Hey everyone,
Its that time again, day 4 of training today! Last day so no mistakes can be made today, last day to sort out any problems I have before that perfect drive I have to perform tomorrow .
Training a little later today started at 10.30am until 2pm, so traffic a little lighter and easier to drive (I hope). So first off I get to the training centre, today I have a different instructor called Robin. He seems like a nice chap quite an older fella so he has old fashioned method’s and ways of doing things as I learn throughout the drive, He has a nasty cold as well so is a little grumpy (I hope he’s not reading this ).
I start off driving, he doesn’t say much and in my head I pretend that he is the examiner and really test myself. This worked great because I had not met him before or anything so seemed like a great idea to me. He is talking to me how an examiner would as well so I drive for around an hour until we reach the test centre we drive in there and park up. I think I have driven really well, no hesitation at roundabouts, no kerbs clipped and no one cut up or killed . “Really good drive Ashley just a few bits to go over nothing major just a couple of things” (Hooray he talks! ).
During my drive he kept telling me to move it on and hurry up ect which I did not like at all because I felt I was going the right speed for the situation’s I was in I don’t like being rushed, then later on he tells me I drove some situations too fast! It seems like I cant win here . First of all when passing a parked car I passed it too quickly apparently, I didn’t think I did but if that’s what he is saying I clearly did. Next off I passed a postman’s van I came out lovely did all the right things but when I moved back in I forgot to check him back in! (I know silly mistake I only did it this once wont be doing it again). Everything else not a problem so I start her up and drive on.
I pull over a couple of times and pull away again, some on a uphill gradient some downhill all fine no problems at all. Next off I drive through Botley I pass a thin piece of road with a wall on the edge slowly like advised by the previous examiner the next bit of road further ahead I have been previously told to take the whole road as it is a little narrow. So I go to indicate out and take the road like usual, Robin is not happy with this and says I shouldn’t take the whole road. So one trainers telling me one thing another telling me a different thing that’s the problem with having different trainers I suppose but you do gain more knowledge and understanding this way I believe.
Next off I just carry on driving through many tight turns and roundabouts which I complete successfully. I don’t clip any kerbs at all, I am using the method that Reg taught me about pointing the nose out this seems to be working every time for me. Also Robin directs me past many restrictions to which I avoid all of them as I know where they are now .
We then end up back at the test centre again! (He seems to like it here obviously) This time he gets out goes to the toilet tells me to grab myself some food and drink from the burger van opposite. I don’t go get anything as don’t want to eat and drink as I feel fine and if I drink anything I will be peeing all the time . I do get out and stretch my legs though, good job I did in fact because he was gone for 15 minutes! Robin strolls back yawning away like he has done all morning and I jump in and we run through some show me tell me questions.
Then off we drive an hour left to go and he says we will start heading back to the training centre (I’m thinking already. really we will be back real early I was ten minutes late out waiting for him then stopped for 15 minutes now were going to be back half hour early). But driving back we drive back all through narrow roads so takes a long time. While driving back he is actually closing his eyes and pipes up every noun again where to go (No he is not closing his eyes because my driving is that bad just because he is so relaxed I am guessing :S).
Before I know it we are nearly back at the training centre, here’s where Robin explains the cold he has got kept him up all night last night and he is shattered. Now that explains why he was resting his eyes between turnings and just letting me drive he must really trust me lol! We pull up and its actually 1.50pm so not too bad only ten minutes early, I go in and double check the board which confirms what I already know, in at 7am tomorrow test at 8.45am :S. We sit down and briefly go through the paperwork and write down some points to consider tomorrow. Which are, to consider my speed when passing parked vehicles and when not being able to see what’s coming around the corner always expect a massive arctic to come around and you will have no problem . Next to watch my distance when stopping before parked vehicles obstructing the road as I was quite close on one occasion. Other than that a very nice drive, Robin shakes my hand and says he will see me tomorrow.
Test day has fast approached! Tomorrow is the day I am slightly nervous but at the same time very excited, I cant wait. Read in tomorrow to find out my outcome hopefully its positive fingers crossed, Hopefully there’s no ■■■■■■■■■ on the road tomorrow and I will sail through! Sorry todays log is a little brief as I did not have long to write it up. speak to you all tomorrow!