Customers Boring You To Death

If someone starts to bore me, I just say “I don’t care. I’m paid by the hour, so I’ve got all day.”
Despite the fact that the person boring me is often the person NOT paying, they’ll still shut up at this point. Odd eh? :open_mouth:

I sometimes think if you got a job as a ■■■■ inspector at the ■■■■■■■ mansion you’d complain about it.

Get to the Security Gatehouse at 15.15, only to be greeted by a uniform tapping a biro against his teeth and saying it’s unlikely stores will tip you because they finish at 16.00 but he will ring them to see!

Ah, bless. I will still probably have another 3 hours graft to do after they’ve cycled off home to ponce about with their lawns and hanging baskets.


Own Account Driver:
I sometimes think if you got a job as a ■■■■ inspector at the ■■■■■■■ mansion you’d complain about it.

Hahahahaha brillant. So succinctly put! :laughing:


Brilliant, I know this is only probably my second post, but here was my favourite drop probably.

Delivery note says call customer 30 min before, (rigid multi dropping) So call them off cab phone, chap on other end “Yes somebody will be in drive” Upon arriving he askes “where`s your mate?” “you’re going to assemble it yourself?” It was the look on his face when I showed him, The lift pulley for locale company, Pallet of bricks and asked him am I meant to fix the lift and build the gable end as well today. Brilliant he can tell me all day long how the website said it would be assembled for him, give them a call and get them here as the goods are.

I was quite happy to listen to customer’s projects etc when I was on tippers, or have a brew with them and the surfacing gangs as it broke the day up a bit plus it was good to know what the product was going to be used for. I suppose if you are in a rush it can get a little annoying but there is always more to the job than just drivin.
The definition of a bore, “Someone who talks inccessantly about themselves when you want to talk inccessently about YOURSELF” haha! Chill out. :smiley:


If you think flour’s boring try rubbish! i collect waste bales of plastic or card from garden centres, shopping centres, 3663 depots, and various other places, but i enjoy most of the ‘craic’ with people i deal with, there are occasionally braindeads to deal with, but i find most of the people i deal with are ok.

Told to ring the customer to ask if an artic will fit down their lane.
And all over the UK they all say no problem, we get the bin lorry and milk tanker down here everyday.
It transpires that the " artic" was a Ford Transit with a trailer.

If you think flour’s boring try rubbish! i collect waste bales of plastic or card from garden centres, shopping centres, 3663 depots, and various other places, but i enjoy most of the ‘craic’ with people i deal with, there are occasionally braindeads to deal with, but i find most of the people i deal with are ok.

What mill are you on for, do you collect the half tonne mill-sized wire tied bales or the smaller string ones?

We’re doing it for D S Smith, SCA as was, pick up from bales too small to clamp singly, to 1 tonne bales from various locations, take it to the nearest yard to me.