Dashcam / accident recorder

See if you could import a large number of these and sell them them with the largest memory card possible you could make a tidy profit. People are put off buying stuff from china and the likes me included.

But i must say it does look great tech for the money.

You can get these delivered to your door for just over $7.00

Video AVI Format 720 x 480 High Resolution.
Photo JPEG Format 1280 x 960 pixels.

You can get these delivered to your door for just over $7.00

Video AVI Format 720 x 480 High Resolution.

Photo JPEG Format 1280 x 960 pixels.

■■? :confused:

Whats confusing Rob K?

See if you could import a large number of these and sell them them with the largest memory card possible you could make a tidy profit. People are put off buying stuff from china and the likes me included.

But i must say it does look great tech for the money.

I’m just looking at ebay now and they actually do the LCD screen one (as mentioned by dino above) in true 720p. Price is about £100 delivered. That has cycled recording with the option to save any bits you want and runs continuously in 15 min file sizes whenever the ignition is switched on. Personally I feel that’s a bit expensive when the tech is basically the same in the fob one (HD 808) which is less than a third of the price. Granted the HD 808 doesn’t have an LCD screen and doesn’t do cycled recording, but the latter could be easily fixed by a software patch.

Merc, if the unit has cycled recording then the size of the card is not important :wink: .

Having had some experience in importing stuff from the Far East I would have to disagree that a “tidy profit” could be made. You would have to market them at such a price to cover the import duty/tax plus some more to cover the hassle involved in dealing with the stupid brigade who don’t know how to use and think the unit is broken (they’re not exactly user friendly to operate if you watch the linked vids in my previous post) and then of course the hassle of dealing with genuine faulty units. There’s a limit on how much someone would pay to source locally when they can see the exact same thing available from China for substantially less.

Whats confusing Rob K?

What is “these” you speak of? :confused:

Rob K:

Very impressive for a small camera and im tempted. If only i had an ebay account. Only downside i can see is the lack of time they can record for so on a long drive they an run out of room.
If someone fancies getting two and me purchasing one then drop me a pm

Joe if you read the blurb at the bottom of the link he has provided a couple of updates, one of which is a mod for unlimited recording until your SD card is full up :slight_smile: .

Update — 25 March 2011 — New Continuous Recording Firmware

If you do a youtube search for “HD 808” there’s a ton of other footage from them too, some strapping them to RC planes. Bear in mind that YT plays by default in 360p so you need to change to 720p to get the best, but even that won’t be like for like with the raw recording due to YT compression.

£26.36 with free delivery.

Missed that bit at the bottom, cheers Rob :smiley:
The picture quality of the 720p is brilliant. So, there is enough interest in them, now all we need is someone in the UK to sell them for a reasonable price

Just a quick update , Im currently looking into google checkout which will enable you to use cc’s and the paypal nonsense I agree with paypal are a right pain and i have stopped using them now for good

Just a quick update , Im currently looking into google checkout which will enable you to use cc’s and the paypal nonsense I agree with paypal are a right pain and i have stopped using them now for good

I can tell you from personal experience that GC is no better. They too are a law unto themselves and have a lesser tolerance than PP when it comes to dealing with problems.

edit: typo

Missed that bit at the bottom, cheers Rob :smiley:
The picture quality of the 720p is brilliant. So, there is enough interest in them, now all we need is someone in the UK to sell them for a reasonable price

Joe, further investigation on these HD 808s reveals that the “continuous recording” is far from as simple as that. There is a big discussion about this camera on the rcforums (FAQ post #3) and this post is particularly interesting :

Simultaneous Charging and Recording using standard cables/adapters
It is possible to charge and record at the same time using standard cables/adapters, but there are limitations:

  • With the standard Stop/Save/Continue firmware (with or without timestamp), the recording must be started before connecting the USB. The recording will stop as soon as the current 20 minute file is complete.
  • With the Continuous Recording Firmware you can use standard USB cables as long as you start the recording before attaching the USB cable.
    You will get approx. 80 minutes of video (4GB file).
    The recording will always stop as soon as the current file size reaches 4GB, so the actual recording time depends on the actual recording data rate (10 Mb/s or 7 Mb/s).
    On some cameras you can switch from 10 Mb/s to 7 Mb/s by taking a picture immediately before starting a video recording.
    If your camera automatically records with 7 Mb/s, it is not possible to switch to 10 Mb/s.
    I don’t know if this “functionality” is due to different hardware or depends on the speed of the micro SD card.

So to summarise what this means:

Even with the “continuous recording” firmware installed, the battery will run out typically after around 40 mins use. You can record with the USB charger cable attached, but you must set the device recording before you connect the cable. However, because most ‘removeable’ storage devices come formatted as FAT32, that means that even if your device has a 32 gig capacity, the maximum file size you can save in one go is 4 gig due to the limitations of the FAT32 file structure. So your continuous recording stops automatically when 4 gig of footage has been recorded (around 50- 75 mins) and you must then restart it manually to continue, but first you must remove the USB charger in order to do this. As you can see, it is far from ideal.

The way round this is to convert your micro SD card from the FAT32 file system to NTFS which can handle larger files larger than 4 gig in size, but although this is a simple enough process to do, you’re really starting to get into ‘techie’ territory which the average user won’t want to be arsed with. Therefore my opinion here is that while the HD 808 is an excellent piece of kit for many applications, using it as a continuous dashcam/accident recorder is not recommended.

It seems more suited to shorter trips, like when going to the shops or on drives no longer then 40mins.
The Car DVR looks like quite a good option, the bit i dont get is if the card is full with it start to re write over the stuff its already done? It would be quite handy if it did because you could go for a while without the need to plug it into your computer. But if you had a big enough memory card i guess this wouldnt be a problem anyway.
I have to agree though that the £100 for the proper HD camera with the LCD screen. It seems alot for a screen.
Theres quite a few others on ebay that seem to do the same thing but names seem to be a bit lacking to search for reviews etc on them. They seem to work out cheaper aswell.

It seems more suited to shorter trips, like when going to the shops or on drives no longer then 40mins.
The Car DVR looks like quite a good option, the bit i dont get is if the card is full with it start to re write over the stuff its already done? It would be quite handy if it did because you could go for a while without the need to plug it into your computer. But if you had a big enough memory card i guess this wouldnt be a problem anyway.
I have to agree though that the £100 for the proper HD camera with the LCD screen. It seems alot for a screen.
Theres quite a few others on ebay that seem to do the same thing but names seem to be a bit lacking to search for reviews etc on them. They seem to work out cheaper aswell.

What application are you wanting one for Joe? Are you the guy that cycles everywhere or have I got the wrong Joe? It’d be near perfect for cycling due to the size and also not needing a vast capacity of storage.

Rob K:

It seems more suited to shorter trips, like when going to the shops or on drives no longer then 40mins.
The Car DVR looks like quite a good option, the bit i dont get is if the card is full with it start to re write over the stuff its already done? It would be quite handy if it did because you could go for a while without the need to plug it into your computer. But if you had a big enough memory card i guess this wouldnt be a problem anyway.
I have to agree though that the £100 for the proper HD camera with the LCD screen. It seems alot for a screen.
Theres quite a few others on ebay that seem to do the same thing but names seem to be a bit lacking to search for reviews etc on them. They seem to work out cheaper aswell.

What application are you wanting one for Joe? Are you the guy that cycles everywhere or have I got the wrong Joe? It’d be near perfect for cycling due to the size and also not needing a vast capacity of storage.

I used to cycle everywhere, then i got a car and ive turned lazy :unamused: :laughing: The smaller keyfob one would be good, it could be mounted on my bike pretty easy when i come to use it but it will get mainly used in the car. Insurance is stupidly high for me and if i can have something in the car in case an accident ever happens it would be handy to have footage to show what really happened. My journeys by car change from my 30min drive to work to a few hours on the motorway or town drives so although i dont do long hours driving(yet!) being able to just keep it in without the need to hook up to the computer to delete footage is handy.

Anyway, cycle wise im unsure on the purpose of filming. I wouldnt want to film to put on youtube bad drivers and they are the only real person you come across. My views have changed on cycling aswell and i want to try and stay as far away from cars when im on my bike.

I think ill have more of a dig around and see what comes up on these cameras on ebay. One of the main problems i see is when they are in UK shops the price seems to be ridiculous :unamused:

Joe, it’s interesting to read the youtube comments (not the blog comments) on his review of the HD 720p here. He does mention at the end of the video that it wasn’t true HD and simply upscaled, but the youtube commenters say that he was flogged a fake one. He does agree with this himself in the comments, so that review should really be ignored.

However, I did find footage of the true HD 720p device, although they all seem to be Russian vids :confused: . You can see the difference in quality immediately - youtube.com/watch?v=mr1-30X1 … re=related (make sure you click the 720p button on the video to view in full screen). Now that is nice and clear! :slight_smile:

The device takes up to a 64 gig SD card and has cycled recording in 2, 5 or 15 min segments. There isn’t any way to save a particular file from being overwritten if you end up in a crash, but even if you don’t have immediate access to a computer to download the last file containing the footage, with a 64 gig card you’d need to do roughly 20 hours of recording before it will overwrite the file you wanted to keep, so not an issue imho. It is worth mentioning that whenever it starts a new file there is a 3 second loss between files, but you’d have to be damned unlucky to have a smash in those 3 seconds if you have it set to 15 min files!

Rob K:
Joe, it’s interesting to read the youtube comments (not the blog comments) on his review of the HD 720p here. He does mention at the end of the video that it wasn’t true HD and simply upscaled, but the youtube commenters say that he was flogged a fake one. He does agree with this himself in the comments, so that review should really be ignored.

However, I did find footage of the true HD 720p device, although they all seem to be Russian vids :confused: . You can see the difference in quality immediately - youtube.com/watch?v=mr1-30X1 … re=related (make sure you click the 720p button on the video to view in full screen). Now that is nice and clear! :slight_smile:

The device takes up to a 64 gig SD card and has cycled recording in 2, 5 or 15 min segments. There isn’t any way to save a particular file from being overwritten if you end up in a crash, but even if you don’t have immediate access to a computer to download the last file containing the footage, with a 64 gig card you’d need to do roughly 20 hours of recording before it will overwrite the file you wanted to keep, so not an issue imho. It is worth mentioning that whenever it starts a new file there is a 3 second loss between files, but you’d have to be damned unlucky to have a smash in those 3 seconds if you have it set to 15 min files!

That video is alot better. The sound on it is also better(not that the sound is really much of a factor, but the quality of the sound in the blog is pretty crap compared to that one you linked to which is very clear. To be honest this one seems to be the one to get for me(not sure about others but the fact that it loops is the main decider and you can record for longer) but its the price thats the main decider on it all really, and if theres a way of getting one without having to use pay pal.

One thing i did notice which i dont know whether its my computer being a bit slow is it seemed a bit jurky in the youtube video, not sure if that is just my computer being slow at the moment though? A reasonable sized SD card coupled with the camera should make a decent set up.

My suggestion to MediaMass would be if he could set up a group buy type thing on the chosen camera. Its worked on a few forums im on and good deals have been had because people have gone for it. However it also went wrong on one forum and im pretty sure people lost money and the person went off to not be heard of again or something


Rob K:
Joe, it’s interesting to read the youtube comments (not the blog comments) on his review of the HD 720p here. He does mention at the end of the video that it wasn’t true HD and simply upscaled, but the youtube commenters say that he was flogged a fake one. He does agree with this himself in the comments, so that review should really be ignored.

However, I did find footage of the true HD 720p device, although they all seem to be Russian vids :confused: . You can see the difference in quality immediately - youtube.com/watch?v=mr1-30X1 … re=related (make sure you click the 720p button on the video to view in full screen). Now that is nice and clear! :slight_smile:

The device takes up to a 64 gig SD card and has cycled recording in 2, 5 or 15 min segments. There isn’t any way to save a particular file from being overwritten if you end up in a crash, but even if you don’t have immediate access to a computer to download the last file containing the footage, with a 64 gig card you’d need to do roughly 20 hours of recording before it will overwrite the file you wanted to keep, so not an issue imho. It is worth mentioning that whenever it starts a new file there is a 3 second loss between files, but you’d have to be damned unlucky to have a smash in those 3 seconds if you have it set to 15 min files!

That video is alot better. The sound on it is also better(not that the sound is really much of a factor, but the quality of the sound in the blog is pretty crap compared to that one you linked to which is very clear. To be honest this one seems to be the one to get for me(not sure about others but the fact that it loops is the main decider and you can record for longer) but its the price thats the main decider on it all really, and if theres a way of getting one without having to use pay pal.

One thing i did notice which i dont know whether its my computer being a bit slow is it seemed a bit jurky in the youtube video, not sure if that is just my computer being slow at the moment though? A reasonable sized SD card coupled with the camera should make a decent set up.

My suggestion to MediaMass would be if he could set up a group buy type thing on the chosen camera. Its worked on a few forums im on and good deals have been had because people have gone for it. However it also went wrong on one forum and im pretty sure people lost money and the person went off to not be heard of again or something

HD videos require pretty good spec systems to play them on smoothly. My desktop I’m writing on now is out of the ark and won’t even play 360 without stuttering. I did try playing 720p on it once and it locked up and I had to reboot it :blush: . My T500 lappy will play HD stuff fine though - that is 2.4 gig processor, 4 gig of RAM and WSXGA+ screen.

I’m doing some research now on vendors and will be buying one to test soon. :slight_smile:

Doh! :blush:

…which was linked to in my very first post…

Rob K:
…which was linked to in my very first post…

:laughing: :laughing: Im misreading alot of posts recently