Class 2 Beauties!

Had this from new in 81, cracking truck. Removed passenger seat and fitted it on driver’s side coz it had headrest and armrest’s then put a nice fiited carpet in :sunglasses: :wink: Also fitted the 3/4 piece of top bunk from the longer sleeper cab that I had taken from tractor unit I had driven some years before (when you are owed money and you realise you are not going to get it) :open_mouth: You settle for goods in kind :laughing: :wink: Did regular 2 weeks away running between NI and the mainland with sometimes up to 75 deliveries :open_mouth: With hindsight it was a really good job got left alone to get on with the work and got paid well.

Dave Penn;


Saw this last week in the Dam very smart.

Loved this one, it did 60mph :smiley:

took this & 2 others to Kosovo. Pleased I had this one though it was best puller, cleanest n comfiest. In Durham pre trip

the 3 of us waiting in italy for ferry to igumenitsa greece

A couple of my truck (well the works truck) in action :smiley:

Smart 1 in Stockholm



