Changing your user name

Denis F:

Will Cabi:
We have a few rules yes. But the only rule we have regarding changing user name is that users can change it if they want, but, only once every 6 months. :slight_smile:

Our rule regarding changing user name is in the first post of this thread !

If you have a genuine reason for changing your username send a pm to Mrs Mix and it will be considered

Will do Denis. Cheers

i’m confused, there is a link in this thread liknking to an earlier thread which has a link back to this one? has someone discovered time travel and not told us?

i’m confused, there is a link in this thread liknking to an earlier thread which has a link back to this one? has someone discovered time travel and not told us?

Two separate threads will have been merged into this one. Don’t panic. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

If you change your username your posts will still be associated to you…