Dangerous Drivers

I`ve noticed them too…although i do it myself sometimes…especially whilst cooking on the move…its a nuisance having to stir the camion stew , let alone using the can opener on the move as well to add to the stew.

Even worse when you drop yer half rolled ■■■ in the stew. Still, it all helps to thicken it up.

In the last decade or so they have come up with this marvelous technology for making and receiving phone calls without having to pick up the handset. You might want to look into it. They call it ‘Handsfree’.

I am pretty sure that if one of these half wits ploughed into a car containing your family or friends and Injured or Killed one of them your attitude towards them and this issue would change and most likely you would be saying “something should be done about this!”

It is good to know that there are members on this forum that have such high regard for road safety.

In the last decade or so they have come up with this marvelous technology for making and receiving phone calls without having to pick up the handset. You might want to look into it. They call it ‘Handsfree’.


In the last 180 years or so they came up with this marvellous idea to form a …Police Force you might want to look in to it…or even join. :bulb: then you can police the roads in an official capacity.

I have an agreement with my local Police station, they don’t moonlight as truck drivers, and I won’t try and do their job for them.
Works great so far, as I like to concentrate on my own job, not the job of the Police or other fellow drivers.
Hope that helps.

All the best ROB.

Agreed, I am not a copper or an enforcement authority. But Police / Highways officers are pretty sparse these days, especially overnight.

Is it not the responsibility of Conscientious Citizens / Professional and law abiding road users to get Involved if they see something wrong, especially if they observe something as dangerous as the hazard these drivers pose.

If the Enforcement authorities can’t / struggle to see these drivers and we decide to turn a blind eye to this problem then they get to continue this dangerous practice.

Just a thought, I wonder how often the operators viewing road side camera’s see these drivers and take any action?

If it was every now and then I see these drivers then maybe I would not view it as such an Issue but unfortunately it is common place to see these drivers once or more times every week.

I am no angel, I have veered over the line when distracted. But these f***ers can be swerving across three lanes.

Agreed, I am not a copper or an enforcement authority. But Police / Highways officers are pretty sparse these days, especially overnight.

Is it not the responsibility of Conscientious Citizens / Professional and law abiding road users to get Involved if they see something wrong, especially if they observe something as dangerous as the hazard these drivers pose.

If the Enforcement authorities can’t / struggle to see these drivers and we decide to turn a blind eye to this problem then they get to continue this dangerous practice.

Just a thought, I wonder how often the operators viewing road side camera’s see these drivers and take any action?

If it was every now and then I see these drivers then maybe I would not view it as such an Issue but unfortunately it is common place to see these drivers once or more times every week.

I am no angel, I have veered over the line when distracted. But these f***ers can be swerving across three lanes.

Thing is mate it becomes a busybody’s charter where every sad bast who hasn’t got a girlfriend takes the old art of ‘Grassing up’’ or informing semi professionally :unamused: and you get reported right left and bloody centre, for every little trivial event, whether it is arguably justified or not…and to add I personally hate these type of fanny with a vengeance.
I was ‘reported’ last year for taking a ■■■■ in a drain tucked well in behind my passenger side door, he must have had to stop and crane his neck to see me.
Another time I was ‘reported’ for hitting a bridge in Essex, and driving off, only thing is I was in Devon at the time.

Yeh you’re right there are not enough Police on the road, but that does not automatically qualify every Tom ■■■■ or Harry to become a self appointed traffic marshall.

I don’t know where you travel mate, but I’ve done this job a while now and been in most areas, here and abroad, and yeh I’ve seen it, but not over 3 lanes a few times every ■■■■ week that’s for sure.

So to sum up bud, if it was me I would just concentrate on my own good bad or indifferent driving, and just tut and shake my head at the d/heads (who will always be among us whatever) safe in the knowledge that I aint one of em. :bulb:


Agreed, I am not a copper or an enforcement authority. But Police / Highways officers are pretty sparse these days, especially overnight.

Is it not the responsibility of Conscientious Citizens / Professional and law abiding road users to get Involved if they see something wrong, especially if they observe something as dangerous as the hazard these drivers pose.

If the Enforcement authorities can’t / struggle to see these drivers and we decide to turn a blind eye to this problem then they get to continue this dangerous practice.

Just a thought, I wonder how often the operators viewing road side camera’s see these drivers and take any action?

If it was every now and then I see these drivers then maybe I would not view it as such an Issue but unfortunately it is common place to see these drivers once or more times every week.

I am no angel, I have veered over the line when distracted. But these f***ers can be swerving across three lanes.

Thing is mate it becomes a busybody’s charter where every sad bast who hasn’t got a girlfriend takes the old art of ‘Grassing up’’ or informing semi professionally :unamused: and you get reported right left and bloody centre, for every little trivial event, whether it is arguably justified or not…and to add I personally hate these type of fanny with a vengeance.
I was ‘reported’ last year for taking a ■■■■ in a drain tucked well in behind my passenger side door, he must have had to stop and crane his neck to see me.
Another time I was ‘reported’ for hitting a bridge in Essex, and driving off, only thing is I was in Devon at the time.

Yeh you’re right there are not enough Police on the road, but that does not automatically qualify every Tom ■■■■ or Harry to become a self appointed traffic marshall.

I don’t know where you travel mate, but I’ve done this job a while now and been in most areas, here and abroad, and yeh I’ve seen it, but not over 3 lanes a few times every [zb] week that’s for sure.

So to sum up bud, if it was me I would just concentrate on my own good bad or indifferent driving, and just tut and shake my head at the d/heads (who will always be among us whatever) safe in the knowledge that I aint one of em. :bulb:

well said Officer

Quick Mavis…pass me the phone!!

Cravat wearing police informant.jpg

“People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones?”

every sad bast who hasn’t got a girlfriend takes the old art of ‘Grassing up’’ or informing semi professionally :unamused: and you get reported right left and bloody centre, for every little trivial event, whether it is arguably justified or not…and to add I personally hate these type of fanny with a vengeance.

lol. Conveniently forgetting that time you reported a Stobart driver for tooting at your lass when she pulled out infront of him, then stopped to turn right.

isaac hunt:

every sad bast who hasn’t got a girlfriend takes the old art of ‘Grassing up’’ or informing semi professionally :unamused: and you get reported right left and bloody centre, for every little trivial event, whether it is arguably justified or not…and to add I personally hate these type of fanny with a vengeance.

lol. Conveniently forgetting that time you reported a Stobart driver for tooting at your lass when she pulled out infront of him, then stopped to turn right.

At least get your facts right mate if you are going to have a pop…please.
It wasn’t a case of just ‘‘tooting’’ at her was it. :unamused:
He very nearly drove over the top of her by his deliberate agressive driving.

Call me old fashioned, but I hardly think that occasion could be classed as a ‘little trivial event’ as stated in my post that you quoted.

It is also a lot different to just casually reporting TO THE POLICE (not to the offending driver’s firm :bulb: ) a driver for what you may consider is poor driving, which furthermore does not even directly involve you, as stated in the o/p …which I gave my opinion on.

Like I said entirely different scenario. :bulb: :bulb:
But hey, thanks for bringing it up anyway. :neutral_face:

Yep, see it all the time

Any good to drive and how many reports of dangerous driving do you have to call in before you get one

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Thought that was Maoster’s wagon for a split second :open_mouth: Almost the same reg.

I really hope it’s got a “catch the ferry” button :grimacing:

The driver of that truck is obviously a big fan…not too sure of the fairy lights though.


Agreed, I am not a copper or an enforcement authority. But Police / Highways officers are pretty sparse these days, especially overnight.

Is it not the responsibility of Conscientious Citizens / Professional and law abiding road users to get Involved if they see something wrong, especially if they observe something as dangerous as the hazard these drivers pose.

If the Enforcement authorities can’t / struggle to see these drivers and we decide to turn a blind eye to this problem then they get to continue this dangerous practice.

Just a thought, I wonder how often the operators viewing road side camera’s see these drivers and take any action?

If it was every now and then I see these drivers then maybe I would not view it as such an Issue but unfortunately it is common place to see these drivers once or more times every week.

I am no angel, I have veered over the line when distracted. But these f***ers can be swerving across three lanes.

But that’s just it, someone wiggling between Lane one and two might have been caught in a crosswind. Someone swerving from Lane one to three has either missed their turning or has issues. The application of common sense is needed.

Over the last few weeks I have encountered 2 Artics, suppose to be in lane 1 (Inside lane) weaving across Hard shoulder / middle lane. Funny enough were both on M1 south bound not that I think this is significant. Needless to say I gave them a wide birth when over taking them.

One was European registered and one was UK registered.

Unaware whether they were Tired, Drunk or Stoned but presented a danger to other road users.

I know this is not an uncommon occurrence as I have spoke with quite a few other drivers who have witnessed this.

After the last one I began to think whether I should have taken some action and if I did want too, how / what could I do ?

Be interested too know others thoughts on this ?

I the early hours of Saturday morning a few weeks ago I caught up with someone in a wagon which was weaving about a bit on the A42 N/B.
When he went about a foot over the n/s white line I knocked it back a bit and stayed put as I wasn’t too far from my exit.
Approaching j14 there’s a bit of a downhill with a couple of ‘separated’ lay- bys and he barrelled straight through the second one instead of following the slight right curve of the carriageway - he never braked until he was half way through it. How he got back out without binning it was a piece of, er, skill.
He came off at my junction and I knew then that we were going to the same place - I was working out whether to have a word at the gate or not but he pulled over a couple of hundred yards from the tip. For a kip, probably.