Daf XF SSC 460

Personally, I wouldn’t buy another Daf as long as my lower orifice points downwards. :unamused: :unamused:
Nowt wrong with the driveline but the ancillaries were a nightmare.

DAFs are just RUBBISH!!!,thats is all you need to know!!!..hope this helps.

I know they are so unstable. :laughing:

jessicas dad:

DAFs are just RUBBISH!!!,thats is all you need to know!!!..hope this helps.

I know they are so unstable. :laughing:

Tell me about it Alex!!! :laughing: :wink:


DAFs are just SUPERB!!!,thats is all you need to know!!!..hope this helps.

Edited for accuracy :wink:

WHOA THERE Cowboy!!!..i have had to put someone else in their place for editing my quotes,what is it lately on here for people doing this??,if you disagree then fair enough(you are wrong),argue your point(even though there is no arguement)but please refrain from changing my post,cause it ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■ me off!!!..thank you and goodnight :angry: :angry: :wink:



DAFs are just SUPERB!!!,thats is all you need to know!!!..hope this helps.

Edited for accuracy :wink:

WHOA THERE Cowboy!!!..i have had to put someone else in their place for editing my quotes,what is it lately on here for people doing this??,if you disagree then fair enough(you are wrong),argue your point(even though there is no arguement)but please refrain from changing my post,cause it [zb] ■■■■■■ me off!!!..thank you and goodnight :angry: :angry: :wink:

yeah… :imp:

DAFs are just RUBBISH!!!,thats is all you need to know!!!..hope this helps.


id kill for a daf after having a renault for 2 days :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: