copy and paste

copy and paste.
ok i cant do it.
but why do people copy whole swathes of text needlessly
making posts difficult to follow

and another thing paragraphs make for easier reading

why dont they use capital letters


why dont they use any punctuation its quite simple really you just need to put a full stop at the end of each sentence and use a comma where required partway through the sentence once they have mastered that they can move on to using apostrophes in the right places and maybe just maybe using there their and they’re in the right places it might make the stuff they write a bit easier to read if they also managed to use your and you’re as appropriate too its not difficult really is it notice how i had to use the odd apostrophe there even though i was trying not too is it too much to ask in this day and age some of them are quick enough to hit the keyboard to take the urine when someones reversing skills are not up to scratch yet their own written english which lets face it even a primary school student is expected to master is so laughably poor as to make them look like right dunces do they not care no thats a rhetorical question look it up if you dont know what it means in fact look it up even if you think you do know what it means if someone started talking at you in the pub and didnt pause to draw breath but simply let the words keep coming in a non stop torrent you would soon tell him or simply ignore him so why do the same when you write something here it demonstrates a simple absence of courtesy no thought for the other person or then again maybe they really are just thick lorry drivers who find it difficult to string a simple sentence together

■■■■ I thought I was bad at it :open_mouth: