Well in order to be able to use it in anything under warranty and maintain the warranty I would suggest you would have to have sent some of your fuel to an independent laboratory for testing to prove that it meets BS EN 590 which is the standard for diesel road fuel. You should also be able to prove that you have adequate product liability insurance cover in place so that if your fuel does result in someone’s engine self destructing that it would be covered.

I would suggest those two are the bare minimum you should have done before selling any of your fuel.


I already have the product liability insurance and I like the idea of the Lab testing I’ll see what I can do.

Give us 10,000 litres for nothing and in return we’ll provide you with results. :laughing:

I take it you are refining waste chip shop oil and intend to sell it on as vehicle fuel :question: :confused:

I would not use this bio diesel in any of my vehicles,nobody seems to be able to get consistent quality of fuel.I know one firm that use recycled cooking oil in there fleet.They just see to have constant fuel filter,lift pump and injection pump problems(The trucks are pre electronic DAFS) and the trucks are gutless,they also use alot more fuel.
If for example they use one and half times more fuel on your figures they would be paying £1.20 a litre pre vat price 13to14 pence more than normal diesel to travel the same distance. :confused:

Read my previous posts IT IS NOT BIO DIESEL. nor chip oil

Anyway, just tried it for the first time in my 1993 Corsa 1.5 diesel, engine runs great and a lot quieter, just going to take for a blast up the M55. Give us a tow if you see me on the hard shoulder

put some through a ■■■■■■■ and gasp as it puts a leg out of bed and the owner of said ■■■■■■■ hunts him down like a dawg! :smiley:

put some through a ■■■■■■■ and gasp as it puts a leg out of bed and the owner of said ■■■■■■■ hunts him down like a dawg! :smiley:

It did it with my DAF too :frowning: I had a detonation problem, or rather I didnt :wink:

One thing you have to remember is that Diesel fuel is also a lubricant and using ULSD can also damage older engines.

As previously mentioned there are specifications that have to be reached, ASTM and SAE standards.

What happened to that Irish bloke who had a magic device to save fuel?

Just got back from running the car up the motorway gave it a real battering, no problems so far, mate of mine is going to try it in his transit 350 2002 model which I think is common rail, this should be interesting,

Read my previous posts IT IS NOT BIO DIESEL. nor chip oil

so what is it :question: :question:

sorry like I said before not ready to divulge yet for fear of competition muscling in

sorry like I said before not ready to divulge yet for fear of competition muscling in

is it patentable ?

I can understand why you can’t divulge details, but I would be reluctant to actually try it without knowing what it was :exclamation: catch 22 :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

This is like a bloke asking you in the pub if you want to buy some cheap trainers for a fiver.

Yeah, sure, what size are they?

Sorry! cannot tell you that :laughing: At least with the trainers I could sell them on…

Well i just dont think anyone is going to pour something into a tank on his pride and joy not knowing if it will destroy his engine or gum up the injectors.

Don’t know myself yet if it will cause any damage which is why I am still testing, I know it has been tested for the last 4 years on a 300D Merc but quite an old model with no problems, I have had some figures on a 2005 pickup that has been running on it for the last 2 years, again no problems but I would like to try it personally, In these troubled times I am struggling a bit like everyone else, and if I get this wrong I could be in deep do do, all of my mates reckon I could be sat on a goldmine here so I don’t want to blow it. I will keep you all informed of how I get on

Sorry to sound negative but the likes of Shell and BP invest billions in fuel research and technology and we are supposed to believe a geezer from Lancashire has cracked it?

To quote from Dragons Den - I’m not investing, I’m out!!


Any news on this?

I have a sure fire recipe for cheap diesel, it does involve technology but this time its guaranteed to work, its a time machine, just set the clock for 1930 & voila :exclamation: Its the ONLY way youll ever get cheap fuel, simple as…

So many negative comments…I wish you all the best.
Someone probably told Richard Branson selling LPs from a phone box will never earn you any money!!!
Or Stellios mixing it with the big airlines will never work will it… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

All the best Cocker

So many negative comments…I wish you all the best.
Someone probably told Richard Branson selling LPs from a phone box will never earn you any money!!!
Or Stellios mixing it with the big airlines will never work will it… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

All the best Cocker

Thats a good analogy with the bearded one. He made a lot of money by being a little bit wider than Dover customs :stuck_out_tongue:

Cheap fuel without tax. that may work :wink: