Class C Training Week Diary

Can i also just add a ‘well done’ and can you please keep us updated on the crack in your windscreen.
and get well soon to puss.

Well done :smiley:

I’ll just add a well done to the list too.

From time to time I post a diary about a weeks work, I write it daily and post at the end of the week. It takes a fair old while to do, so hats off to you for doing and posting one after doing training. When I did mine that’d be the last thing I’d want to do afterwards.

How much did you bng the examiner? :laughing:

Seriously though he’s got through 39000 tests without broken legs, he’s not going to risk that now. You could have had the worst drive ever and he’d have still passed you, it’s not like they could sack you.

Only kidding. Seriously nice one, lets have some more entertaining diaires as you progress through.