Company treating me like ****

If you leave they cannot withhold your money.

They can try. I had a company withhold 6 days holiday pay from me after I walked off the job. I also shoved the manager out my way and threatened to knock him out when he tried to stand in my way.

I explained the whole thing to the citizens advice bureau, including my level of anger, threats of violence and contract which states they can withhold pay if you walk off the job. They said it don’t mean jack and told me how to word my letter to them and what to say.

I basically asked for my money back and explained how I felt like I was constructively dismissed by their actions. They had 28 days to reply and after 26 days I got a cheque in the post for the full amount.

phone them Sunday AM & tell them your car has been in an accident or has unfortunately failed its MOT at the weekend leaving you unable to reasonably travel to the new yard, however point out to them as the old depot is only 20mins away you should be able to get there by public transport until your car is fixed (or replaced) point out that you can travel there by public transport etc, If they insist that you attend the new yard, tell them you are willing to go there but its unrealistic under the current circumstances, but IF they could arrange to loan you a works van etc so that you can work your notice you`ll travel, doing this points out that your willing to work your notice, but it may force their hand into letting you stay at the old yard, or let you go without working the rest of your notice to save them sorting alternative transport for you

but dont turn up at either yard in your car once youve spun this yarn

Stay… See out your contract because then they can’t give you a bad reference…

On your last day thank them for the time you spent with thier company and if your whole time had been as good as the last two weeks you might have stayed… Don’t burn bridges …

You never know you might meet your new employer though being in a different location. I once got head hunted through a chance meeting with someone in a bar.

It might be a rubbish two weeks but when you have moved on it will be so much better

I have three rules:

Alway look for the positive
Always act and maintain honour
If you have nothing positive to say it might be best to say nothing

Sounds like there doing it to try and make you walk off the job. making you do some thing thay know you don’t want to do…maybe.

Ask yourself what do you feel is the best use you can make of the next 2 weeks if you don’t stay on and work your notice ? if you can’t use them for anything much better than earning what you can from staying on then might as well stay and play out the game there.

Stay, travel the extra distance but when you get there don’t put 100% into sweeping their yard! I’d say around 93% effort should show them your no-one to be messed with. !!! :open_mouth:

■■■■ the reference…■■■■ the contract.have some dignity and walk.

Why ask the question man up and walk,

Terry T:

call in sick with stress. Bloke i used to work with used to do it all the time, blamed it on depression.

I’ve known people turn up to work on a Monday morning with a 2 week sick note and 2 week notice of employment termination then walk off the job.

They can’t do jack about it.

Could always "injure yourself"in the yard and have a bit of a claim.Personally I’d tell them to shove it

Defo in the "shove it where the sun dont shine" camp on this one. It all depends on the individuals temperament and tolerance levels really. A good few years back, I reached the cut-off age for allowing myself to be mistreated by miscellaneous a-holes.
Ninety nine percent of the time, im the most affable, willing bloke you could meet until I sense that im being mugged over - then my darker side reveals itself! :smiling_imp:

Life`s too short to put up with idiots.

I agree… stay do your notice drag your feet, an just give them the middle finger next time you pass them on the Road… chine up pall an wish you all the best in your new job. win or lose have a beer haha :smiley: and jump back on it the next day :smiling_imp:

I agree… stay do your notice drag your feet, an just give them the middle finger next time you pass them on the Road… chine up pall an wish you all the best in your new job. win or lose have a beer haha :smiley: and jump back on it the next day :smiling_imp:

Half seem to be saying walk, and half stay! haha

If i walk though i will not get a reference from there, and that will hinder my future job chances, even if i explain how i have been treated is a future employer going to believe me?

Half seem to be saying walk, and half stay! haha

If i walk though i will not get a reference from there, and that will hinder my future job chances,

Not necessarily. I went for an interview last week and walked out after they told me the money which was after about 5 minutes. They rang me the day after and still offered me the job.

I guess they were desperate. Offering their money though I’m not surprised. Still, I’ve seen much worse out there and as a stop gap it would’ve been OK. Just not as much as I’m on now.


understood driver, thanks

did i read correctly that you have packed in your job to do your class 1 and you believe that staying in your class 2 job would affect the chances of a class 1 job?
if i have read correctly then why do you think it would affect the chance of a class 1 job?
i assume you have a back up plan if you fail your class 1
i wouldnt have gave up a job on the chance that i may pass a test that has no gaurantee of a job offer at the end especialy with only doing class 2 for 10 months.
you feel your being treated like ■■■■ because your boss wants you to work in the main yard for your last 2 weeks, has he filled your position and has had to give your truck to the new start?
he maybe a bit ■■■■■■ off as he took a risk giving a newbie a break or he could be a control freak and knows he got you over a barrel.
if you have any holidays left can you not use them for your last two weeks.
whatever happens good luck with your class 1 training and test and job hunt

I have already missed out on 2 full time jobs with a decent local haulier because they were looking for drivers ASAP. I can’t see somewhere waiting 4 weeks for me to finish my employment when the next bloke can start straight away. If i fail, i will keep redoing it till i pass, money is not much of an issue really. I have spoken to a few Class 1 drivers and they have said the quickest way into it is to go the agency route to build up my experience. I am fine with only working 2 - 3 days a week if that is all they can get me and obviously will do Class 2 / 7,5t work if no Class 1 about.

No my position has not been filled as far as i’m aware. I know a couple of the drivers and they have told me no-one new has started today. They have also sent a driver down from the main depot to ‘cover me’ from what i can work out, so just being screwed.

He knows he has me over a barrell, apparently every driver that hands their notice in gets treated like crap the last couple of weeks they are there so a few people have been telling me.

Anyway, wanted me in the back of a truck jack hammering out all the dried concrete that i got blamed is mine, even though its been in there since i started AND its been written on my defect sheets since day 1, but apparently our defect sheets for the last god knows how many months have only just started going from the office down to the workshop because someone was forgetting to pass them on. Joke! So, i went upto the boss, said im going to Doc’s to get a note because i have a bad back, he laughed, then said don’t bother coming back.

If i stayed there i would of ended up losing it i think, so better to do what i did rather then stay and have the police called coz i lose it.

He never asked to see the doctors note, so not really sure what to do now? haha

Better off out mate. Better than getting arrested for abh, eh?

Do the agency rounds, re-group, and put this bunch of losers behind you. Dont dwell on em - they gone for good, and we all (mostly all) deserve better than that. Good luck for the future bud. You`ll be just fine. :wink:

for me i would be argueing and point blank saying i aint travelling over an hour to work as its not ‘reasonable to me’ and i doubt when your yard is 20mins away a tribunal would either.

i would put it in writing that you are willing to work your notice at the normal depot doing what ever they feel is needed but you wont be travelling 80mins to the other site as it is not a reasonable request without travel time being paid.

play them at their own game get awkward back as i doubt anyone checks references nowadays with any real scruitiny

…but apparently our defect sheets for the last god knows how many months have only just started going from the office down to the workshop because someone was forgetting to pass them on.

If I was in your position and had been thoroughly ■■■■ on by them, then the bit above would definitely be getting brought to DVSA’s attention.