Does it really matter with … limits they’re just a waste of time and money…’

Ooer & blimey: FOOD-FIGHT

‘…Would a German … argue with their police …? …’

In my experience the Boxhead plod receive more respect - there’s no way that I was suggesting ‘never’.

‘…Zip merging … lane closures ahead … but we don’t know which lane/s we need to be in until it’s too late and then we’re in the middle of a three lane jam…’

Which is close to my point - being that various phenomenon surrounding lane closures and myriad aspects of motoring (ie, social) accountability - suited to guidance by Government as done by other countries - are poorly managed &, IMO, made worse by the ratty attitude of ‘me-me-me’ fuelled by a vast number of ‘must-win’ motorists…

Happy Keith:

‘… why bother using a British motorway anyway?..’

Er, I do a bit of trunking and am routed that way

‘…Does it really matter with … limits they’re just a waste of time and money…’

Ooer & blimey: FOOD-FIGHT

‘…Would a German … argue with their police …? …’

In my experience the Boxhead plod receive more respect - there’s no way that I was suggesting ‘never’.

‘…Zip merging … lane closures ahead … but we don’t know which lane/s we need to be in until it’s too late and then we’re in the middle of a three lane jam…’

Which is close to my point - being that various phenomenon surrounding lane closures and myriad aspects of motoring (ie, social) accountability - suited to guidance by Government as done by other countries - are poorly managed &, IMO, made worse by the ratty attitude of ‘me-me-me’ fuelled by a vast number of ‘must-win’ motorists…

But the points which I was making is that those German coppers get more respect because they’re enforcing more sensible laws.Those laws are more sensible because the fatherland does’nt have this speed hang up (where cars are concerned) which the brits seem to have that any vehicle being driven faster than another must have a suicidal nut case behind the wheel.Their speed limits concerning trucks are a different matter and then you need to look to the yanks who learnt years ago that artificially low limits and other types of harassment just breed contempt for the law as shown in the old film Convoy and that was close to how things were getting between their police and truck drivers under their old National/Interstate 55 mph limits and excessive regulation of road transport.But like the fatherland for trucks the british motorways are best avoided by everyone unless you just like sitting in 3 or 4 lanes of traffic all travelling bunched up at the same speed.But if you really want to see the me-me-me ‘must win’ attitude in action just drive on the Italian roads and autostradas.It’s great because it’s more like motor racing than F1 is and that’s why I prefer driving there than Germany and why their plod use Lambos to chase people with.It’s because they’re not interested in nicking anyone driving at under 180mph. :laughing: :laughing: