Cpc paper 2

Ah, right, I get it, very similar to “wouldn’t let it lie” and “must have the last word” syndrome

At least you met the TM, I worked at a place for several years and not once did the TM ever make himself known. At the time I didn’t know how to find out. Doesn’t matter now, they went bust after having a work related fatality, and by going bust it meant no one went to jail when the company was convicted of Corporate Manslaughter

Quote Zac.: Similar to wouldnt let it lie and getting the last word syndrome’’

Yep similar, but on other hand not at all like getting a bit disproportionally pi55y with TWO members on the SAME Thread, only because they did not share a point of view or a certain degree of enthusiasm on a particular subject on a forum…just saying

It’s all to do with having an An4l retentive personality, suffering from constipation as a TODDler, holding on to it to be in complete control.

I thought that sort of Freudian theory was being questioned over 50 years ago, and is largely seen as useless to-day.

No definitely not, it is well recognised by psychologists and the phrase “tightening ones sphincter” keeps plopping up!

May “plop up” in the circles you frequent, but it doesn`t among my acquaintances.

Each to their own.

Obviously you don’t check out your facts before posting, you have acquaintances, how about friends?

I don’t need to tell you that “plopping” was a play on words. Here’s another, if you are going to disregard Freud’s findings then you may as well p00 p00 Aristotle and GBS. Lighten up old fella you are a long time dead!

Aristotle is still widely respected because his ideas are still widely regarded and accepted.

The GBS line was a quote from a character in a play. Widely repeated and believed by some but absolutely never more than a comment.

What “facts” am I ignorant of?

Freud was a pioneer was very influential, and still has followers, however I do not accept that his theories have been proven. Modern psychology relies more on empirical evidence and that hasn`t supported most of Freud’s theories.
Freud has adherents, but certainly not all psychologists, and I doubt a majority of them closely follow his theory.
Those who practise and make money from Freudian Analysis will provide reams of anecdotal evidence, but no scientifically credible evidence. If a treatment fails it is often “because the patient didn’t co-operate” etc.

I look forward to any empirical evidence you provide, or any independent professional opinion to suggest otherwise.

Are you seriously for real? That dross reply is very subjective on your behalf and therefore doesn’t warrant anything more than to be dismissed on my behalf.

Thank you for that well though through and considered response.
I expected nothing less.

Sarcasm, not a passive/aggressive response for those who are bothered by such niceties.
But that edit is passive/aggressive.

Here’s an even more well thought out post on philosophers Frangers…you know how serious I take your posts.:wink:

I reckon Aristotle was a buger for the bottle, and Hobbs was fond of his dram.
Rene’ Descartes was a drunken fahrt, there was nothing Nitchzer couldnt teach about raising of the wrist and in fact even Socrates himself was permanently pi55ed, and even Plato was said to stick it away…5 pints of Lager every day.

As you can see,.grammar school did me a lot of favours even if I did have a mis spent youth.

I think franglais is pi55ed or taking an illegal substance and is hallucinating.

Nah…he just sees himself as a kind of authoriative scout master type figure keeping all the ‘bad boys’ in check.:joy:

His latest ambition is to be a TN mod…so I reck MY days on here are numbered.:joy::joy:

My days too. Oh well, in keeping with my earlier posts, [zb] happens👍

Btw Just to note and to clarify to the uninitiated in classic comedy…
That last ‘philosopher based post’ I put on.

I aint gone as mad as Winseer, or as pretentious as Frangers is trying to come across as lately, (quoting Freud ffs, is that the guy who used to have a bloodhound on tv and sell dog food called minced morsels) or as condescending and patronising as the other guy😄…
It is a Monty Python reference…

I think you indicated in another post (I can’t remember which topic and can’t be bothered to search) that you expect to be put on pre-mod if franglais becomes a mod, but you already know that mods cannot put TN members on pre-mod or take TN members off pre-mod, you was told when I was moderating that only admin can do that.

I have told RR that I have no ambition to be a Mod. And even if i wanted to, I doubt that I would meet the very high standards that they all achieve… (a free pass earnt?)…
But as ever RR is talking about his imaginings rather than the real world.

Tbf I wasn’t being entirely serious :roll_eyes: …, just another unsuccesful attempt at humour, combined with another succesful attempt at winding up Frangers.:joy:

Just as I said then…