most companies have different policies on this ssp stuff,why don’t you try the dss and see what they say about ssp 
Fortunately, I have a pension coming in from a previous life!!
The DSS just have a laugh at you when the chips are down, because the pension keeps my income above the level of “the legal minimum” which according to them is about £70 per week.
With their specially trained obstructive staff and barriers of red tape, I am sure they would manage to duck out of paying me anything. Far better that our taxes are used on more deserving cases
We all know the ones I mean. By the way, I have no problem with the genuine cases.
I would then be thumping the desk arguing that you are a genuine case, you did not injure yourself intentionally, but I know what you mean, typical of GB regardless of Government.
Just go down the dole with an english phrase book and start speaking polish they’ll give you the world then and a house to put it in

Al, sorry to bring you back to earth (no pun intended
) and I’m sorry to hear about your injury but, as I explained in a previous reply when Rob K was ‘attacked’ by a curtain sider, (incidentally, Rob, how’s that claim progressing?), for a claim to be successful then ‘fault’ has to be established on the part of an individual or organisation that had allowed the accident to happen or had been negligent in assessing a risk as to injury being caused.
I’ll try and put that into English, or should that be Scottish? 
What was the reason you slipped? Was it because it was badly lit, was it because of the weather conditions, was it because it was an inappropriate means of accessing a given area and none other was available? Was it because you should have been coming down it backward and instead chose to climb down forward, and here I’m thinking of Waitrose, Bracknell. Was it because you had inappropriate footwear?
To put it in simple terms. If you fall over in the street, hard luck. However, if you fell over because of a defect in the paving, or the pavement should have been treated in icy conditions, but hadn’t, then the local authority becomes liable.
I hope that makes the situation clearer.
Your first ‘Port of call’ HAS to be to the CAB, whoo will also advise regarding SSP.
AL i advise you to make sure that you claim for a good amount as you
will suffer later on in life from these injuryies,this is from experience as i was in hospital and under dictors for two years, this happened in 1984.
iam now suffering the effects which appear later on, you may think you are completely healed but that is nottrue mate, and like every oneelse said see
the CABthey will now of a good soliciter-laywer to use who deals just
with these type of cases,
Was it because it was badly lit, was it because of the weather conditions, was it because it was an inappropriate means of accessing a given area and none other was available? Was it because you should have been coming down it backward and instead chose to climb down forward, and here I’m thinking of Waitrose, Bracknell. Was it because you had inappropriate footwear?
The only blame I can put on the ladder is that the “step” is a piece of circular metal pipe which is worn completely smooth and gives absolutely no grip for your foot. It should at least have a piece of rubber on it to provide some grip.
Also, after my fall, one of the warehousemen came to see if I was OK and he said that I was not the first person to have come to grief on that ladder. Whether or not he would admit to having said that when it comes to giving evidence against his employer is obviously a different matter; there should be a record of previous incidents somewhere, but where??
Since my accident a month ago, nothing has been done to prevent any further incidents. Not even a warning sign or a piece of rubber on the step. Or would such measures be seen as an admission on their part that there was a safety problem?
the only problem with them claims to get a good one in you have to be on sick for a good while some times without pay but when you do do claim claim for max hrs like 3x 15and 2x 13 plus 5 nights out as well.
Since my accident a month ago, nothing has been done to prevent any further incidents. Not even a warning sign or a piece of rubber on the step.
Get some photos quick before they do something about it
I had an accident at work about a month ago, where I slipped on a permanent ladder [leading up to a loading bay], and fell chest first onto a concrete ledge. Did myself a nasty rib injury which still has not cleared up, and has forced me to be off sick [unpaid] for 3 of the last 4 weeks, and it looks like I will be off for at least one more week.
I have been advised by my employer to sue the owner of the loading bay for compensation [lost wages, injury etc.]. Does anyone have any experience of similar claims who can point me in the right direction?
I have always believed that these “no win, no fee” companies are a bunch of chancers who seek to line their own pockets, so can anyone recommend a decent company who might actually pass on some of the claim to me?
I live in the west of Scotland area.
Hmmm…Information probably not of much use to you. But with the tiresome task of a compensation claim, you really need all the help you can get!
I was also lead to believe employer pays you SSP and claims it back.
Lorry roll over-July 04. Compensation claim still pending. Still getting grief from whiplash injury (now made worse by a car accident wed
) and stiff hand from a broken bone. I sought and got good advice from the guys and girls of this site! Including the same advice to stretch it out.
Not one solicitor is going to tell you that. 
I was entitled to SSP by my then employer=agency. But fortunately for me the agency decided to pay me for the duration of my 8 wks off, the same pay. As if i was still working. Which was brilliant. They just asked me to keep quiet about it. Since it is not company policy. Obviously i am to reimberse them. (If they can catch me first!
Ok ok… Didn’t mean it.
I don’t envy your situation. And i hope your financial situation is sorted out soon. It’s bad enough suffering physical discomfort, without the added grief of a mental torment! If it is not sorted out soon, you’ll be wishing you’d fallen head 1st onto the concrete ledge 
Good luck ■■■ 
P.s I never went to a specified “No win. No fee.” type solicitor because i don’t like that catchphrase anymore.
(My solicitor quoted me the precentage she was going to be taking, but i can’t for the life of me remember it now. Oops!
“Nice to see you! To see you…nice!” by Brucee. Now, a catchphrase like that, would have got me through the door!