Cocky warehouse staff


So i went to a drop in the Heywood industrial park, so i walk into the warehouse but nearly jumped out of my skin the chap had two or three rottweilers in a cage going crazy, anyhow he comes out a big chap full of tattoos shaven head and all that :neutral_face: and he says to me what have you got i say to him i have two pallets, so he says whats on them i say im not sure mate they are wrapped in black plastic so he says if you don’t know how the [zb] should i, so i said to him im not really interested what is on them you either want them or i will take them away i do not give a t-ss the next thing two other guys came out of the warehouse a bit younger but very dodgy looking, the thing is the warehouse is only a little unit type but was empty they was like gangsters you know the type they gave me the creeps to be fair but you have to be strong with people other wise they talk to you like a noooooob, i have never met so many arrogant cocky people since i have gone on class 1 who do these clowns think they are at rdc’s and warehouses in future im just gunna tell them your not having the load if you talk to me like that. serious there is some horrible natured folk out there, ■■■■■■■■ to them im off with the load next time, two a penny class one jobs :imp:

Look at this another way. You don’t know him and he doesn’t know you. You’re now walking in his premises and he asks you what have you got? If someone came into or on my premises and doesn’t know what they’ve got for me then i’d probably let the Rotweillers out. Ok, just joking but i’d tell you to sod off. You walk in someones premises, don’t know what you’ve got for them or why you’re there and you’re suprised they’re on the back foot with you ? Couldn’t make this stuff up. Do you live in a village or something where you don’t have to interact with many people ? Two or three Rotweillers to me means security, you apparently can just wander round willy nilly knowing nothing !!!

I think you`re being too harsh there Mike. Although the answer to the question, “what have you got for me?” should always be …a delivery. No further explanation is necessary.

Is this sweeper bloke an alter ego of boss and driver? They both seem like illiterate clowns.