Crack on to macon the return

Did any of you know any Coleman transport drivers from Bradford , they did Italy and Germany mainly from Duforest and Hauser?

Hi White Mick welcome to my thread, yeah remember those name’s well Billy Moore died some year’s back now
and heard nothing about Paul Sapiano for year’s i am still in contact with Kevin Eastwell but im not so sure that Stuart’s
surname was Atkinson , Ronnie Evans also worked for Ferry Freighting and unfortunatly he also died a couple of year’s back
and i remember well those muti collection’s for F/F and yer right mate some were horrific haha any way buddy stay with us
and i hope to have some more photo’s coming on hare soon.

the stuart who worked for ffg surname name was booth,spoke to him last night and hes enjoyig semi retirement

the stuart who worked for ffg surname name was booth,spoke to him last night and hes enjoyig semi retirement

That’s it Stuart Booth can you do me a favour my friend and give him my number and ask him to ring me
Bobby Cairns 07768-696214 last time i saw him was at the woolwich ferry about ten year’s ago has he still got
his comb ? hahaha

If you had one of these…what would be on the other side?

hi yer dieselcowboy

if i remember john had left unitruc for the far east
when paul took these pictures and i think bobby
was driving the 142.


Your right there Lenny coz i got his old motor the x reg scanni and broke down every week ended
up with E250 DNO when Barry’s Ambassador came home worked out ok coz i was fed up with of that motor and was just about to chuck it in :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

If you had one of these…what would be on the other side?

you got me there bro :confused:

Good to see this thread alive again :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Hi White Mick welcome to my thread, yeah remember those name’s well Billy Moore died some year’s back now
and heard nothing about Paul Sapiano for year’s i am still in contact with Kevin Eastwell but im not so sure that Stuart’s
surname was Atkinson , Ronnie Evans also worked for Ferry Freighting and unfortunatly he also died a couple of year’s back
and i remember well those muti collection’s for F/F and yer right mate some were horrific haha any way buddy stay with us
and i hope to have some more photo’s coming on hare soon.

Hullo Bob,
Just woke up again have we ? Where’ve you bin ? :smiley: If they mean Stuart that worked for Ferry Freighting and then for Bournebridge, his name was Stuart Booth. Originally from Blaxton near Doncaster. A real good lad, even though he used to perm his Barnet :smiley: a sort of Jimmy Hendricks / Robertsons Golly look.
Cheers, Archie.

p.s. SORRY :blush: :blush: should have read futher down the page. It’s already been answered. I’ve just woke up too. :smiley:

Hello Archie yeah i got so much going on in me social life it’s unreal and now i am 60 i gonna
live life to the full and not waste wot time i have left glad to hear from you and hope you are well. :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

is kevin eastwells dad peter still with us,i had an ffg load and was parked at the top of the blanc when i met his dad in his transcon for the first time.gingerly he crept off to make a very nervous fone call.he came back leaping in the air cheering punching the air in delight,kevin had passed his class 1 hgv that morning and could then join the family firm on canvey[ahhhh bless].PS saw jimmy Mcauliffe in romford a couple of weeks ago

is kevin eastwells dad peter still with us,i had an ffg load and was parked at the top of the blanc when i met his dad in his transcon for the first time.gingerly he crept off to make a very nervous fone call.he came back leaping in the air cheering punching the air in delight,kevin had passed his class 1 hgv that morning and could then join the family firm on canvey[ahhhh bless].PS saw jimmy Mcauliffe in romford a couple of weeks ago

Hullo europleb,
If you see Jimmy again, please give him my regards. What’s he doing now ? Do you ever remember a bloke called Roger Trivett ? he was on for Burnsie, ( Bournebridge). I lost touch with him completely.
Cheers, Archie.

afraid i dont remember roger trivet,i spent yesterday evening with bobby burns (who owned bournebridge int) at his bungalow in romford.we had a nice evening looking back to the 70"s an 80"s.bobby then rang stuart booth so we did a few miles on the sofa,you know how it gets

Archie Paice:

is kevin eastwells dad peter still with us,i had an ffg load and was parked at the top of the blanc when i met his dad in his transcon for the first time.gingerly he crept off to make a very nervous fone call.he came back leaping in the air cheering punching the air in delight,kevin had passed his class 1 hgv that morning and could then join the family firm on canvey[ahhhh bless].PS saw jimmy Mcauliffe in romford a couple of weeks ago

Hullo europleb,
If you see Jimmy again, please give him my regards. What’s he doing now ? Do you ever remember a bloke called Roger Trivett ? he was on for Burnsie, ( Bournebridge). I lost touch with him completely.
Cheers, Archie.

Archie Peter Eastwell died mate not sure when but Kevin told me his self so i know it’s true :frowning: :frowning:

come bob more pics please :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

If you had one of these…what would be on the other side?

It’s a Townson Thorensen duty free plastic bag with a picture of a ferry on the other side. I always kept one on the passenger side window winder for putting my rubbish in or for storing my dirty washing. Go on Gaz, show us the other side.

Regards Steve.

Its first life was your duty free and a full life of other uses after!

Ok guy’s been trying to put a avatar on here but cant seem to get the size right
any idea’s chap’s.

A couple of tricks I heard about from years ago.
While running Martell brandy form Sheerness dock to a Liverpool bonded wharehouse standard equipment was a fine mesh sieve, piece of muslin and a couple of mt corona bottles. Hit the carton (hand ball job) sharply on the floor and a couple of bottles might bust at the neck. Filtered thru the cardboard and the muslin into the bottle. Carton still intact to clean POD.

Another (as told to me). Someone I know (merchant seaman) used to buy Jonge Jenever in Holland by the 25lt container, these he would put down the ships engine room among all the other similar type containers but marked up as Distilled Water.



Now you ALL would have had one of these of one sort or another!

Yep! And I did the same as newmercman, putting little crosses on all the places you tipped and loaded for future reference. Wish I still had mine, seems satnav is the main contender now.



I remember my dad having maps of everywhere and comments like 26,000 ltr =24.5 ton and phone numbers in the case of Italy in the space were the Med was and lines to different towns/city he was on tanks for BET in them days, i remember calling him a S.O.D (Sad Old Donkey) then i got the old " Done more miles off and on ships ramp than you,ve driven young man". He said it helped so much with all the different liquids that he carried if he knew what was what

I have still got the Italian Stradale and the old notebooks with dry ullage dips. I was at Norman Lewis and we used centimetre dips and charts, so rather than take the paper chart on top of the tank, it was easier to just write it on your glove or hand. I would then put it in the book later :stuck_out_tongue: Much easier to load a tanker with a tape measure than a dipstick.