class 1 fail

had row with ctt today still no retest date and i know for fact feathersrtone test dates are coming quite quick …they even said they rang and told me a test date on friday when they never they left message on my mobile saying ring today will try and sort a test date,rang today they said nothing at moment…when i was doing my training i overheard two of there instructors sayin they got big back log of retest…they really peed me off demanded a refund and after xmas im going to book up with some one else and do course on artic like i asked for not a drawbar…what really pees me off is that they wont even book test date for me even if it was 2/3 weeks away…lost my temper with them when i shouldnt have…but they contradict them selves first they say waiting on retest date from featherstone then they say it cause of wagons on courses but when i went there today to see them the wagon and trailor i was on and another drawbar outfit were parked up …these schools quick enough to give you course dates but dont want to know when comes to retests…so anyway i demended my retest money back im really peed off at moment

Like I said before…
Go online and book it yourself.
You will get one within two days i am sure - everybody else seems to.