Davy Hourguard Question

We have emphasised to the manufacturers that we intend keeping the same design as the CE02, and that we will be wanting the pcb to be identical to the current one so any changes need to be built into the current design, this they agree with.

So hopefully we can supply PCB’s to DTS customers, I’m 99% certain this should be possible :wink: :wink:

As for the CE01 timers, we have asked for the case of the CE02 to be used for the CE01 along with the same screen layout, however, it wont have a rechargeable battery and will operate off 3 x AAA batteries, nor will it have the 26 week or download facility but as its going to be offered as a replacement for the CE01 the price will reflect that.

Great news thanks Davey

I’ve registered on your own forums….capitol-enterprises2000.ltd.uk

Looking forward to more good news there

Sent mine to DTS on 16/08 (Weds).

Got it back 22/08 (Tues).

Happy with that — they would have received it Thursday, allow for the weekend, and they dispatched it back Monday.

sent mine back, got a fast turn around etc
but now it doesnt bleep at ALL for for count downs to 45s etc

sent mine back, got a fast turn around etc
but now it doesnt bleep at ALL for for count downs to 45s etc

Sounds like its one of the wires come off the Piezo Sounder, take out the 4 screws on the back and gently prize apart there should be 2 wires soldered at the piezo sounder and the PCB. If both wires are attached then its a faulty transistor either Q2 or Q3 (Running across the top centre of the PCB) as they are numbered on the PCB (Check the legs of the transistor are not touching causing a short circuit) if they are OK then its Capacitor L2 on the R\H\S of the PCB which needs replacing.

Hope that helps, :wink: :wink:

Why use a L for a capacitor marking, it should be a C.
an L is a circuit reference for an inductor (which is basically a coil)

Why use a L for a capacitor marking, it should be a C.
an L is a circuit reference for an inductor (which is basically a coil)

Perhaps I should give you the e-mail address of the manufacturers for them to explain why they decided on this Chris? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

I dont actually have anything to do with the itemising of components on the PCB and obviously as the posting by pierre was made I decided to respond with the component list as read off the PCB its self, but one things certain, I know the difference between a Capacitor and a Coil :wink: :wink: :wink:

The SM Capacitors are all marked C1 C2 etc so at least they got that right :laughing: :laughing:


sorted :smiley: :smiley:
it was the pezo wire that had come off