Crap drivers that can't drive economically

:shock: I’m surprised that there’s not been a contribution from Mr Carryfast yet. :wink:

Mind you, he’s probably recovering after the last 15-page epic. :grimacing:

He probably wouldnt be interested unless the van is a 6x2 :laughing:


:shock: I’m surprised that there’s not been a contribution from Mr Carryfast yet. :wink:

Mind you, he’s probably recovering after the last 15-page epic. :grimacing:

He probably wouldnt be interested unless the van is a 6x2 :laughing:

with a lifting tag axle :smiley: :laughing:

How close was he following you? He was probably on and off the brakes all the time if he was a bit close and didn’t have the brains to increase the gap a little to avoid it.

He was a sensible distance behind pretty much all the way. By sensible I mean around 100 yards behind me, so certainly not tail-gating. The guy is a mechanic and owns a second hand car dealer so one would think he’d be pretty familiar with different 'boxes. :confused:

A lot of it is down to tailgating the vehicle in front. The amount of people who drive too close to the vehicle in front is amazing. I don’t know if it’s down to the pressure of having someone else behind you so you must not leave a gap in front of you so the vehicle behind doesn’t get the hump or what. Most people don’t even realise they are doing anything wrong I believe. Sometimes you have to do it in a truck for an overtake but in a car there’s no excuse.

I must admit to being a heavy right footer on most occasions when the road is clear even in the truck which is strange as it’s mine.

Are you in business for yourself now Rob? (bet it’s not owner driving!)

The road was running freely all the way with little other traffic.

Been in business with my brother for around 5 years now. Very occasionally do some driving for a guy who runs an FH16 on demolition/plant work when he’s stuck, but it’s very rare these days as I’m busy doing other stuff. Owner driving? LOL. Done my time at that when a rather profitable opportunity presented itself, as you know. Mugs game now.

my own motor is a 1996p honda civic 1.6 automatic, not the most economical set up in the world, over my last fill up the avagage was 35mpg, not bad considering i was doing a lot of heavy town driving in lincoln.

38 out of a nearly new (compaired to mine) astra van with a 1.7cdti lump on motorway running that worse than vauxhall’s figures,
exta urban 67.3
urban 44.1
combined 56.5

could your driver, reset the car’s mpg near the end of the journey and would of given a false reading due to the road speed slowing down and more gear changes required (town driving vs motorway driving).

you did tell him the astra had 6 gears lol :smiley:

my own motor is a 1996p honda civic 1.6 automatic, not the most economical set up in the world, over my last fill up the avagage was 35mpg, not bad considering i was doing a lot of heavy town driving in lincoln.

38 out of a nearly new (compaired to mine) astra van with a 1.7cdti lump on motorway running that worse than vauxhall’s figures,
exta urban 67.3
urban 44.1
combined 56.5

could your driver, reset the car’s mpg near the end of the journey and would of given a false reading due to the road speed slowing down and more gear changes required (town driving vs motorway driving).

It’s a possibility, but it was stuck on the ‘instant consumption’ screen all the way back as he mentioned it when we got back to mine and didn’t know how to change it. It took me a while to figure out how to cycle the different screens as well so I don’t think it was reset ‘enroute’. :confused: Can only assume he had it in 4th or something. I think even in 5th it would’ve got better than that.

Was the boardcomputer reset?

I get with my car (Mondeo 2.2 TDCI 170BHP) if i reset the board computer before the motorway 52-55 mpg, with winter tyres 50-52 mpg

However if i run 2 weeks in Birmingham city without doing any decent distance on the motorway it will drop to 38 mpg, if I don’t reset the computer it will take up and down to home (Scotland) to bring it back to 44mpg on the computer.

So my guess is that (I don’t know because I wasn’t there :grimacing: ) the computer wasn’t reset and rumbeled on with his low average setting.

It’s hard work otherwise to make it drop on a motorway journey to under 40 MPG

Was the boardcomputer reset?

I get with my car (Mondeo 2.2 TDCI 170BHP) if i reset the board computer before the motorway 52-55 mpg, with winter tyres 50-52 mpg

However if i run 2 weeks in Birmingham city without doing any decent distance on the motorway it will drop to 38 mpg, if I don’t reset the computer it will take up and down to home (Scotland) to bring it back to 44mpg on the computer.

So my guess is that (I don’t know because I wasn’t there :grimacing: ) the computer wasn’t reset and rumbeled on with his low average setting.

It’s hard work otherwise to make it drop on a motorway journey to under 40 MPG

Please read paragraph 4 of my post.

Rob K:

my own motor is a 1996p honda civic 1.6 automatic, not the most economical set up in the world, over my last fill up the avagage was 35mpg, not bad considering i was doing a lot of heavy town driving in lincoln.

38 out of a nearly new (compaired to mine) astra van with a 1.7cdti lump on motorway running that worse than vauxhall’s figures,
exta urban 67.3
urban 44.1
combined 56.5

could your driver, reset the car’s mpg near the end of the journey and would of given a false reading due to the road speed slowing down and more gear changes required (town driving vs motorway driving).

It’s a possibility, but it was stuck on the ‘instant consumption’ screen all the way back as he mentioned it when we got back to mine and didn’t know how to change it. It took me a while to figure out how to cycle the different screens as well so I don’t think it was reset ‘enroute’. :confused: Can only assume he had it in 4th or something. I think even in 5th it would’ve got better than that.

Did you reset the right one ? :grimacing: :grimacing:

Did you reset the right one ? :grimacing: :grimacing:

I may be many things, but stupid is not one of them! :grimacing: I reset them all to — .

Not directly on topic, I drive a disco TD5 and have noticed that if I have to cancel CC, slow down and then press resume, she accelerates at full throttle. Far harder than I would push it. You can almost hear it sucking the diesel. Having said that it returns more or less what the book claims.
Do all CC’s resume under full power?

Not directly on topic, I drive a disco TD5 and have noticed that if I have to cancel CC, slow down and then press resume, she accelerates at full throttle. Far harder than I would push it. You can almost hear it sucking the diesel. Having said that it returns more or less what the book claims.
Do all CC’s resume under full power?

Del, yes, because cruise control always tries to maintain the set speed. If you resume it after cancelling it by touching the brake or clutch then the ECU tells the engine to dump in fuel as fast as possible to reach the set speed again. In this scenario the best thing to do is use your foot to increase the speed progressively then when you’ve reached the original set speed, flick the resume button. :bulb:

Not directly on topic, I drive a disco TD5 and have noticed that if I have to cancel CC, slow down and then press resume, she accelerates at full throttle. Far harder than I would push it. You can almost hear it sucking the diesel. Having said that it returns more or less what the book claims.
Do all CC’s resume under full power?

My Range Rover does the same, went like a rocket if i pushed “Resume”. Now I just do what has already been mentioned, gently bring the speed back up with the accelerator pedal then switch back to resume.

It usually returns 30-34 on a run down the motorway.

Was this bloke in sight all the time, he may have been approached by ■■■■■■ enroute… :stuck_out_tongue:

Or he may have just driven like a pratt, mind you the 6 speed box may have confused him if he thought he was in top

Rob K / Bullitt,
thats what I normally do, just wondered if they were all the same. get around 32 on the Mway unless I have caravan on tow, then its around 25.

I don’t rely on the computer, I fill up and work it out that way. Computers are not known for their infaliability. Used this method long before computers arrived.

Went from bellshill to Leicester the other week in a golf diesel, coordinator drove down full tank used, i drove back half a tank used :laughing:

He just speeds up to everything even when he knows he is going to stop, he accelerates only to find 2 seconds later he brakes :laughing:

I commented on his harsh braking but he didn’t take any notice, he knows best :grimacing:

Yep, I’ve educated the wife since we now have only 1 car-by asking her “why accelerate to the lights and then brake? You might aswell syphon fuel out and give it to the ■■■■■■!” She tries to explain this theory to her boss but “your hubby drives lorries, a car’s different…” :unamused:

480 DAF 4x2 running fully loaded on fridge work on a combination of M/way, dual carrigeway and A roads.
Like others here I like to try my best to see how far I can get it . I did have it at 14 mpg but didn’t get a photo in time .


:shock: I’m surprised that there’s not been a contribution from Mr Carryfast yet. :wink:

Mind you, he’s probably recovering after the last 15-page epic. :grimacing:

He probably wouldnt be interested unless the van is a 6x2 :laughing:

I wonder if he’s an F1 fan? He’d be advocating the benefits of this