Davies Int. Southampton. With photos (Part 1)


Evening Buzzer

Like yourselves we’ve had it a bit drier up here but pretty cold with it, one or two nice days but with lambing fast approaching it could do with warming up. We have had about a dozen lambed so far, mainly the pure Leicester’s which are a handful as they tek some getting going.
We are also busy calving with two being born today, and we took two cows to Penrith last week to IVF them, so far the results look quite positive with 10 eggs off one and three off our old girl Viv who is 19 years old now.

Your fresh Charolais steers look the business, certainly look in good order and should do you well lets hope the beef price holds up. Back to it tomorrow off up to Workington to load for Motherwell, then after that we will see.

Cheers Wrighty.

Hey Wrighty whats with all the mowdy hills ? You want to get them sorted out----- Do you have a shotgun :laughing: :laughing: Cheers Dennis.

Tells us about it Dennis the bloody moles are a nuisance, we had them fairly well cleared at the start of winter but they are back with a vengeance. The wet weather has made it hard work catching them, we have 18 traps set at the moment but they have appeared to have stopped working apart from the odd one stuffing the traps.

Cheers Wrighty.


Good photos .to be honest that is the first time i have seen moles close up, all though originally i lived in the country and a farm worker.

Maybe a new sausage range “■■■■■■■■■■ mole” im assuming you live in ■■■■■■■■■■ ?t v chef Phil Vickery has been cooking Gray Squirrel to give the red squirrels a better chance.dbp.

Good photos .to be honest that is the first time i have seen moles close up, all though originally i lived in the country and a farm worker.

Maybe a new sausage range “■■■■■■■■■■ mole” im assuming you live in ■■■■■■■■■■ ?t v chef Phil Vickery has been cooking Gray Squirrel to give the red squirrels a better chance.dbp.

You’ve well ■■■■■■ on your chips “pdb” calling Wrighty a ■■■■■■■■ ! You will defo be off his Christmas card list ( if you were ever on it !) I’m not 100% sure of his origin ( could be inbred ! :blush: ) but it is most probably as a Lancastrian and now a Yorkshire Dalesman ! But I stand corrected if this is not so but he is defo not a ■■■■■■■■ and he dosen’t reckon Rough Fell sheep either ! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink: Cheers Dennis.

Nice one BEWICK,LOL. tribal “rose” differences .dbp.


Good photos .to be honest that is the first time i have seen moles close up, all though originally i lived in the country and a farm worker.

Maybe a new sausage range “■■■■■■■■■■ mole” im assuming you live in ■■■■■■■■■■ ?t v chef Phil Vickery has been cooking Gray Squirrel to give the red squirrels a better chance.dbp.

You’ve well ■■■■■■ on your chips “pdb” calling Wrighty a ■■■■■■■■ ! You will defo be off his Christmas card list ( if you were ever on it !) I’m not 100% sure of his origin ( could be inbred ! :blush: ) but it is most probably as a Lancastrian and now a Yorkshire Dalesman ! But I stand corrected if this is not so but he is defo not a ■■■■■■■■ and he dosen’t reckon Rough Fell sheep either ! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink: Cheers Dennis.

Well Dennis I was born and bred in Lancashire, old fella is a Yorkshireman and I’ve lived int dales for over twenty years and work for a ■■■■■■■■■■

Cheers Wrighty.

How is the IVECO doing Wrighty :slight_smile:

Lance Biscomb:
How is the IVECO doing Wrighty :slight_smile:

So far Lance it seems to be doing ok, no major problems just a loose clip on the turbo pipe last week. Time will tell when it gets a few clicks on it, and the dreaded electrics start playing up.

Cheers Wrighty.




Hi BUZZER ,Good photos i like the Bowker squeezing in the corner i spent very happy years on that company ,run on the same lines as yourself a FARTHER and SON firm… BOWKERS had the drivers welfare at all times, by reading and seeing your drivers responses your company is the same ,a pity others years ago never had the same outlook. dbp.

Wrighty one of your not so old trucks a DAF for sale on Truckbay Southwest, is it past it’s sell by date as aint that old, Buzzer


Wrighty one of your not so old trucks a DAF for sale on Truckbay Southwest, is it past it’s sell by date as aint that old, Buzzer

Evening Buzzer

Not sure I didn’t realise it was for sale until I saw it on FB, he bought it with the intention of stretching it into a rigid with a canopy above the cab for straw but apparently DAF don’t approve of their vehicles being modified so it didn’t happen, so we will see what turns up to replace it.
Busy up ere with lambing in full swing and calving as well, the weather turned a bit nasty on Thursday night, not a lot of snow but it blew hard and left deep drifts everywhere. It was not ideal as we had a delivery of straw on Friday and the wagon was unable to get to the farm, so we had to load it onto a tractor and trailer to get it home.
Back to it tomorrow for two days then off for a fortnights lambing, oh the joys roll on April…

Cheers Wrighty.


Buzzer it look’s like poor old Roger was the only one earning a crust from the photo yesterday. :sunglasses:

gerbil sb152:
Buzzer it look’s like poor old Roger was the only one earning a crust from the photo yesterday. :sunglasses:

He has too Kev after flooring a lamp post in some service area up North, this with all round survaillance cameras on the truck & trailer, getting too old for the job :blush: :blush: JD


gerbil sb152:
Buzzer it look’s like poor old Roger was the only one earning a crust from the photo yesterday. :sunglasses:

He has too Kev after flooring a lamp post in some service area up North, this with all round survaillance cameras on the truck & trailer, getting too old for the job :blush: :blush: JD

oooh that’s harsh buzzer. i bet the poor blokes embarrased enough… :blush:

Buzzer, bit harsh all those year’s of loyal service. Did he damage the trailer don’t matter about lamp post. :sunglasses:

gerbil sb152:
Buzzer, bit harsh all those year’s of loyal service. Did he damage the trailer don’t matter about lamp post. :sunglasses:

Kev he said the bumper was scratched but that will mean it needs replacing, when the insurance has a £1000 excess and all ten new motors been hit somewhere in the first year it takes some keeping up with, when I was in charge I used to go mental at them for the first ten minutes and then leave off, no point just got to get it fixed and carry on Buzzer


Paul caught this one a few years back.