Hiya …me just having a test drive round the hotel car park to show them i could drive the bus with no power steering
and crash box this would be xmas 1999[
I ve changed gear see if it works
I ve changed gear see if it works
Love it
Any more pics John Hey i was out there in christmas 99 ,Glad you wasnt on the road.
Excellent photos, ive become hooked on these trucks for a while, even bought a couple of brochures of E**y, Have you any rear views of the car/three wheeler transporter to compare against our designs.
Keep them comin
there always blinged up mate
I had the pleasure of a week in India in April 2004. I was in Dehli for the first half, then internal flight down to Pune for second half, then a scary 4 hour bus trip to Bombay to fly home. Most of these photos were taken in & around Dehli.
The Indian army had a lot of these - Ashok Leyland ‘Stalion’ (no seriously) using Ford Cargo cab (not my photo).
Check out the overhead cables…
A familiar face.
This odd looking crane was made by ‘Escourts’ & uses the old JCB 3CX cab.
This is how they were transporting brand new tractors. The front one is towing the second via the ‘top link’ through the second tractors front weight tray. This was taking place at about 30mph. Hope the guy steering has good reactions…
Brilliant…wow…everyone should go to India at least once…how’s this for engineering…The Electricity was alwas cutting out when
i was there in the 90’s… This idea was geared up so you could still get fuel.the chap would’nt let me have a go as the
electricity was working on this day…Its things like this that make India special.
I know what you mean John, I remember seeing guys riding three-wheel pedal cycles delivering the ■■■■■■■■■ Oxygen cylinders. Usually 3 or 4 on each bike!! Hard to believe unless you’ve seen it, wish I had taken more photos.
Yea its all true
Thats why they call it Incredible India
Ok i know there not trucks,but a few alternative forms of transport,afterall they all use the same roads as these old trucks
Ok i know there not trucks,but a few alternative forms of transport,afterall they all use the same roads as these old trucks
Hiya MOC …this looks my man with the long girders that see sawed his front end in the air. this would have been in 99.
If you have’nt read the earlier scripts what happens in this situation the driver rounds up as many people as possible to
over balance the load so the wheels are back on the ground and things go on as normal until it happens again HA HA.
you see the little tut tut taxi’s a chap told me that there was one and a half million of them in Delhi.
MOC… you was not on holiday with Explore was you in 99 only that truck looks like the same situation.
You can only just see the back of this truck but take note of the concrete mixer engine grafted into the rare 1940,s
ex army Harley davidson
Earlier someone said there was 6 people in a truck cab well this very very nice Indian chap and was a truck driver for 30 years
then he was a coach driver and then he had a private taxi(the one at the diesel pump) and two tut tut,s He was our driver for 8 days
and every single person in India seemed to know him. every time we stopped people come up shaking hand and doing whatever they do…
At this time in life i was about 12 1/2 stone, I wonder how heavy he was, He slept on the back seat of the car while we was in a
really posh hotel/palace.I feel i must tell you his name it was Mr Perella and was sortof special person…He invited us into his home
in Jaipur for a meal .to which he did’nt have alot one room to sleep 2 sons his niece and himself.
Hello Moc,
What is the insurance situation on Indian roads,have they discovered it yet.
Some more Indian Transport,They must have built Standard Truimph vehicles years ago.
Standard Triumph take away van. I played safe and made a banana sandwich.
Standard Taxi in Madras.
Four door Triumph Herald .
The slogan on the side of this Delhi bus reads Road safety is a matter of life and death.
Looking at the front it is most likely death.
My guide book said do not take photos of bridges,railway stations or anything military.
So here is a photo of an army truck outside a station.
New Ashock Leyland chassis on route from the works in Madras.
Its a wonder this part worn tyre wasnt removed for further use.
Hi John, just love the stories behind the different pics,yea imagine seeing that truck coming towards you in the air
with no steering and the Harly with the concrete mixer engine pricless
bet thats still going.
Your mr peralla reminds me,every time we have a pic taken out there they all make us look like Giants sitting or standing next to them.Glad it happens to other people too and no wasnt with explore just went independent
thanks for the memorys
Glad you started this thread Dave, it gets better and better very interesting.
Hi Numbum,thanks for your pics,and yes the classic car scene there is really big,most of them were shipped over during the colonial days and left there when the english left,there big business there now.mostly getting restored.the one in you bottom pics would still be bought up tyre included
I think as far as insurance goes it is there but many locals dont have it and if they did no one would stop
even when we drive over there legally were not covered although they say we are ,if your a white face its your fault whatever
They did have the licences for building a few english cars over there, like the old v8 wedge rovers and a couple more old uk makes,which the names escape me at the moment.
Cheers for the pics
Glad you started this thread Dave, it gets better and better very interesting.cheers John.
Thanks John,will try and keep it going
Hiya lads… when i went to India the second time.all the mid day meals was bought of the street, The guide had spent 12 years
touring around india and knew where to eat, it was brilliant, Everything was fresh cooked from a takeaway van or a shack made
with pallets and old lorry sheets…When we first got on the bus the guide asked if any of us had any sickness pills and nealy
evey one said yes. He then said throw them away, if you feel at all unwell just drink plenty of water to wash through any
toxins. three weeks when by and only one person(out of 18) got ill and i think that was because she was drinking about 10 cans
of bitter lemon every day. And not eating any food…
This is not a joke. I flew from Delhi to Goa on a 320 air bus(1990ish) the plane was vibrating like mad under your feet, i got off
the airbus at Goa and away it flew.It never landed again. it crashed landed at Bangalor with a total loss of lives…Phew.
The cars built in India are the Ambassador (morris oxford with a peugot engine) a Vauxhall FE victor(don’t know what they called that)
A Rover SD1 which was badged Rover…There is a Hotel somewhere in India with about a Dozen Rolls Royce silver ghosts in the foyer
and in a garage. that a marahja collected many years ago…sorry no photo’s today i think mine have dried up now.
Hello John,
Interested in hearing of your travels in India. My trip was in 1996, I flew into Bombay with a rail pass for a month and a flight booked back from Delhi. I went via Puna and Hyderabad to Madras and up the east coast to Calcutta and then over to Delhi. Spent over 80 hours on a train sometimes with a bunk or else I had to find to a hotel. Stayed in some right pits. Train travel seems a bit dodgy as well with all the damaged stock in some of the sidings. I do not know if it was reassuring or not when the train passed a signal box and a bloke was stood outside waving a green flag.
A few more photos.
A police tow away truck.
Calcutta Ashok Leyland Comet bus. One driver and two conductors one upstairs and one down. That creates jobs.
On a 45 minute break perhaps.
Note the shacks at the roadside where whole families live. Some have not got a shack even.
Phil 43 years on tankers what is a rope.
This is not a joke. I flew from Delhi to Goa on a 320 air bus(1990ish) the plane was vibrating like mad under your feet, i got off the airbus at Goa and away it flew.It never landed again. it crashed landed at Bangalor with a total loss of lives…Phew.
Think you got to say John that was the luckiest day of your life that you disembarked in Goa
Hello John,
Note the shacks at the roadside where whole families live. Some have not got a shack even.
I have been down that dock road Phil a few times and these days there are trucks parked both sides of the road for about
2 miles non stop ,The cardboard,wood,tin and bits of old sheets that are there homes are now 2 and 3 tiers high.and go on for at least 3 miles. defiantly not a road to walk along at night,good pics Cheers