Crack on to macon the return


Now here’s a snap to stir up a few memories, I bumped into an MSI driver in Vercelli customs, clearing my first Italian export load, what a result I thought, someone to show me the way home! Oh no, just my luck, he was on his first trip too & thinking the same as me :laughing: Well we followed the big blue line to Calais & apart from going the wrong way around Paris we did ok, I bumped into him (Graham) many times over the years & always ended up slightly pickled :open_mouth: After that first trip I bumped into many of the drivers posting on here & from them I learned how to the job the right way, mind you most of them got me drunk too, the swines :laughing:

The Unitruk F16, if it’s F160 ■■■ also features in the movie in my mind, I bought that off Scantrucks in 94, it was a right flying machine, it suited the Italian Job too coz it also drank like a fish, Roy Oils made more than me out of that motor, I ended up selling it for 5 grand more than I paid for it & bought a 190-48 Turbostar from McKellar that was a lot better on diesel (shows how bad that Volvo was)

Happy days, if I could turn back the clock…

Glad to see the thread back again, found some old pics to post, just got to work out this scanning lark :blush:

yes mate that’s f160 ■■■ ok yer right it went like muck off a shovel never went much on em me self liked me scania
but how thing’s change try and take my volvo off me now :smiley: :smiley:

hi yer bobby
i think thats you in the 142 becouse johnny camreon had left
unituc before i got the f16 and its before gary glitter had it.


nah mate that aint me one i would NEVER wear white sock’s in fact i dont wear sock’s much at all
a secondly i would NEVER hang my leg out the window like that while resting up “how uncouth” :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

must be my mistake,i reckon its the glitter,its the mayor
driving the f16 just before he got the ambassador,
maybe its a long time ago,will give you a ring over
the weekend.

well as far as i can remember when i started Bazza had F160 ■■■ the glitter had E50 OMM and they gave
me Cameron’s old 142 cant remember the reg it was a x reg anyhow, and if you remember i broke down in that
(zb) motor at least once a week until i got the E reg 142 i think it was E257 DNO summit like that and that was coz Bazza
got the Ambassador G999 WMG and wobbly gob had ■■■ that would have been August 1992 i think :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

The bloke I knew with ■■■ was not a local, he was either a northener, paddy or jock, although the more I think about it I think he was welsh :laughing: he liked a beer though, that I do remember, I ran down to Bob’s favourite place with him & just followed the trail of empty Fosters cans, to be honest I remembered the motor more than him.

The bloke I knew with ■■■ was not a local, he was either a northener, paddy or jock, although the more I think about it I think he was welsh :laughing: he liked a beer though, that I do remember, I ran down to Bob’s favourite place with him & just followed the trail of empty Fosters cans, to be honest I remembered the motor more than him.

Mark that was wobbly gob (Dave summik or the other) cant temember his surname but he stuffed the job right
up for all of us doing runs two day’s quicker than we was doing them and you should have seen the state of that
motor after he had it for a few month’s had to be seen to be believed :wink: :wink: :wink:

Well Bob he did half a slab of Fosters between Calais & Macon services, we all like a beer, but there’s a time & a place, usually that’s any place & anytime :laughing:

I must admit he didn’t have the usual Unitruk ways, I mean, that was a good job & good jobs had good drivers, he seemed a bit of an animal & what self respecting Italian driver ever stopped in Macon services FFS :unamused: :laughing:

It (■■■) was in good nick when I got it, the lovely Mr Hughes must’ve had it valeted, bless him.

Yeah Macon sevice’s home of the moron, mind you when i first started out the old Jaque’s Borel as it was known
then was ok you could get a good meal and i did not mind it but just before i finished out there i was coming home one saturday and got a blow out pulled it into Macon sevice’s and changed the tyre (as you did in those day’s) problem i had was it was so hot my jack kept sinking in the hot tarmac so i needed another one, well there was english driver’s all over
the gaff all making out they could not see my dilemma and in the end two french driver’s helped me in my task
(vive la france) haha and when i pulled out i did a circuit of the car park with my arm out the window giving a very famous
English wave goodbye to all the ■■■ hole’s who had helped me. hahahaha

By whiplash_012 at 2009-06-03.Okay,just in case theres anybody who hasnt got a picture of the descent from the blanc,and the infamous steelworks!

By whiplash_012 at 2009-05-30.They don`t make it handy for ya now do they?

By whiplash_012 at 2009-07-20.Entrance to the pipe.

By whiplash_012 at 2009-08-20.Just like Euronews,no comment!

Yeah Macon sevice’s home of the moron, mind you when i first started out the old Jaque’s Borel as it was known
then was ok you could get a good meal and i did not mind it but just before i finished out there i was coming home one saturday and got a blow out pulled it into Macon sevice’s and changed the tyre (as you did in those day’s) problem i had was it was so hot my jack kept sinking in the hot tarmac so i needed another one, well there was english driver’s all over
the gaff all making out they could not see my dilemma and in the end two french driver’s helped me in my task
(vive la france) haha and when i pulled out i did a circuit of the car park with my arm out the window giving a very famous
English wave goodbye to all the ■■■ hole’s who had helped me. hahahaha

Ain’t that the truth Bob, these days they’d run your feet over if they saw you laying underneath the lorry :unamused:

A lot different to when I started I can tell you, remember when we had them old stepframes with the cross ply tyres? poxy things were always getting blow outs, many a time I pulled up to sort it out & had 4 or 5 Brits stop to help, most of the time I got the kettle on & made the tea while they changed the wheel :laughing:

In them days when you sat down in a resturaunt you were sat next to someone worth sitting next to, now I think I’d rather sit in the cab on my own :frowning:


By whiplash_012 at 2009-06-03.Okay,just in case theres anybody who hasnt got a picture of the descent from the blanc,and the infamous steelworks!

SNAP :slight_smile: .

March 1986.



By whiplash_012 at 2009-06-03.Okay,just in case theres anybody who hasnt got a picture of the descent from the blanc,and the infamous steelworks!

SNAP :slight_smile: .

March 1986.

Hullo all,
A couple of nice pictures there lads, a bit different to the times when it was two way traffic on that piece of road though, elbows in all the way up or down then eh?
Cheers, Archie.

That’s it guy’s keep em coming seeing this thread alive again warm’s the cockle’s of me arrrrt :wink: :wink: :wink:

A big thanks to Bubbleman for posting this in another topic!!!

Successfull transport management team or 3 dodgy Blaggers off the Sweeney!!!
KHO ended up as a tractor unit with a V8 lump Ian brought off Birds racing producing up to 600
horses some said!! Anyway it made it on it’s maiden voyage as far as the Mistral before Blowing up!!

A good few years ago I met a certain Mr ‘Loose Change’ at the Southend Transport Festival, mostly old buses but a few trucks, and he was proudly displaying one of Service Garage wreckers, the previously featured Volvo F16. I was that taken with it, and the fact that it used to be a tractor unit on international work (I was young and impressionable then!) he promised to bring some photos on the Sunday, which he duly did, and then suprised me by giving them to me. What a nice man! Anyway, managed to find them Lenny, and here they are, including a nice couple of shots of the F16 when brand spanking new.

keep the pics coming boys so glad this threads going again :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: