Dangerous Police Driver!

north surrey haulage:

Killsville, that isn’t a rant. It is a constant source of genuine concern, the way those Sheffield cowboys perform.

I was in Sheffield a couple of weeks ago and had to pick up from steel firm cant remember the name (but I’m sure sombody will as the story goes on).

I came off the motorway at Meadow hall then came off roundabout after shopping center exit.
My road was next left but when I got there it was a low bridge.
I pull up to side of road and I’m looking at sat nav screen trying to find another way in.
I notice 3 or 4 cars pull out of the road onto my road with no problem.Thats dee dars for you.
Then just as I’ve worked out my route I hear a police siren.
I look out of my drivers window and a traffic (zb)(I think you meant volvo)T5 is sitting next to me going the other way.
I wind down my window and copper says

“are you gonna be there all day”


“No I need to be in that road but I cant get under the bridge”


“you’ll have to move”


“do you know how to get to ? steel firm”


“no,you’ll have to move”


“but I dont where to go”


“I dont care you’re blocking the road”

Now he’s given me the hump so

“no i’m not you are”




“I said I’m not blocking the road you are, I’m parked to one side of the road with my hazards on and you are sitting in the carriageway holding up those 3 cars behind you”


“I told you to move”


“and I said I will as soon as I figure out how to get to where I’m going”

At which point I returned to sat nav screen pretended to concentrate on it for about a minute.
Then he gets out of car (whilst still blocking road) to approach me

As he does I say

" oh it’s ok you dont have to show me how to get there I’ve just figured it out on the sat nav "

& pulled away

:laughing: :laughing:

Alternatively he could have asked if I was having a problem and offered assistance


edited for language :wink: mrs mix

thats dee dars for you.

So for anyone who doesnt know what North Surrey Haulage looks like, keep an eye on the next episode of Police Camera Action with those numpty south yorkshire police :smiley:

They certainly have some sort of attitude problem up there :exclamation: