I always wished I’d taken some photos of the trucks I’d driven over the years but having found this thread I see plenty of people did it for me
does anybody have an pics of trucks that are in scrap yards? or dumped in the corner of yards left to rot etc
any pics wil be great
thanks !
The fh went over on the M25 a few months ago and the F88 is just rotting away in the corner.
there is a couple rotting away here
s32.photobucket.com/albums/d2/ra … /longdons/
im now off to bed, but i do have some more pics ill have a look tomorrow
Sadly, ive just heard that E K Bentons have just closed the door’s after many year’s in the bulk haulage industry.
Yes they have indeed, sold out to fermac. It is a shame to lose another local haulier, heard the sons wernt interested in taking it on.
cheers for them pics
any cheers mat for the link
does anybody have anymore ?
thats right bentons have sold to fermac all the drivers have kept there jobs and now work directly for fermac