Considering my LGV

I will be attending at L+T this Saturday morning at 08.00 for my medical. The £105 they charge sounds very reasonable I reckon as it includes the assessment drive, theory and hazard perception, a theory book and I won’t have to pay for my licence to be upgraded to the new “credit card” style.

I don’t mind paying this amount as my doctor wants £80 just for the medical!

Hi Paul good luck on Saturday.
Don’t worry about the tests, it’s a few years since I took them but they are no worse & possibly a little easier than the PSV test, so if you can pass that you should have no real problems.
I worked as a Class 2 driver at the time I took my PSV.
And I held a PSV & Trailer & worked as a PSV driver at time I took my Class1.
This is only a personal feeling. But I don’t think it’s much help as the training is about passing that test not about driving that vehicle.
Sure we have some things on our side, but we have confidence driving a vehicle that size & that is not always a good thing on a driving test…
I was told on one of the tests to use the experience as a driving improvement course, an opportunity to look at & develop my my driving.

Excellent advice KC, and very true. I have already decided to look upon the training (and test(s)) as an extension to my current experience.

When I took my PSV, the examiner worked for the company so maybe was not as “strict” as he should have been! Still, I passed after what I thought to be a very good drive, even though I did clip a council lorry’s door mirror in what can only be described as an impossible gap to get through… :unamused: And when I took my PSV we were still doing the reverse round a corner as car learners do now, and in council estates at that too with an old, crash box Leyland Leopard with no power steering!!!

I agree too that confidence can be anyones downfall far too easily, so I’ll approach the training with caution and not try the usual tricks I have picked up over the years…I’m a bit worried about this range change gearbox though, I’ve only driven coaches with a splitter box, but I’m led to believe its very similar.

I’m a bit worried about this range change gearbox though

Don’t be they aren’t a big problem and no training school will use one that is too awkward or no one would ever pass.

Ditto above.

That’s ok then!

I’ll update on Saturday after my medical. Then I’ll provide detailed posts on my progress during training.

Got a nice Scotland holiday to get through first though…hopefully my provisional licence will be waiting for me when I get back then I can get on with it.

I intend of giving it my best shot. Something I’ve dreamed of doing since I was a nipper.

Why oh why didn’t I take my test when I was younger when things were far less complicated… :question:

Ah but they’ll probably get even worse before long.

Been to L+T this morning, paid my £105…had the medical where I found out I really do need to wear my glasses for driving, when, after a police sight test last year, I was told my glasses didn’t make any difference :open_mouth:

Anyway, it all went well and I got through it ok. Got the theory book to look at now till my licence gets here then we’re off for the training, will be after my Scotland holiday now as we go away next Saturday.

Can’t wait to get started now though :smiley:

I really do need to wear my glasses for driving

Your licence will now have a code on it, that means that whenever you drive you need eyesight correction. Even if just nipping to the shop in your car.

Its no big problem, I don’t mind wearing them.

Strange though for a police eyesight test to result in them saying my eyesight was the same with or without them…

I’ll just have to remember to take them with me everytime I drive from now on :exclamation: