dead deer


Im sure its got something to do with the fact that its the begining of their mating season. It makes them more active around this time of year.

I’d agree with this. Have you ever heard a stags mating call? I do a bit of mountain biking over cannock chase and to hear that echoing round the trees is really quite something :laughing: :laughing:

yeah there is some moor lands just near to where i live, when my german shepherd was alive i used to walk him down there, quite a sound is’nt it, they’re an impressive animal at full size - especially the stags, for some reason rain or drizzle used to bring them out of the wooded areas into the open more than normal.

Last year coming down the A3, quite late at night a car on the opposite carriage way flashed it’s lights at me, I’m thinking; what? split second later I’m looking at a white blob still thinking; what? and then a deer comes flying past the window just under my wing mirror and disappears under the trailer. I didn’t hit it but I can only imagine what mess it must’ve made to the car to launch it that far and high. Of all the times not to have the dash cam it’s when bambi flys past. :frowning:
(stopped at the next garage to get a coffee and told my story to a poor tesco driver who I’m sure thought I was crazy :stuck_out_tongue:)

Im sure its got something to do with the fact that its the begining of their mating season. It makes them more active around this time of year.

Hiya the mateing season for deer’s is called the rutt…now most of the rutts are on the roads nowadays
thats why you see so many deer’s on the road. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: …sorry

Im sure its got something to do with the fact that its the begining of their mating season. It makes them more active around this time of year.

:laughing: deer me !!

Try hitting a moose and see what it does :laughing:

i hit a cow some years ago , must be similar to a moose . it made a hell of a mess of the cab , lights , top and bottom panels , radiator , and then the bloody thing got up and ran off . it was found dead down the road with a broken neck

Have you noticed that birds of prey sit on fences at the side of motorways and are not bothered by the noise of passing trafffic, it seems to me that they are waiting around for some fresh road kill.
Yet the tree huggers will get a £1000 per hour lawyer to stop a new road build project because a dog walker spotted a rare newt.
I see a lot of dead bloated badgers, and low flying birds that should get a refund from their flying school.

On the program Country File the other week, apparently its becoming quite a problem even in urban areas so their is a debate going on at the moment about culling because as all ready said they have no natural predators,and even in areas around the M25 its becoming quite a problem.

Have you noticed that birds of prey sit on fences at the side of motorways and are not bothered by the noise of passing trafffic, it seems to me that they are waiting around for some fresh road kill.
Yet the tree huggers will get a £1000 per hour lawyer to stop a new road build project because a dog walker spotted a rare newt.
I see a lot of dead bloated badgers, and low flying birds that should get a refund from their flying school.

I used to see one on the M18 north of Doncaster quite often. It just sat on a fence post watching and waiting for it’s next meal. I’m assuming it’s gone south for the winter so I’m watching to see if it returns this spring.




Im sure its got something to do with the fact that its the begining of their mating season. It makes them more active around this time of year.

I’d agree with this. Have you ever heard a stags mating call? I do a bit of mountain biking over cannock chase and to hear that echoing round the trees is really quite something :laughing: :laughing:

How do you and your damoq work out its the mating season?

puzzled me too

Me too, as the rutting season is in the autumn down here :wink:

Don’t any of you people watch the discovery channels? :open_mouth: It’s around this time of year that the dominant and sronger male deers start looking for mates. They force other weaker deers away from their territory to give themselves a better chance to find a mate. This means the weaker deers have to wander around to find another area to live in or find their own mate. Often this will require them to cross roads to find these places with the risk of being killed by vehicles.:wink:

I hit one in my Honda Accord@ 8pm middle of June 2010 broad daylight here in NI,
came FLYING out of an open gate from a field covered by tall conifers as I was on a dual carriageway doing about 50mph. :unamused:

No chance to avoid it,
just saw a flash over the N/S front wing and felt the bump, saw it limp off on over the other side of carriageway in rear view mirror and made a right bloody mess of the N/S of the car :exclamation: :exclamation: :imp:

Don’t any of you people watch the discovery channels? :open_mouth: )

I look at the deer in real life :wink: You’re probably watching a repeat !

here’s a helpful link :grimacing: … ndex.shtml

Denis F:

Don’t any of you people watch the discovery channels? :open_mouth: )

I look at the deer in real life :wink: You’re probably watching a repeat !

here’s a helpful link :grimacing: … ndex.shtml

So do I, minus the NV of course.

ooops enjoy it so much i posted twice :slight_smile:

Doesn’t it go like boot leather when BBQ’d?

‘…dead deer…’

So’s the cost of car insurance: Thanks for clearing that up :unamused:

Imagine the carnage if a couple of deer crossed in front of a motor cycle club run.As said the deer have no natural predator now that the wolves have all been killed.I hit one with a Ford Fiesta and did a bit of damage to the car needless to say the deer wasnt insured.

My mate hit one and wrote his car off, but he found out that if you go and shoot one in a field they belong to the farmer but when you hit one on the road and claim against said farmer they are a wild animal and don’t belong to anyone.

About 2001 i was doing quite a lot of sutherland and west coast and purchased a whistle / small plastic square with 2 holes in which i put in the front grill it was supposed to make a noise that only the deer could hear the frequency ,it was from a garage in Ullapool,i don’t know if it worked but i never hit any deer when i was driving towards them they looked but didn’t run.